28. y/n+ vs '4' kage

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"y/n." gaara states my name as i arrived "hmp, took your time" the tsuchikage grumbles, i roll my eyes and quickly look ahead with my byakugan activated 'that one with the bandages..i could barely sense their chakra' i narrow my eyes in speculation  "the one with the bandages is the 2nd tsuchikage, he is the one who taught me the particle style and is a formidable opponent." onoki speaks up after observing my expression "i see" i deactivate my byakugan, turning to face gaara and onoki "i assume you have a plan then?" onoki nods "gaara shall deal with the kazekage while you and i go after the tsuchikage" i nod with a hum.

using particle style i float up into the air along with onoki, gaara uses his sand to move around in the air.

after gaara sent out a wave of sand the 3 of us lowered down in front of the enemies. "let me determine once again what you may be worth gaara" a man, the 4th kazekage, says to gaara. "yes, onoki you must stop me. against particle style the number of opponents does not matter, you are the only one who can stop me" the mummified tsuchikage declares "well fortunately there just so happens to be another shinobi capable of stopping you" onoki glances at me briefly, this causes the 4 reanimated kage to look at me in surprise "that girl isn't from the stone so how come she knows how to use particle style!" the mummy responds in slight anger,

i clear my throat and but in on the conversation "my name is y/n, i come from the l/n clan" i bow politely, the 4 all step back in shock at the mention of my clan "when i was around that clan was on the brink of extinction" responds the mizukage "yes, i am the last remaining l/n" i reply to his comment "if that's so then i would very much like to fight you" he points at me with a smile of excitement, gaara steps in quickly "y/n has to take down the 2nd tsuchikage with the 3rd tsuchikage" the mizukage pouts in sadness "she'd rather fight that mummy...?" he whispers.

gaara and his father both send attacks towards one another whilst the allied shinobi rush in, onoki and i both go after his former teacher.

"particle style, atomic dismantling jutsu!" we shout in unison, aiming our attack at the tsuchikage who does the same. "you've gotten old onoki." the mummy states before going invisible, "you're lucky to have that l/n clan girl otherwise you would die" i giggle slightly at the praise.

"brat, when he goes invisible you won't be able to find him with your byakugan" "alright" i quickly concentrate on activating sage mode, in the mean time onoki had created 6 stone clones of himself "so are you gonna help or what" he turns to glance back at me "i'll need about 15 seconds" he groans in response and focuses back on the enemy.

i open my eyes just as gaara arrived "behind you tsuchikage!" gaara and i both shout, onoki moves to fly out of the way but freezes as a crack is heard from his back, i muffle a laugh and quickly head over to move him out of the way before the mummies attack can hit him, however after looking behind me i noticed naruto, well a shadow clone, with a weird rasengan in hand about to attack the mummy.

annoyingly the mummy dodges "dammit,  gaara sand!" gaara responds immediately by sending sand out for naruto to jump off of, 'woah...' i stare in awe at naruto's strength. onoki quickly moves down to where the mummy landed and helps to stop him from moving anywhere.

'that's weird...' i furrow my eyebrows and approach the sealed tsuchikage 'maybe its just apart of the reanimation' i shrug and turn around to see naruto staring at me, he opens his mouth but is stopped by gaara who scolds naruto angrily "why are you on the battlefield naruto?!" "well it's kinda a long story..." naruto sheepishly scratches the back of his neck.

shikaku's voice enters our minds suddenly as we head in the direction of the other battles, explaining why naruto is on the battlefield.

"naruto, y/n you 2 go after the raikage, gaara and i shall deal with the 2nd mizukage" onoki instructs, naruto and i nod in unison then turn in the direction of the raikage.

while heading to the raikage naruto speaks up hesitantly "hey y/n..." i turn to him with a raised eyebrow "what's...WRONG WITH YOUR EARS?!" he pinches my ear and pulls on it "o-ow! naruto stop! it's my sage mode!" i slap his hand away "what?! who taught you?" sighing "we have more important things to worry about" i speed up "h-hey! wait up y/n!" naruto shouts.

naruto and i both land in front of the raikage and the allied shinobi. "naruto, you know what to do" he grins, jumping up using rasenshuriken.

naruto finally lands a
hit on the raikage but before the sealing team can get to him he stands up and gets ina pose like he is about to attack, "is that.." mumbles one of the shinobi with an eye patch over their left eye "you earth style shinobi! get a wall up immediately!" he grabs naruto and i, jumping back then makes a wall of some weird rubbery stuff, "shadow clone jutsu!" i creat 3 shadow clones and line them up in front of the rubber wall, "susanoo!" my 3 clones including myself activate susanoo, a chakra that flashes white/black(or ur f/c) rises.

the raikage breaks through the rubber and connects with one of my clones 'maybe..i underestimated him a bit..' "all of you get back!" i shout as one of my clones run to move the shinobi out of the way. my clones susanoo cracks and the raikage rushes forward past the shinobi protected by my clone.

"why not have him injure himself? with that attack he used just now." rinen says quickly 'ah! great idea!'

"naruto!" i shout and jump over to him and the rubber guy "i have a plan...

....and then i'll seal him" i finish just as the rocks we stood on broke apart, i teleport to temari while rubber guy sends the raikage after a dummy naruto, buying us some time

"naruto, get ready!" i shout as i sensed the raikage's chakra approaching "gotcha!" naruto replies as he creates a shadow clone. with his rasengan and sage mode he runs at the kage who held out one finger, naruto dodges and aims his rasengan at the kages elbow, his arm goes straight into his right chest, smiling i quickly rush over with a roll of cloth.

after sealing the raikage naruto and i head over to onoki and gaara.

upon arriving gaara and onoki seemed to have everything under control, "gaara, old man" i create a shadow clone and send it over to onoki whilst i focus on healing gaara, "thank you y/n" gaara stands up as does onoki, sighing i relax and go out of sage mode.

my eyes widen at the new chakra "ever-" "wait what is that?!" a shinobi interrupts me "what? what is it that you sense?" onoki says "over there!" shouts the shinobi who points at one of the rocks, out steps the 2nd tsuchikage "i thought you guys had him sealed, gaara?" naruto says "impossible- in that state he fragmented himself?" onoki says in shock "guys that isn't the problem right now." i snap the 3 out of their amazement, slowly out steps a man with long messy black hair, dressed in red armor

"madara uchiha..." onoki mumbles

"but how does he look exactly the same as he did before?" onoki questions himself "because, he's a reanimation." everyone turns to look at me in surprise "then who was that masked man?!" naruto shouts "i know who the masked man is but i'm unable to tell you guys" i briefly shine my ring at them "so then that's the real madara?" gaara asks "yes"
meanwhile with hidan, sasori, deidara, kakuzu, kisame and nagato...

hida: "ugh, why are you here!"

dei: "hah?! i was here way before you!"

kaku: "just shut up both of you."

hida: "stay out of this you old bitch!"

kaku: "..."


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