4. naruto and kakashi.

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"huh? a mission already?" lady tsunade glares at me "i-i mean yay! a mission!" i sweat a little "as i was saying, team kakashi will head to the fire temple and assist the munks." we all nod and exit the room "alright everyone we will leave tomorrow morning so be ready by then." yamato had a rather tired look on his face "does that mean i can't continue my training?!" naruto stares intensely at poor yamato "we will continue it when we get back naruto." he sighs and wonders off "naruto if you want to train then how about we have a match" i grin with a hand on his shoulder, he looks at me surprised but soon smiles back "sure!" i grab his hand and lead him to a good spot.


"shouldn't we have yamato here to watch over this.." sakura hesitantly says "i think poor yamato needs to rest" i giggle and turn back to naruto "alright! ready..and go!" he runs at me and creates 2 shadow clones one of which appears from the smoke and attacks me with a kunai, "woa-" i dodge and jump back but before i can balance myself naruto appaears again with an orb of chakra spinning in his right hand "resengan!" he yells and aims it at me, i jump to the left all the while assessing his skills

"stop dodging and attack y/n!" he points at me with an angry face "ok, ok, if you i insist" i close my eyes amd open them again with the sharingan activated which startles naruto "but how..?" his eyes kept widening "i'll explain AFTER our match" i roll my eyes "shadow clone jutsu!" 3 clones of myself appear, one jumps at naruto who stabs it with a kunai, i jump forward myself now and draw my katana "haa!" i halt just before the sword touched his neck "i win!" giggling, i pull my weapon away "wow y/n!" sakura jogs over with sai following behind her,

"y/n." naruto's voice was a little dark "how can you use the sharingan?" this seems to surprise sakura who looks at me confused "well..." i scratch my cheek "it has to do with the clan i'm from, i'm not sure if you remember but i use to wear a blindfold during fights when we were younger, it was to hide my eyes from being seen..." i continue to explain a little more.

"does lady tsunade know?" sakura questions me "yeah, she does" i lean back and let out a deep sigh "welp, i'm gonna head home for now, see ya guys tomorrow." i jump up and spin around to head back home.


after arriving home i noticed the lights in my house on already "that's weird.." i cautiously walk in "ah.." i freeze and stare at the gravity defying hair "kakashi?" i tilt my head with a confused look on my face at my sensei who was sitting at the small dining table in the kitchen "y/n?" his eye widens in surprise "sensei! it's been so long!" i run forward and wrap my arms around his head, "uwaa, it's so good to see you!" i pull away only to see his face was red as blood stained his mask "kakashi you're bleeding.." i sweat drop and grab a tissue.

"y/n when did you get back?" i smile "so you didn't believe i was dead huh?" i lean down to his eye level which wasn't far "but i came back 2 days ago" i smirk and sit down on the chair next to him "if you have time, why not tell me what happened during those 2 years" he goes back to his poker face and rests his chin on his left hand "sure!" and with that i begin to chatter away.


"that was funn~" i stretch my arms above my head and stand up to lead kakashi outside "it was indeed" he follows behind me as i open the door "i'll cya soon" i smile and was about to close the door however he holds the door open and brings me closer "i missed you y/n.." he whispers in my ear causing me to blush, he pulls back and examines my face before chuckling "bye y/n." he walks away leaving me standing in the doorway "w-what was..that?" i brung a hand to my right cheek and hold it while thinking about what just happened.

just wanted to make things clear, you have TWO katana's, i would give them names but i'm not sure what they should be called...

a second chance (naruto!various x femreader)Where stories live. Discover now