7. the l/n clan

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"alright." i hum and lift my head up to look at my surroundings "it should be around her-"i pause as the ground i stepped on lit up "huh?" i bend down and brush away the leaves/dirt to reveal a stone circle covered in markings, i lay my hand flat on the stone that suddenly disappears causing me to fall into the hole that took its place "aa!-ooph!" my butt hit the ground but before i could focus on what was going on i begun to roll down a slope.

i finally came to a stop after hitting a wall.

i finally came to a stop after hitting a wall

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"ow.." i sit myself up and rub my now sore head, i look around to see several cobwebs, lots of dust and a few scattered pieces of paper "this must be where the piece of paper came from" i stand up, then walk over to a torch on the wall i grab the torch and use a fire style jutsu to light it "now i should light the other ones" i walk to all the other torches and light them.

standing in the now lit up area i could see the roof was gone and it was just an open hole. i let out a huff and begin to clean this place "i'll start with all these papers." i stare at the several amounts of scattered 'blank' paper "why not just take it back to the village?" rinen questions "well, if this place belongs to my clan then i wish to leave most of its secrets here" i smile at the thought i would be able to know more about my clan "how long do you plan on staying here?" "not too long, i'll be back at the village in 3 days" rinen hums in understanding as i go back to cleaning up.


"and done!" i wipe the invisible sweat off my forehead and stand up straight, proud of my work. i had found 3 extra rooms, 1 held a bedroom connected to a bathroom the other room was locked with several bulky chains and seals.

"time to start reading" i take a seat at the desk that was in the main area which i fell into, sitting down i grab a piece of blank paper and infuse my chakra with it, words begin to form all over it "i wonder.." my eyes scan the information "it would seem that the small papers that were scattered around contain jutsu..and then these books" i grab a plain dusty book that had a simple brown cover "seem to have my clans history as well as how our kekkei genkai works..." i opened the book and read through the pages "what about the sealed room" rinen states with obvious curiosity "i'm not sure." i stand up and walk over to said door, placing my hand on the seal i try focusing chakra into it "it's not working, what else could i try..?" i hold my chin in thought then hit a fist on my open left hand after an idea pops up in my head "got it!" i smile and run over back to the desk and grab a specific book to start reading.

-3 books later-

i slam my 3rd book shut and smile smugly to myself at what i figured out "to break the seal, i need to activate my kekkei genkai but the only problem is i've never done that.." i flop down in sadness "try activating it like you do with your other ones" "good idea rinen" i jump up from my comfy chair and trot over to the sealed door, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, my once e/c eyes swing open to reveal they were now a blood red(or should it be orange?) with a thin star in each eye.

" i flop down in sadness "try activating it like you do with your other ones" "good idea rinen" i jump up from my comfy chair and trot over to the sealed door, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, my once e/c eyes swing open to reveal they ...

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the seals covering the door rip in half while the chains break, falling to the ground "it worked!" i smile with my still crimson red eyes.

grabbing the handle i turn it slowly and push the door open, an eerie creak echoes throughout the room. i slowly step in when the door slams shut behind me "what the-!" i turn around when i suddenly feel an intense burning on my back "ARGH!" i drop to my knees and bend over in pain "child!" rinen yells in a worried tone as i slowly lose consciousness.

"where...am i?" everything was pitch black as i was unable to open my eyes. i could also hear a drop of water every now and again "what's this?" a rough croaky voice echoed, suddenly i could feel everything light up, now able to open my eyes, i saw flowers and a bright clear blue sky "huh?" i spin to look behind me only to be met with fierce and fiery orange eyes "e-eek!" i scoot back in surprise "no one has ever appeared before me in 16 years.." the eyes move back and i was able to see the rest of its body "w-what are you?" my eyes widen in absolute amazement at the being in front of me, it was a dragon, with orange eyes, a long pale white body with short stubby arms and legs, as well as two horns atop it's head

"i am Ryuu, a dragon whom was raised by the l/n clan 100's of years ago" the dragon stares down at me intimidatingly "seeing as you are standing before me, you must be of l/n blood" i slowly nod "sigh, i've been lonely for so long. why haven't any of your family visited me?" he looks down at me sadly "my..." i bit my lip hesitantly "my clan, they're dead. i am the only known member left" i look up at the dragon who flinches "what!" he brings his giant dragon eye right next to me, staring right into my soul "if you are lying to me child, i will eliminate you without hesitation or remorse." a bead of sweat glides down the side of my head "i'm not lying..." i stare back at his giant eyes "hm." he pulls away "your name?" he glares down at me "y/n l/n." i return his fierce glare, he snorts then leans back laughing while holding his belly "this is great!" he continues to chuckly loudly

"well y/n l/n, seeing as you broke the seal, you shall be my new master." he bows his head down in front of me with his eyes close "w-what?" i step back in confusion "here" he hands me a small golden scroll "this will help you understand, to summon me you simply perform a normal summoning jutsu" before i could ask more questions i felt my eyelids grow heavy as they drop.


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