naruto movie 1:Dai Katsugeki!Yuki Hime Shinobu Houjou Dattebayo!

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"watch out princess!" naruto yells at the cinema screen that was playing a movie, specifically 'the adventures of princess gale' "ha!" princess gale attacks one of the enemy soldiers as more stand up "give up princess and bow before me!" the main antagonist shouts "i will never give long as i live i will gather my strength and forge a path for others to follow!" a rainbow chakra surrounds her as her allies join her in the fight "haa!" she aims an attack at the enemy as happy music plays "hehee! alright! princess gale you rule!" naruto happily yells "hey what do you think you're doing up there!" someone yells causing naruto to fall down "ow..hey what's the big deal?" he rubs his head as the man who yelled at naruto before begins to say that naruto snuck in

"shouldn't we-" i was cut short as sasuke and sakura both jump down "of course.." i sigh and jump down with them "you bet we are! you're looking at the next hokage! naruto uzamaki! l-" paper and rubbish is suddenly thrown directly at naruto knocking him over "o-ow, ow!" i silently giggle to myself.


"kakashi sensei is late.." sakura sighs "so what else is new?" sasuke rolls his eyes to himself "why did he have us watch a movie anyways?" i raise my eyebrow at the others, stopping sakura from scolding naruto "i wish we could've stayed a little longer..i could've watched that handsome michy play his role all day.." sakura fangirls "what happened to sasuke then?" i tilt my head in confusion "ah! but he doesn't compare to sasuke!" "sakura your taste in men kinda sucks.." naruto mumbles "come again?!" sakura fiercely turns around and glares at naruto "ah i'm sorry what was the question?" naruto plops his head down

"i'd be on cloud 9 if i could fight with a girl like that" naruto sighs to himself "it was just a movie" sasuke said while sitting on a few pipes "but it would be nice to have all those men fighting with you.." i hold my cheeks with my hands and wiggle around giddily, suddenly we are all distracted by the sound of horse footsteps "huh?" i turn to face the wooden fence like the other 3, a girl on a white horse jumps over the fence 'was that...' i stare at her retreating form "was that princess gale?!" naruto was so distracted and didn't have time to jump away from the opening gate "ow-" sakura was also pushed back "why you!" she jumps up and clenches her fist "wait guys!" i run after naruto and sakura who had run off.

the princess was running through the streets on her horse with several other people dressed as the enemies from the movie "this is weird.." i sweat drop but continue jumping from roof to roof, the people dressed in black try to throw a net over princess gale but naruto throws shuriken which cuts the net "don't you worry princess gale i will protect you!" he shouts heroically and jumps off after the actor who continued to run away "ugh..naruto!" i sigh and run after him, leaving sakura and sasuke to deal with the strange people.

i finally found naruto standing next to princess gale "i don't believe this!" he rambles on about how awesome the movies was but is pushed away by gale who runs off on her horse. "i'm not sure whether or not i should help him.." i sigh but nonetheless still run after naruto who had somehow jumped on the back of the horse as they ran through the streets again. "hey look out!" this startles gale(yukie) who pulls on the reins of the horse, stopping it before it trampled some kids but made them both fall of in the process "ah! naruto!" i run over to naruto who was rubbing his head while sitting up from the ground.

"enough already!" i was distracted by the actor who had started to yell at the kids that were harassing her for her autograph "that was a little rude.." i glare at her as she ran off "ah but are you ok naruto?" i quickly turn back to naruto who was rubbing his head "yeah..but do you mind if i go after her?" he was still staring at where she once stood with wide eyes "only if i can come along" i smirk at naruto who turns to me with a smile on his face.

naruto was 'skilfully' following yukie who was holding open a mirror "ah!" she suddenly begins to run so me and naruto both chase after her. "wha-oph.." she falls back as naruto who was standing upside down on some beams with his arms held out holding some paper and a marker, she sighs "fine.." and snatches the objects from naruto "yay!" i walk out from where i was standing "-naruto uzamaki!" he happily shouts "that's a nice necklace" i point out the crystal dangling around her neck, she ignores me and turns to face naruto who gets a face full of pepper spray "hey!" he grabs his eyes and stumbles back, knocking over the beams he once stood on as they fell on him, i look towards yukie who rips the autograph "freak.." she turns around and walks away "what a bitch.." i glare at her which causes her to turn around, glancing at me before turning the corner "naruto!" i spin around and go to help naruto "hmph!" he pouts "come on lets go find her!" he grabs my arm and runs off 'even after all that?'

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