9. black and red cloaks?

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"is y/n still not awake?"
i hear a deep voice mutter before saying "you 3 go wait outside while i wake her up" there were a few pairs of footsteps that walked away and one pair that was approaching me. as soon as they stop i feel something poking my cheek, still sleepy i lightly wave my hand trying to push away whatever was poking me.

after hearing yet another sigh the voice from earlier speaks up again "y/n you better get up now or i'm going to have to use my secret jutsu on y-" immediately knowing what justu the voice was referring too i shoot up only to stop when i feel something hard collide with my forward, i pull back and hold my head in pain, looking up i seen kakashi holding his nose in pain, "you're forehead is as hard as a rock.." he groans, "sorry!" i apologise and make sure he's ok. "anyways.. the others are waiting outside for you, we're going to go do some training" i nod telling him i understand so he leaves.


"alright for today you're all going to be climbing these trees" "haaah" we all stare at kakashi like he was an idiot "sakura can you please explain chakra" sakura nods and goes on to explain it.


i look up at the tree, it was around 7-8pm sakura and kakashi had already left while sasuke and naruto were still trying to reach the top of the tree, they seemed to be on their last try "i should finish up too..." i take a deep breath, running at the tree focusing my chakra i run up 'nearly!' i let out a breath of relieve having reached the top looking to my left to see naruto and sasuke already at the bottom of the tree "hey! y/n you coming?!" naruto yells up at me "ah..i think i'll stay out here a bit longer!" i sigh closing my eyes and lifting my head up enjoying the breeze.

"sasori can you remind me why we're here again? hn" this startled me nearly making me fall but i manage to stay atop the tree. using my shirangan i look down at the ground to see two people dressed in black cloaks covered in red clouds 'what? who're the-' my thoughts are cut short as the tree i'm standing on begins to shake "w-wHhAaaAT" the tree was swaying intensely from side to side until i finally fell off "AAHHHHH!"

i look down to see the ground approaching "I'M TOO YOUNG TO D-oofh" before i could reach the ground someone catches me. i open my eyes to look at who had caught me, in front of me was a very pretty blonde girl "t-thank you miss" i notice the girls face grow several irk marks (💢) "is somethin-" i was unable to finish my sentence as the blonde girl had thrown me into a tree "I'M NOT A GIRL!" the middle of my back hit the tree, rubbing my now painful back i look forward at the blond gi- i mean boy "well sorry! maybe if you didn't look so pretty i wouldn't have mistaken you for a girl!!" i yell at him feeling angry, the blonde haired boys face started turning a little red.

"deidara enough. we're here to find and observe the l/n child" i freeze up 'they're here for me?' the weird ugly and slightly bald...man? turns to continue walking "sasori my man, why not ask this girl here, un." the blonde one i'm guessing is deidara points at me while the ugly thing who i'm assuming is sasori stops to turn back around "i guess we can try..brat, do you know a girl with the name y/n l/n?" they both approach and stand in front of me, sweating i move my eyes around looking for something to help me "uh...u-uh, n-no i'm sorry but i don't" i fake a smile, waving my hands in front of me deidara looks like he was about to say something but stopped

"y/nnnn!" "hey y/n!" i hear kakashi's voice calling my name they both turn back to look at me "well it seems the person you're looking for is out here, haha...." i begin to crawl away but get pulled back by one of the two who jumps away, hiding behind a few trees "ka-!" a hand is slapped over my mouth so i can't scream

"y/n? hm i could've sworn i heard her voice?" kakashi scratches his head and turns around walking away 'no kaka-' i'm stopped by something biting my lips "mmh!" i start to squirm in the person's grasp but it just causes them to clamp their hand down harder on my mouth, whatever bit me was still there and begun to bite harder, "le-mnnhn!" , it felt like a mouth but i wasn't sure 'i'm gonna kill this guy!'

"deidara remove your hand" sasori's croaky voice broke the silence saving me, i drop down on the tree panting "w....ho.." i wipe my mouth as blood was dripping from it, i look behind me to see deidara with a pinky-red tint spreading on his cheeks "ah, my bad" he laughs waving the hand that was covering my mouth, my eyes widen as his hands both had a mouth on it, forgetting that i quickly stand up clenching my fist "you...creep!" i yell punching him square in the face and running off to head back to the others.


i burst through the door to see everyone including tazuna and two other people sitting down eating "ah, Y/N WHERE WERE YOU" sakura jumps up pointing at me angrily "kakashi sensei i need to..to talk with you" i say through breaths, grabbing him and pulling him with me into a different room to explain to him what happened.

i uhm 👉👈 i hope this is ok!

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