12. hot springs.

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"1 large room please" i smile at the lady who was seated behind a desk "that'll be $////" she smiles back as i hand her the needed cash.

"y/n why did you even plan this? yeah." deidara looks at me slightly annoyed "because we need a break."i humph and nod my head, tobi joins me "yeah!" 'well actually...it's so i can mark you guys with my jutsu' i sweat a little,

"i just wanted to sacrifice that bitch! why didn't you let me kakuzu?!" hidans angry voice could be heard from down the hall as the door to our large suite slides open "it would have caused a fuss." kakuzu grumbles "oh, hey hidan, kakuzu" i smile at the two "so when do we get to go in the hot springs" hidan sits down next to me, sliding an arm around my shoulder, i put my hand on hidan's back, at the same time placing a mark on it 'thats 3 down, 4 to go' i smile before speaking up "i'm bathing in the woman's bath hidan." i roll my eyes at the pervy jashinist "that's so boring!" he curses and wonders away into one of the rooms.

not long after itachi, kisame and sasori had arrived together and we all decided to go soak in the hot springs.

"i-it's closed..." i stare at the females hot spring entrance that held a small sign next to it that read "under construction, use males bath!" my eye twitches in annoyance as i stiffly walk towards the only usable hot spring, 'why do i have to be so unlucky'.

i make sure the towel around my body is secured before i step into the outdoor hot spring where the others were chatting away "huh? y/n?" tobi noticed me first and spoke up straight away "the..the female baths are closed..." i look away shyly and sit on a small stool to wash my body before i get in.

i slide my towel off as my back was facing the others, i lift up a bucket of water and dump it over my body, then scrub it with soap before rinsing it out again. i grab my towel and walk over to the hot springs only to see everyone staring at me with wide eyes, even sasori (imma just make it so that itachi can actually see properly atm) "...look away or i'll poke your eyes out." i glare at everyone who flinches and turns around, i let out a deep breath as my towel slides off, i slowly step into the hot spring the.

i lean against the side of the spring "what?" i stare at everyone who had turned around as soon as they heard me get fully into the water "y/n, what're these?" tobi distracts me as he was next to me and staring at my chest, 'why's he wearing a mask in the hot spring..' i shake my head and look back up at tobi "you don't need to know.." i roll my eyes before closing them and leaning back to enjoy the nice warm water, however that didn't last long..my eyes widen as i felt a hand grip one of my boobs "it's squishy!" tobi giggles and squeezes it over and over again "t-tobi s..stop" my face was heating up as i weakly tried to push tobi away "h-?" tobi is swiftly pulled back by kakuzu 'thank god.' i let out a sigh of relief and make sure to wrap my hands over my chest before closing my eyes again.

after awhile of soaking i had begun to feel too hot so before getting out i ordered the boys to look away, quickly snatching my towel i wrap it around me and walk into the changing rooms.

i hum as i wonder back to our room, i was wearing the yukata's we were given, the girls wore a simple white one with light blue dots scattered over it, the boys was light blue with white dots.

i slide open the door and sit down at the small table that was setup for us to eat on, i press the small button situated under the table to call for someone (made this up bcuz idk if naruto shippuden had phones-).

after i ordered, the others all came back in chattering and bickering away, causing me to sigh "i've ordered some food so sit down" i tap the ground. hidan took the spot on my left while itachi somehow slipped into the spot on my right without anyone noticing. "itachi.." i tap his shoulder while whispering "have you decided?" i look up at him with anticipation "..i..have" my heart beats faster in slight fear "and.?" i eagerly nudge his shoulder "i wish for you to heal me.." my face immediately lights up in happiness that i quickly control before anyone else can notice.

a second chance (naruto!various x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now