10. 3 tails captured!

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i slowly felt my eyes fluttering open, sitting up i look around to see i'm in an empty room "guess everyone's already awake" sighing i rub my eyes before standing up to exit the room i was in.

"good morning y/n" kakashi 'smiles' at me, i let out a muffled "yeah" while stretching my arms above my head, yawning "great timing, we were just informed that tsunade wants you to stay here with the other anbu that will arrive soon "huh?! why.." i cry mentally and sit with the others "i believe it's because you know the most about the akatsuki and would have a higher chance of stopping them if they tried to take the 3 tails" yamato said "oh..." i lean my head against the person who was next to me, shino, who stiffens at my sudden touch. i secretly put a hand on his leg, marking it with my new jutsu and then speak up quickly "i'm going to be so lonely" i mumble sadly "the anbu are always so boring and serious" pouting i sit up straight and cross my arms "what was that?" i flinch as yamato stares at me with a scary look "i-it was uh..nothing!" i smile as a bead of sweat slides down my head.

-3 hours later-

"hey, i'm gonna go stand by the water" i said to the anbu and jump away before they can protest.

"so bored.." i sigh while laying down on the grass. but sit up quickly upon hearing an explosion 'don't tell me..' i activate my byakugan and sure enough, i could see tobi and deidara.

with my byakugan deactivated i had hidden myself behind a tree and watched while deidara went out towards the 3 tails, flying on a bird made from his explosive clay. "y/n!" a high pitched childish voice shouted as i felt someone embrace me "t-tobi let go!" i wriggle in his grasp however he just tightens his hold "if tobi lets go then y/n will leave again!" he had a 'sad' tone in his voice as he dug his head into my neck, sighing i open my mouth ready to say something "tobiii!!!" it was deidara yelling in a rather angry tone "ah!" tobi lifts his head up, he grabs my hand and heads over to the 3 tails.

as soon as deidara spotted me, he ordered tobi to THROW me up to him "w-wait tobi don't listen to him" i begin to panic and try to get out of tobi's strong hug "here deidara senpai!" tobi happily giggles and yeets me up to deidara, i nearly fall off but the tail of the clay bird deidara stood on caught me, wrapping around me in the process "pain said i could leave the akatsuki! why're you capturing me!" i glare at deidara who smirks "leader-sama said that we were allowed to bring you back if we came into contact with you, yeah." deidara turns back around and focuses on defeating the 3 tails with little help from tobi.

"this sucks" i pout as i was still wrapped in the birds tail while it dragged the unconscious 3 tails along "here, hmph" deidara unrolls the birds tail but still keeps hold of me, he binds my hands behind my back then wraps an akatsuki cloak with a large hood attached around me "now you're back! un" he smiles triumphantly "as if." i jump onto my feet and jump off the bird, landing on the 3 tails i ended up twisting my ankle and fell over, now laying next to tobi "dammit.." an irk mark grows on my head.

"ooh yes..." i turn to look at tobi who was seemingly asleep "hmm...now just a little lower, yeah there..that's the spot.." he mumbles while turning in his sleep. i then feel his arms wrap tightly around me, bringing me closer into his chest "e-eh t-tobi?" my face begins to heat up as i felt his arms move down my back, "tobiiiii!" deidara shouts before quickly swooping down on his clay bird that grabs me with its tail, he them drops explosives down on the poor sleeping tobi "AHHHH!" tobi squeals like a little girl as he is blasted away "poor tobi.." i sweat drop.

"we shall now start the sealing of the 3 tails" pains holographic-see-through body moves to look down at me "if y/n joins us it would quicken the process to at least a day and a half" i poke my tongue out and face my back towards him as well as the rest of the akatsuki "how immature.." sasori mumbles.
fyi this doesn't follow the exact timeline/story of the anime, instead of kisame and itachi being the only ones in the actual cave i made it so it was just tobi, deidara and you.

hidan and kakazu didn't kill asuma, instead he survived that fight but a few days later he passed away from cancer in the hospital with kurenai and shikamaru by his side.

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