5. the temple of fire

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"are we there yetttt" i groan lazily "that's the 5th time you've asked y/n!" sakura clenches her fist in front of her face but gets held back by naruto "but we've been walking for so long" i give up and plop down on the ground face first, suddenly i feel a fist collide with my back "cha!" "AAAH" there's a big explosion and once it clears sakura was dusting her hands while walking over to the others "i'm sure she'll be up and ready in no time" she smiles innocently while the boys look terrified.

i lift my head up to see sai kneeling in front of me with a hand held out "i can't walk saiii, can you carry meee" i cry out jokingly "just k- e-ehh" sai had picked me up and was holding me bridal style "w-wait sai i was k-kidding!" i put my hands on his chest and try to push away, he looks at me confused "but yo-" "SAI WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY Y/N!" naruto runs over and snatches me from sai's arms "your y/n..?" i look at naruto confused "uh.." BONKx3 sakura had hit us all on the head "stop messing around" she puts her hands on her hips and glares at the 3 of us. i get out of naruto's hold and lazily walk over to yamato, with the other 3 in tow.


"this is supposed to be the spot.." yamato scratches his cheek and looks around "you 3 stay here, me and sakura will go look around" i nod at the two who begin to wander off.

i was sitting next to naruto who was strangely jumpy 'is he ok?' i sweat drop, sai comes over as well and sits on the right of naruto who looks at sai skeptically, sai scoots closer to naruto and puts his arm over naruto's shoulders "...." i quietly stare at the pair as sai pulled naruto even closer, then turned to look at naruto "w-what the!" naruto's face pales and he backs away into a tree "what do you think you're doing!?" naruto points at sai with a scared look on his face "ah well i was comforting you...did i do it wrong.." he mumbles the last part to himself

"naruto i think you have the wrong idea" i crawl over to sai who had a book in his hand "sai..you shouldn't bring your face so close to people like that" i put my hand on his shoulder as he stares at me still genuinely confused "but why not?" he tilts his head, a very small blush appears on my cheeks "when you're so close to someone like that they will think you're going to kiss them" he still stares at me confused "kiss?" i let out a very heavy sigh "it's when two people connect both their lips." i point at sai's lips and then mine "oh" he stares at me silently for a second "so like this?" before i could react sai had already leaned in and pressed his lips against mine "GAH!" naruto falls over anime style but quickly bounces back up and pushes poor sai away from me who was frozen on the spot "y/n are you ok?" naruto spins back around to look at me.

his eyes widened for a second before several irk marks appeared on his head "SAI!" he rolls up his sleeve and turns back to sai who had magically run and hid behind me who was still sitting there frozen "i don't understand what it is i did wrong?"...

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his eyes widened for a second before several irk marks appeared on his head "SAI!" he rolls up his sleeve and turns back to sai who had magically run and hid behind me who was still sitting there frozen "i don't understand what it is i did wrong?" he says with a bead of sweat falling down the side of his face "you can only kiss the person you l-" naruto was interrupted by a loud crash "what was that?" i stand up quickly forgetting about what previously happened, "i'm not quite sure" sai had also stood up as well "lets go check it out then!" naruto runs off in the direction of the noise "naruto wait!" i run after him leaving sai alone.

"naruto wait up.." i pant out as naruto continued to run down into the grave "give me a break" i groan and jog down into the grave "take that!" i hear a voice yell "naruto?" i walk into where the body would be kept, only to see naruto fighting a boy with short dark blue hair "y/n, watch out!" naruto says after glancing in my direction, this causes the blue haired boy to look at me, his eyes widen as a small blush appears on his cheeks, nartuo catches onto this and throws an attack at the boy to stop him from staring at me

"both of you stop!" i yell and run to stop the two boys before they actually hurt each other, at the same time the boys quickly threw the attack in a different direction to avoid hitting me, it hits the roof causing it to collapse "y/n!" naruto yells and goes to grab me but the other boy reaches me first and jumps up above where the roof stood, standing there were 3 bald people as well as sai, yamato and sakura "y/n? what's going on here" yamato questions me who was still being held by the short haired boy "u-uh..well i'm not quite sure" i scratch my cheek then look up to the boy who was already staring at me "do you mind putting me d-" i get cut off as another pair of arms pick me up and out of the boys grasp "hey!" the boy looks up to see sai staring back at him "sai...can you put me down" i sweat drop.

"thanks" i brush my clothes and stand up straight,  "sorry about that, this is sora he's a little new to this" one of the monks pat sora's head "anyways come with us." they turn around and begin walking away so we follow closely behind them.

"so many stairs" i groan as i slowly trot up the long staircase which leads into the monks home, i lift my head up to see sora and naruto racing each other to the top 'seriously..' i sweat drop and quicken my pace.

once atop the stairs there were a few other monks standing around who stared at us blankly, we were then told to follow another monk somewhere 'i can't even tell the difference between them...' (how the hell am i meant to describe each of    the monks 😭) i sweat drop while staring at the bald monks who all just looked the same to me.

"yamato, i'm gonna go do something real quick!" i ran off into the woods quickly after waving at my team, giving them no time to protest. "phew.." i let out a sigh and look around for something to waste time on, seeing as i didn't want to listen to the mission details that i had already looked over, "ooo!" my eyes sparkles as they came across a smallish cave, i jog over and head into the cave deciding to explore it.

once inside i noticed marks littered the caves walls/roof "maybe there's a monster living in here?" i blink in confusion at the random marks when suddenly i heard gentle footsteps coming from the caves entrance 'someone's here?!' i quickly jump behind a rock and peek over the top of it to see who had entered the cave 'sora? what's he doing here' i lowered my guard a little and sat there to watch what he would do.

suddenly he starts to train and throw wind like blades into the caves walls/roof "woah.." i whisper to myself, amazed at sora's abilities when suddenly i could hear more footsteps that sora didn't seem to notice, naruto appeared from the opening and paused for a bit, watching sora then suddenly spoke up "hey hey! i have a name for you to take to the grave, dattebayo!" sora grows an irk mark on his forward and they both start arguing "uhm..guys?" i decided to stand up from behind my rock.
not sure how to continue this arc- ;-;

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