32. the 4 hokage

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i stand up and grip sasuke's shoulder "who's this?" questions a long black haired man, the 1st hokage to be exact "y/n?" another voice speaks up which catches my attention "minato?" i tilt my head, a smile spreads across his face mine brightening up as well 'seeing as he recognises me..that means it wasn't a dream!' i run over and embrace minato in a hug whilst everyone else just watched in pure confusion.

"ahem..that there is y/n...l/n" orochimaru gestures towards me, the 3 kage all look at me with wide eyes, minato himself slightly surprised by my last name "l/n? well now that you mention it..her chakra is rather powerful." a white haired man, the 2nd, says curiously, "she has grown quite a bit" the 3rd hums, ignoring them i stand up and glare at sasuke then walk over to jugo and listen to their conversation, occasionally gaining glances from 2 of the hokage, minato and tobirama.


"vengeance against the leaf? you brat filled with uchiha evil!" tobirama glares as a blue chakra surrounds him, causing the room to feel tense "tobirama!" hashirama shouts as a purple chakra surrounds him, making the room even more tense and now suffocating 'talk about presence...' i sweat drop but stand still not even flinching.

tobirama eventually lowered his finger "..don't rile up your chakra elder brother." he had a very obvious pout on his face while hashirama just laughed "sorry about that" the 3rd, sarutobi lets out a sigh of relief, minato just looks up at the sealing in amazement "that's incredible" he says.


hashirama finishes his story on how he and madara met, per sasuke's request, "it seems that my brother, itachi, inherited your will without even exchanging words with you.." sasuke pauses before continuing but i had zoned out because of rinen, 'what do you mean you know the 1st, 2nd and 4th hokage...' "well i have been alive for awhile. ah, as i was saying the 1st and 2nd are able to tell my chakra apart from yours, i'm sure they've already noticed now but..don't tell them that it's me just say something else." i raise my eyebrow questionably 'why..?' "don't ask questions brat"

i quickly cover my mouth as i accidentally let out a giggle "what's so funny?" suigtesu points at me as everyone else stares "uh no it's nothing- important- can we go to the battle now" i quickly wave my hands around "yes, we can." sasuke replies "tobirama can you fly us outside" "i would love to use flying raijin but i'm bound right now" "oro-" "no need i can just take us outside" i quickly walk over to orochimaru and grab his hand, marking it then going over to hasirama and grabbing his hand, he was slightly surprised but relaxed after i let go of his hand, i snatched up tobirama's hand and quickly marked it then moved on to the other 2 kage 'that 2nd hokage really likes to stare..'

once outside i stare at suigetsu who was trying to make a run for it but gets kicked in the face by a very angry karin. "tobirama, lets go" hashirama nods his head at his brother who sighs and places a hand on his shoulder, then disappears as does minato and sarutobi.

"y/n?" orochimaru questions "ah yeah, i'm not sending you to the main battlefield though" "wh-" i let out a sigh of relief as i quickly got rid of him then glared at sasuke "you can get to the battlefield yourself" i poke my tongue out and teleport to naruto.


"y/n?!" shouts naruto  who was kneeled on the ground  sakura standing behind him healing him "where is obito and kakashi?" i look around "in that weird eye dimension" naruto replies "i see...madara! you know who's coming right?!" i shout at madara who was encased inside his susanoo "...so you've met hashirama" he mumbles then throws his gunbai at me, the chains attached to the handled wrap around my waist and pull me up to madara "h-hey! you know i can jus-" he grips my chin roughly forcing me to shut up and look into his eyes "le...t..go..." my body begun to feel limp and my vision darkened, "good girl.." is all i heard before i fell unconscious.
....disgusting!....whore!" a fragile h/c haired girl flails around as a tall (random hair color) girl shoves her head repeatedly into the filthy bathroom toilet, a few other people watching and laughing as this happened. with one final dunk she lets go of the h/c haired girls hair "that'll teach you to not approach my boyfriend, fucking bitch" the (random hair color) haired girl storms out of the bathroom stall with her friends, leaving the other female alone and struggling to breath.

...the scene changes and now the same fragile girl sat on the hard wooden floor of what was meant to be her bedroom, head in her knees and lost in her thoughts as she slowly closed her eyes, a single tear slipping out of her right eye.

...in front of a limp body, she stood, the pale piece of flesh hung from the living room ceiling, a note only just dropped now laying on the ground at her feet as she approached the kitchen....

now here she was, reborn, given a second chance. perhaps god, if there was one, pitied her, things were going to get better. at least they were supposed to...

not only her mothers corpse but her older brothers sat slumped on the ground in front of her feet, the skin pale and their blood cold. her farther? only his blood was left.

she stares with no expression present on her face, wasn't god supposed to be giving her a second chance? if so then why, why take away the people who finally made her feel happy.

she shakes her head and slaps her cheeks "i can't throw this life away. if 'god' can't give me happiness then i'll just find it myself." she tries to argue with her depressing thoughts and manages to push them down and hide them away.

gasp i sit up quickly, my breathing heavy. looking around i was alone in what seemed to be an infinite void "where am i..." i rub my head and try to stand up but fall as i felt a hand wrap around my ankle, looking behind me i could see...myself, except any life that once shone in my eyes was gone "why try to go back, why not just destroy it all and recreate a world where you can always be happy...and you won't lose anyone" i grit my teeth as my other self stands up and looks down at me "b-because! i'm happy..i have so many friends that care for me!" i bite back "but do they really." i flinch "naruto is supposed to be your friend yet..he accused you of betraying the village and blamed jiraiya's death on you." my eyes widen in sudden realisation but i mentally slap myself "he was just..u-upset!" "sakura, she always looks at you with a slight hint of disgust" "no!"

a scene flashes through my head for a second, it was when i was being dunked into the bathroom toilet in my old world..the only difference was sakura was there plunging my head into the toilet. ino, sasuke, naruto and hinata all laughing with her.

"see, you know i'm right." "n- no i- that isn-" "don't lie to yourself anymore." the other me looks at my confused and panicked form, smirking she kneels down and places a hand on my cheek gently, she smiles "lets just remake this world..a place where only happiness exists..." i feel my chaotic thoughts come to a halt, my arms fall limply to my sides "i just...want to be happy" tears begin to stream down my face as everything grows dark....

3rd pov

there's a giant flash of pure darkness as a figure appears atop the ten tails, that figure being 'y/n'

————————————AHHHH i don't know why but i kinda like this chapter 👉👈 i wanted to focus a tad on y/n's darker feelings, her pain

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AHHHH i don't know why but i kinda like this chapter 👉👈 i wanted to focus a tad on y/n's darker feelings, her pain. hope you guys enjoy!

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