6. mission cut short

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"what?!" i stare at yamato dumbfounded "she just sent me on this mission and now she wants me to go back?!" i pinch my temple in annoyance "she said there's something she needs you to do and that it's of great importance" yamato blankly states with a bead of sweat sliding down his forehead "fine." i grumble and stomp away to grab my belongings.

"this sucks" i kick a rock that was in my way out of anger, i was currently walking back to the village on my own when suddenly something pops up from the ground in front of me "hello." zetsu stood in front of me awkwardly "what do you want.." i step back with my guard up "do not worry, i was instructed to not attack you" i relax but only a little "so.?" i tilt my head quizzically "our leader asked that i give this to you" he holds up something in his left hand, it was a small and simple ring "i don't get it?" i grab the ring from his hands and examine it.

"seeing as we let you leave the akatsuki so easily, pain decided that you will wear this ring

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"seeing as we let you leave the akatsuki so easily, pain decided that you will wear this ring. it lets us know where you are at all times"
i choke on air "and he thought i would put it on willingly?" i raise an eyebrow at zetsu "no" zetsu grabbed my left hand and the ring then slid it on my ring finger "hey!" i snatch my hand away and immediately try to pull the ring off "why won't it come off!" i yell in frustration as i struggled to pull it off "because once someone wears it, you won't be able to take it off" he said with a slightly smug voice"tch..ah, that's right are sasori and deidara ok?" i question zetsu with a concerned look, he was silent for a moment "they're fine" i let out a sigh of relieve "i'll be going now" he slips back into the ground and vanishes "now as for this" i clench my fists together angrily but then relax and stare at the ring "i believe it does more than just track you" rinen said with a wary voice "i'll think about it later, let's just get back to the village" i sigh and continue trotting towards the village.

"sleeping on the job" i stare at the two lazy gate guards who were snoring away "excuse me" an anbu appears in front of me causing me to step back in surprise "lady hokage asked that i take you to her right away." i nod slowly and disappear with her to the hokages office "lady hokage i have brought y/n." the anbu bows before disappearing again "you took your time" tsunade looks up at me with a glare "gee, sorry" i roll my eyes "so what is it that was so important?" my tone was a little serious "this." she slides a piece of paper to me, i pick it up,

"a blank piece of paper?" i look up at her with a raised eyebrow "infuse it with chakra." she orders so i do just that, suddenly words begin to show on the once blank piece of paper, my eyes widen "w-where did you get this?!" i slam my hands on the table "an anbu had found it while out on a mission, it was found in an underground cemetery on the outskirts of the land of fire, however that was the only piece of paper they could find" i drop the paper down, letting everything process in my brain "i called you back to go and investigate it seeing as i believe there are a few things there only you can access" tsunade sits back with a sigh "understood" i hum "i'll be leaving right away" she nods giving me approval as i run out of the building and towards the gates seeing as i already had stuff packed from my previous mission that was cut short.

short chapter

now about the ring, it doesn't give the akatsuki ur precise location, it only gives them a certain area of where you could be located. the other things it can do are unknown.

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