16. team taka

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i open my eyes after concentrating on where sasuke was and as i thought, he was with tobi. 'sneaking arounds gonna be a pain with this ring...'

sighing i stand up and quickly form the hand signs as i disappear and reappear.

looking around i could see tobi, zetsu, a red haired girl, an orange haired boy and a white/blue haired boy, all gathered around a table where sasuke sat at the head of it.

it was silent until the red haired girl let out a scream and stumbled back "maybe this wasn't such a good idea..." i rub my temple "nice of you to join us y/n!" tobi giggles in a high pitched voice "ah, zetsu" i ignore tobi completely and walk over to zetsu who sweat drops at my approaching figure "yes y/n?" "give me your hand." i demand bluntly "why?" black zetsu states, i roll my eyes and snatch his hand, quickly marking it. i let go of his hand and turn around to face everyone else in the room.

"as i was just saying, the l/n clan was a clan on par with the uchiha's and senju's, perhaps even stronger" tobi says with a now deeper voice "then how were they defeated?" sasuke questions 'why are they talking about my clan..?' "they most likely were planning to capture you and use your abilities. however some idiot made that easier for them" rinen sighs as i could feel him roll his eyes.

"the senju's and uchiha's teamed up to defeat the clan. however, a few survived and tried to rebuild the clan, but it was futile for they were massacred once again. a single family survived that massacre, that family was the one y/n was born into." i glare at tobi "her family was then killed by a single person when she was 7." i glare harder 'how does he..' i shake my head to control my emotions.

i let out a long deep sigh after tobi finished talking "and you expect me to just go along with you?" i raise an eyebrow at the group in front of me "how about you fight me then?" sasuke stares at me smugly "i don't know why you're so smug, it'll be a pretty one-sided fight." i stare at sasuke, copying his once smug look "tch." he clicks his tongue and turns away from me "not only that..her chakra..there's so much of it." the red haired girl pushes her glasses up, i ignore her and look at sasuke again.

"you sure struggled in your fight with itachi." sasuke flinches and immediately turns to face me "you were watching?" he grits his teeth "hm, i was there to heal itachi before the fight." this seems to catch tobi and zetsu's attention as well now "itachi was very sick, with an unknown disease. not only that he was slowly going blind" sasukes eyes widen 'good, feel guilty.' i smirk.

"does that mean you healed not only his sickness but his blindness as well?" tobi speaks up with a curious voice "yup" i smile at them all. "i can heal your eyes as well sasuke" i motion with a nod of my head at the uchiha "but on one condition" i hold up a single finger with a cheeky grin "and what would that be?" the white haired boy with REALLY pointy teeth spoke up "i get to mark you 3 with my jutsu" i say while pointing at the 3 unknown people in the room "h-" "i don't need you to heal my eyes but go ahead." sasuke cuts off the white haired boy quickly.

"alright." i say while walking around the table and over to the 3 "so what's your name?" i look up at the tall boy with orange hair "jugo." he says with a slight blush, i giggle and quickly grab his hand, then let go and motion for the red head to step forward "karin." she mumbles with an annoyed tone as i hold her hand, marking it then glance at the seemingly reluctant pointy toothed boy, rolling my eyes i roughly grab his hand "h-hey" he stutters with slightly red cheeks "thanks toothy" i pat his head "oh, don't think you can stop me from leaving whenever i want." i smile cheekily and walk away, out of the room to figure out what to do.

for now u can imagine ur mangekyou the way u want but when i have time i will draw one. (y/n wanted sasuke to feel guilty for 'killing' itachi)

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