24. a giant turtle?

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i sit up with a sharp breath "ugh...what a weird dream, it felt so real too.." i mumble and touch my lips,a small blush dusting my cheeks, looking around i was still sat atop my bird and in the same spot as before 'guess i was only asleep for a few minutes' i shrug and focus back on my mission.

-3 weeks later(is that how long it took to get to the island?)

i hover in one spot not too far from the island, that i discovered was a giant turtle, staring at it with my byakugan 'is that...' i squint as i focus on a certain chakra 'that's...samehada' i sigh and sit back, guessing that kisame was there i decide not to do anything unless he does, i was reluctant to admit that i just didn't want to fight/injure kisame.

my eyes widen for a second "itachi's chakra just...wavered for a moment...then my mark disappeared" i furrow my eyebrows 'the same thing happened 5 days ago with kakuzu, deidara and sasori's chakra as well' i let out a heavy sigh, knowing i can't do much while on a mission.

suddenly i felt the presence of the 9 tails chakra grow, looking onto the 'island' i could see naruto surrounded in a bright yellow chakra? 'he seems to have it under contro- wait-!' "kisame? is he on the move?" i stand up on my bird as i noticed something strange go on with samehada "that damn fish" i curse and fly closer which took some time, then jump off and land down on the 'island'

i landed in a small waterfall "what the-!" "huh?!" shouts of surprise sounded out as i appeared. "kisame..!" i glare at the sharky man who was bound by yamato's wood style "y/n?" he sweats slightly at my scary aura "i know this chick, she was with the uchiha boy i tricked!" (IM GONNA STRUGGLE WITH HIS LINES SO MUCH AHDGDGD) a tall tan man, specifically the 8 tails, says while waving his hands around in funny ways, "tch, all of you stand back" i wave a hand at the surrounding ninja, which included guy sensei, yamato and naruto.

"kisame." i walk over to him with my hand raised, bringing it down harshly on his right cheek before sighing and kneeling down in front of him with a smile "how about instead fo working with the akatsuki, you follow itachi" i whisper, his eyes widen "but itachi is dead" "no he is very much alive, however i think something happened to him i'm just not sure what" he slowly nods in confusion "for now, you need to rest" i pat his head gently and he disappears in an instant.

"are you sure that was a smart idea?" rinen questions 'yea...i know he's the enemy but he's still my friend'

"y/n! what's the meaning of this?! we needed him to extract information!" yamato shouts at me "you wouldn't have gotten much, kisame may have seemed like a bad guy to you but he's incredibly loyal and would rather die than reveal information" i dust my knees while standing up "also...yamato we need to talk" i grab yamato's hand and walk far away from naruto.

"i didn't think when i jumped down here, so now the enemy knows of naruto's location. we need to get moving" he nods with a hum and i turn to walk away however before i can take a step yamato pulls me back by my hand "h-huh?" i glance at yamato who quickly embraces me in a hug "y-yamato is s-something wrong?" i stutter in slight embarrassment at how close we were "uh..no nothing" he quickly pushes me away and clears his throat "i'll go report this information, you should hurry and move away from here" "yeah, cya" i wave my hand at him and unroll a blank scroll, quickly painting a bird onto it that then grew.

whilst flying atop my bird i was sat crossed legged trying to think of what to do 'i sent kisame to the hideout where i kept itachi, so he should be safe for now. however itachi's chakra is nowhere near there...' i close my eyes and concentrate then open them again with a hum "it's best to abandon this mission and head to the cloud village, tsunade should be there as well as the other kage" i change my course, causing the bird to take a sharp turn to the left and speed up.

the ink bird pops as i jump onto the roof of the raikage building, sliding down the side i hold onto the glass using chakra that i focused in my hands, tapping the glass i gain the attention of everyone inside which was 4 of the 5 kage and a few others.


"y/n? why are you here?" tsunade says in an angry tone "you'll get the report from yamato later, right now i think it's best to use me on the battlefield" she sighs and holds a hand to her forehead "we were actually just talking about that" gaara speaks up "huh?" i walk over to the table the 4 sat at "gaara here is going to be leading the allied forces" i choke for a moment "what?! that's awesome gaara!" i wrap my arms around gaara's shoulders in excitement "y-yeah..." he mumbles "young love.." the tsuchikage sighs.

"ahem, as i was saying" gaara continues "we all agreed that you will be your own unit, unit 6." i look at him in slight confusion "why on my own?" "all though i'm reluctant to admit it, you child, are on the same level as us kages, perhaps even stronger" the tsuchikage finishes with a groan "e-eh?!" i blink several times before i grasp that i was just praised by the tsuchikage "yes, so your previous mission has been cut short. now it's time to discuss what we have planned, take a seat y/n" tsunade gestures to the empty chair next to gaara.

"y/n, you will put a mark on at least 100 ninja from each unit, this will make it easier for you to get to places quicker than anyone else. you will also be allowed to help the units that you believe need the most help however if we give you orders to go help another unit you are to do so immediately." she takes in a breath before finishing "you'll travel with kakashi's unit 3 to start off with" i nod "before we can put any of that into action, we need to know all abilities you have and can use" the raikage leans forward in his seat.

"alright first off is-.....

...-and i can use a bit of particle style" all kages who's eyes were already widened somehow grew even more "i knew the l/n clan was powerful but i never imagine they were this powerful..." tsuchikage, onoki, holds a hand to his head to calm down, "y/n may as well be our greatest asset at this point, you said you could use wood style correct?" the raikage questions "yes, i just haven't used it much" "how is it you can use wood style without hashirama's cells?" tsunade questions as the raikage glares at me "i couldn't find much on how my kekkei genkai exactly works except for, whenever i witness a kekkei genkai in use my body alters its blood and cells so that it allows me to use them to their full ability." tsunade plops her head down on the table "ugh...i need a drink after all this" she groans tiredly "hehe...if that's all then i'm going to go find kakashi." and without any hand signs i disappear.

"ah-" i reappeared next to kakashi who wasn't surprised however 3 other people jumped back in alarm, their weapons raised "calm down, i'm on your side" i reassure the 2 shinobi and 1 samurai who slowly withdraw their weapons "i assume that lady tsunade and the other kage filled you in on the plan" kakashi questions "yeah, i was a little surprised at first" "hm" kakashi hums in response, "alright, you 5 it's time" gaara suddenly appears from nowhere "alright lets go, this is getting so dull" a tan, bleached haired man says and with that we all walk outside to announce the start of the war.

y/n has improved with her teleportation so now she can teleport to someone without weaving any hand signs, if she has absolutely no concentration she will not be able to teleport, and she has learnt how to use the marking on weapons, tools and housing(walls etc).

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