14. chunin exams pt4

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the 4 of us had made it back to the tower safely and were now assembled with the rest of the genin who passed the 2nd exam "alright everyone, seeing as so many of you passed we will hold preliminary rounds, whoever wins these will go on to the final stage. if you wish to drop out, now is the time to do so" there were only 3 people to raise their hands one was kabuto 'him and his team don't look injured..why's he quitting' i glare suspiciously at him as he walks out of the hall, while the other 2 random ninja who raised their hands left as well

"now everyone go up to the balconies on either side of the room, the screen over there will randomly choose who's fighting who" hayate points up at one of the screens on the wall situated behind the hokage and other sensei "alright first up is..." the screen switches through names before stopping on sasuke and yoroi whoever that is.

sasuke was standing down in the near middle of the hall facing his opponent still seeming to be out of shape from the mark on his neck, as the match starts i walk over to kakashi and pull on his sleeve causing him to turn and look at me "the mark on sasuke's neck...what is it" i stare intently into his eye "now is not the time to tell you, when these fights are over i will let you know what it is" he pats my head and smiles at me "if you say so sensei.." i go back to watching sasuke's fight.


sasuke had won his fight and disappeared somewhere with kakashi, after a few more fights sakura's name eventually appeared on the board 'she's against ino those two are basically on the same level' i sigh knowing that this fight will last awhile.

as i had guessed earlier, their fight did take awhile but eventually they both passed out resulting in a double knock out, next up was the girl in lee and neji's team, tenten she was going against the blondy from the sand village whose name was temari.


tenten didn't stand a chance against temari, as temari had the upper hand, i felt bad for tenten but got over it and leaned over the railing ready to watch the next fight which was shikimaru vs kin, the girl sound ninja, "go shikimaru!" naruto was yelling from the side lines 'huh...shikimaru will win though'

i glance back down at the fight that just started and as predicated not too long after, shikimaru had won using his shadow possession jutsu, glancing back up at the board, naruto's name was displayed there as well as kiba's "finally!" naruto jumps over the railing already full of energy again. at this time kakashi had come back and was standing next to me "who do you think will win?" he nudges my arm gently and without any hesitation i say "naruto." which seems to surprise kakashi seeing as i answered so fast "how can you be so sure?" he was now looking at me "kiba thinks naruto is weak so he'll underestimate naruto" i smile at myself and concentrate back on the fight.


naruto, like i told kakashi, had won and the next names to appear on the board were that of hinata and neji, they both had the last name hyuga
'the hyuga clan?' sighing i reach into my pouch and pull out my blindfold again, kakashi looks down at me curious as to why i was covering my eyes "what's th-" i interrupt him before he can finish "none of your business that's what" my mouth curves upwards again into a smug smile.

the hyuga's had begun fighting and as soon they activated their byakugan i felt a pang in my head and eyes, clenching my fists and gritting my teeth i endure the short lived pain as it disappears just as quickly as it appeared, 'i wonder if i could use it in my fight' i begin thinking back to all the books i read about known kekkai genkai's, focusing specifically on byakugan.


the fight had ended with neji being the winner while hinata was injured pretty badly, by this time i had taken off the blindfold and focused back on the upcoming fight, which was gaara and lee, during the matches before i had noticed gaara looking at me from time to time which i thought was a little weird but still decided to just ignore it.


their fight was intense, leaving lee with two crushed limbs and gaara un-injured "lee.." i hadn't known much about him but he seemed like a true ninja. looking up at the board i saw the names dosu and choji displayed on them "it's that annoying sound ninja" i grunt and plop down, leaning against the wall behind me 'there's only one other person left  'not including myself, so that means my fight will be after this round huh?' i close my eyes taking deep breaths in and out to calm myself down, starting to plan out what to do silently in my head occasionally whispering to myself strategies.


dosu won his fight and it was my turn now, sitting up i walk down the stairs to stand where i was needed, in front of me stood a rather weak looking boy, his hair was pitch black, his eyes that stared at me were a light blue, 'a grass ninja..' i note what village he's from "begin!" hayate lowers his arm indicating that we can start, however both of us stay unmoving 'maybe i can test out the byakugan on him' i reach into my pouch and pull out my blindfold, everyone who hadn't seen me fight before started to whisper
from above.

i had 2 kunai out, one per hand, throwing one towards him, he dodges so i threw my second kunai at his moving form but he spun and kicked it away, scratching my head and sighing, i activate the byakugan and walk up to him 'oh wow i really can see all the chakra points' my eyes widened under my blindfold, i snap out of my amazement after feeling a sharp object come close to cutting my blindfold

"don't doze off in the middle of a fight kid" he says with a kunai in hand, i focus back on what i was doing and begin to remember neji's moves, getting into the same fighting stance as neji i pour chakra into my hands and repeat the same moves neji made, aiming at this guys chakra points, while doing so i could hear a slight commotion coming from where lee's two teammates were.

i had manage to get my opponent kneeling in front of me who started coughing up blood "are you going to give up" i stare at him tired and had already deactivated the byakugan once he fell over, reaching up i take off the blindfold and tuck it away, annoyingly he still stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder, leaning in to whisper something in my ear

"i know...who killed them..."

he mutters slowly, i feel my body freeze up as everything around me seems to go slower "rinen.." i whisper so only i can hear, a hum echoes through my mind as my eyes turn completely white as well as my hair, the ground below me cracks and a dent is formed where i'm standing,

"who.." my voice was deeper and darker but i didn't care, slowly reaching my hand up i grab his hair and pull him up by it, by now everyone in the room was on guard and staring at me concerned and fearful, after only hearing silence from him i shake him around "wake up....wake up!" i scream as a sound wave pushed a few people back, denting the ground even more in the process, suddenly i feel arms wrap around my shoulders holding me back while the boy is taken from me "kakashi" i glance over my shoulder and stare deeply into kakashi's eye "why did you stop me?" i glare causing him to sweat a little but before he answers i feel something touch my head 'paper?' my body goes limp and my vision darkens.

3rd person pov

"y/n is the winner!" hayate declared as said girl was carried out of the room by her sensei, "i'll have to have people keep an eye on her.." sighs an old croaky voice.

i just thought i'd mention that i don't edit my chapters (not yet atleast) i might if i finish this whole story tho, it rlly just depends on how lazy i feel, hehe, cya cuties!

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