27. a jashinest, a shy red head and an emo uchiha

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"ahhh!" a shinobi falls back in fear and surprise as i suddenly appeared next to them, they quickly fumble around to pull out a kunai and then point it at me 'they must all be on guard because of zetsu' i sigh and walk away from the scared shinobi.

jumping from tree to tree i activate my byakugan 'there they are' i smile and speed up 'it really is a pain that kabuto destroyed my mark on them, otherwise things would have been easier..'

"huh-" "hm?" the two hum at my presence "nagato, itachi!" i greet them excitedly with a strong hug "y/n? why are you here" nagato questions "to release you both from the jutsu you're under i pull back "you can do that?" itachi says in slight surprise "yea, the jutsu you're under is one that was created by my clan" i respond while placing a hand on nagato's head. (nagato is alive)

"ah- i can move freely again" nagato says while clenching and unclenching his hands. i turn to itachi and stare at him before speaking up "itachi, once i release you from kabuto's control, what will you do?" he stays silent for a moment "i'll stop the reanimation jutsu" "what if you run into sasuke?" he looks down in thought for a moment "i will make him believe that i am a reanimation." sighing i place a hand on his head and begin breaking the jutsu.

"thank you" itachi says as i back away slightly "before i go after kabuto, i need to speak with naruto" he says whilst looking in another direction "oh..we-..." he jumps away before i could finish

"y/n?" nagato taps my shoulder "hm?" i hum and turn around to face him, only just now noticing his eyes no longer possessed the rinnegan and were a sky blue "nagato? what happened to your eyes?" i lean in to his face to make sure i was seeing things right "w-w-well i l-lost them" he stutters with red cheeks "so then..that's why he had a rinnegan" i bite my lip in slight anger.

(quick a/n, tobi took the rinnegan after fighting konan who survived her fight with tobi, the eyes nagato has now are his original eyes, i just imagined they'd be blue)

"what a pain...." i sigh "nagato, is it ok if i send you to a safe place? kakuzu, deidara, sasori and kisame are currently there already" he looks at me shyly "it is but uh..." he gazes to the side for a moment "thank you" he leans in and kisses my forehead lovingly, blushing slightly i giggle "it's no biggie" i place a hand on his shoulder, marking it and then teleporting him to where the rest were.

'with itachi going after kabuto i won't have to worry about that..so i should probab-' "hah? y/n?" a familiar voice distracts me from my thoughts "hidan?!" my eyes widen at hidan's sudden appearance "yeah no shit" he continues approaching me, he no longer wore his akatsuki cloak and instead had very dark red pants with bandages in place of a belt and a black sleeveless v-neck shirt, "what're you doing here?" i ignore his sarcastic comment "looking for kakuzu, he just up and disappeared a couple days ago" i could tell he was obviously annoyed "oh well i ca-" "now that i've found you though, i don't care about kakuzu anymore" he smirks and wraps an arm around my shoulder, an irk mark appears on my forehead as i noticed his eyes staring down at my chest, in an instant he disappears "tch, damn pervert" i cross my arms angrily before focusing back on the fact a war was going on.


"it's nearly morning huh.." i mumble whilst looking at the rising sun "i should ask shikaku where he thinks i'm needed" i close me eyes and use mind body transmission, a technique inoichi taught me.

"shikaku, where am i needed?" i heard a hum of surprise before he composed himself "gaara's 4th division, 4 previous kage were reanimated there for a moment, they were sent back but i believe kabuto will use them to battle once the sun rises fully" "which kage?" "the 3rd raikage, 2nd mizukage, 2nd tsuchikage and the 4th kazekage" i groan tiredly "alright thanks shikaku" i stop the jutsu and immediately teleport to gaara.

yes i knowwww it's kinda short 😭 also, the crow with shisui's eye doesn't get used/ itachi never gave it to naruto.

someone asked for yahiko sooo, when nagito used rinne rebirth it also affected yahiko, (pain) and so yahiko is ✨alive✨ yall just arent gonna meet him yet

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