14. saving itachi!

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i sniffle a bit while wiping my eyes, it had stopped raining about 10 minutes ago so i left jiraiya's body inside the cave that i closed up using a jutsu.

unknown to the tearful e/c eyed girl a tall man dressed in a cloak patterned with white dots and stripes was sat inside the cave the whole time, watching everything unfold...

"ok..i have everything" i nod to myself and zip up my rather stuffed bag of herbs. "he said he would be somewhere around here.."i whisper to myself as i peak around a corner

"ah.." i smile immediately once i saw the long black haired boy seated on a throne with his legs crossed. "itachi!" i run up to him, embracing him with a tight hug "it has only been a few days since we last saw each other..you make it seem like its been years?" he said with a confused tone as he gently placed his arms around me "its...jiraiya.." i bite my lip "he's dead." i bury my face deeper into itachi's chest as i feel him freeze up for a moment "i see..." he sighs and pulls me away. "sorry.." i wipe my eyes and take in a deep breath

"how long till sasuke gets here?" i take off my bag and open it to dig out the herbs i would need "i'd say in about 2 hours." i nod in understanding and motion for him to sit down in front of me "i couldn't find much about your illness at first, however i did find a few books that featured something similar to it" i pop open a few bottles before continuing to speak "and i was able to create a medicine that should cure you, however it won't work straight away." i drop a few herbs into a bowl and crush them, then slowly add some liquids and other ingredients until it had become a smooth red/orange texture, i smile to myself and add water to make it into a liquid so itachi can swallow it quickly.

"here" i hand him a small bottle of the mixed herbs which he downs without hesitation "i will make plenty more of these since you're going to have to take them on a daily basis until i decide you're healed" i clench my fists to try and contain my excitement.

"thank you...y/n" i feel itachi's warm hand being placed on top of my right hand "in my fight with sasuke, i shall be holding back.." i raise an eyebrow at him "i won't die, i will instead make it seem that way." i slowly nod my head "and then i'll use my marking jutsu to teleport you to m-" i'm cut off by itachi who pulls me closer to him, stopping when i'm just mere millimetres away from his face "i-itachi...?" i could feel my s/c cheeks begin to heat up "you're quite amazing, y/n.." he whispers before leaning closer, i could feel his soft lips press gently against mine, it was a gentle peck seeing as he soon pulled away to admire my now red hot face, "it would seem sasuke is here." itachi says as if he didn't just kiss me "you should go wait where i told you to." slowly and hesitantly i nod, still confused about what just happened.

i was sat outside with my byakugan activated, watching the fight between sasuke and itachi. at first they were fighting in the room itachi and i were just in but soon there was an attack which caused them to begin fighting outside.

i grit my teeth to try and stop myself from interfering in the fight, my eyes of anger soon turned to shock and amazement as a red chakra like thing forms just behind itachi, it was like a giant warrior or something "so cool.." "been awhile since i saw the susanoo" i could hear rinen's chuckle echo through my head "susanoo..?" i ask questionably but annoyingly get no response.

"tobi and zetsu are here...and i think" i turn to look in a certain direction "it would seem a few leaf shinobi are headed this way" sighing i quickly form 2 hand signs as itachi's body appears in front of me as soon as sasuke fell unconscious, much to tobi and zetsu's surprise they immediately glance in my direction, smirking i give the 2 a thumbs up "too slow!" i yell before picking itachi's unconscious body up and disappearing again.


"all done" i say while tightening the last bandage around itachi's head "that was quite the fight" i start to pat and play with itachi's hair that wasn't restrained by a hair tie

"i believe tobi will tell sasuke the reason for why i killed the clan.." he mumbles "yeah..but for now you should focus on healing." i quickly change the subject "...that black fire and red chakra thingy, could you maybe...teach me how to use it?" itachi glances at me without moving his head "unfortunately i can not" my expression saddens "may i know why?" i play with my fingers in slight embarrassment from being rejected "to use both those abilities, you need the mangekyou sharingan." i cover my mouth to muffle a laugh "i already have that." he turns to look at me completely now with wide eyes "that means you.." he whispers, i smile while scratching the back of my neck, nodding.

"so that means you'll teach me?" i look at him with sparkly eyes "as long as you know the risks of using the mange-" i cut him off with a smug face "i have come up with a medicine to solve that, i'm still advancing it even now" his eyes widen again while i reach into my bag of herbs and medicine, pulling out two glass containers, one that held a cream and one that contained a liquid, i wave them around in front of me before placing them down "while you're healing i will add these to your treatment" i twist the lid to the cream "close your eyes please" itachi obeys and shuts them, i gently rub a bit of cream onto and around his eye(lid), then switch to the liquid(which is an eye drop).

i put the medicines back into my bag before speaking up "i'll probably use my marking jutsu again to teleport to a leaf shinobi" itachi hums before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

no one else in the akatsuki knew you had the mangekyou, only tobi did for he's the one who 'helped' you achieve it. (u didn't know tobi was behind that tho)

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