15.a month of training!

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we were dismissed by the hokage and allowed to head home, 'a month to train until the finals..' i hum to myself thinking of what i should train myself with when all of the sudden a hand grasps my shoulder roughly "you, how is it that you copied my moves?" the hand belonged to neji "uh, i'm just good at memorising things?" i say as if it were a question, i brush his hand off and walk away but not before earning a glare from him.

"what should i eat tonight.." i lazily walk over to my kitchen, searching through the cupboards and fridge trying to think of what i could make with what i had, knock knock two light taps are heard from my door "who is it!?" i yell loud enough so they can hear me "it's your sensei." i wonder over to the door to open it and let kakashi in "are you here to tell me about sasuke?" my voice became very stern and serious "ah..yes and a few other things" he scratches the back of his neck then invites himself in and sits at the table.


"alright i'm waiting" i had quickly whipped up a sandwich and sat at the table waiting for kakashi to explain what was going on "the mark on sasuke's neck is a curse mark, it's been sealed for now but when he uses it it will eat away at his chakra" i hum with a mouthful of (insert sandwich name) "the mark was given to him by orochimaru, a rogue ninja of this village." i swallow

"why did he leave?" "that's not something you need to know, now as for the question i have for you" he becomes more serious than before "want to explain how you used the byakugan?" i flinch and nearly choke on my food "u-uh i don't know what you're talking about" i cough a bit more "y/n, tell me the truth i'm your sensei" sighing i give in

"ever heard of the l/n clan?" now it was his turn to look surprised "well, i just so happen to be from that clan" i avoid eye contact with kakashi, i hear him break the silence with a cough "what kekkai genkai do you currently possess?" finishing off my sandwich i look up at kakashi and activate the sharingan, once he nodded i activated the byakugan "that's all for now" he hums in understanding "i'm going to be training with sasuke to prepare him for the finals, so i won't be around to help you" he gets up and leaves without saying anything else.


yawn "who am i going to get to train me.." i was sitting up in my bed staring out the window just thinking "hm.." i stare at the hokage's building. jumping up feeling motivated i get into my training clothes, small shorts and a skin tight sleeveless shirt (any color) and head out of my house via the window.


"gramps!" i rush into the hokage's office "can i borrow some books?" he stares at me annoyed "yeah yeah..." he waves his hand ushering me to shoo, i happily leave his room to go towards where the hokage keeps special books. "byakugan... byakugan..." my finger was roaming over the several books "aha!" finally spotting a few books labeled byakugan i take them and look around more, spotting a single book on curse marks "i'll take that too" after looking around and taking a few more books i leave the room and quickly head home. slam i dropped the several books on my wooden table, "curse marks huh?" i sat down grabbing the only book on curse marks and begun to read about them.


i gently close the book letting out a heavy sigh 'it can be removed but...' "tch, i'll think about that later" i look at the 3 books on the byakugan and one on the sharingan opening all of them and lying them out on the table i begin to read through them, hoping to understand the two kekkai genkai better.


"a blind spot?" i focus on the page of the 2nd byakugan book having noticed something interesting "hm." continuing to read through it i smiled happy with the piece of information. "alright let's finish this book first" i sat right in front of the 2nd book deciding to finish it first then move on to the others but before i can begin a knock sounds out from my door, 'god who is it?'

i groggily stand up and stumble over to the door, opening it slowly i see kabuto standing there "huh? why're you here" i immediately put my guard up and glare at him who looks around before walking in "hey!" i close the door and walk over to kabuto who was standing over the books on my table "the byakugan and sharingan? why do you have books on these?" i notice a small smirk present on his face "that's none of your business" i push him away from the books, quickly closing them all but he slipped past me and grabbed a book "curse marks too?" there's definitely something off with him

"you're....with orochimaru aren't you" i grab a knife that was in my kitchen sink "he did say you were rather smart" kabuto puts the book down and approaches me, quickly i go to swing my right arm with the knife at his face however he grabs it as well as my left hand, pinning them down on the counter

"what do you want" i said still glaring at him "just here to give you a little something" he leans closer and closer, his lips nearly touching mine "y/n!" there was a loud knocking at my door which caused kabuto to get distracted, taking this chance i lift my legs up and kick him away before running to the door, upon opening it i saw naruto 'i'm saved!' "naruto? why're you here?" "uh...i was gonna ask if you wanted to come train with me! i met this old man who is gonna train me!" naruto gives me a close eye'd smile i gasp and run back inside to grab my weapon's pouch as well as a specific book i took before "lets go!" naruto was still smiling as he grabbed my hand and run off to where we would train.


"naruto are you sure this old perv is going to be able to train us.."

i say while pointing towards a man with long white hair who was currently spying on 3 girls playing in the lake/river "yeah, he's a little weird but he said he would train me!" naruto grins "shh be quiet or they'll hear you!" the old man quickly s...

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i say while pointing towards a man with long white hair who was currently spying on 3 girls playing in the lake/river "yeah, he's a little weird but he said he would train me!" naruto grins "shh be quiet or they'll hear you!" the old man quickly shushes naruto, a vein pops on my head getting annoyed with this guy, i walk over to him and punch his head and in the process i alerted the 3 females who quickly grabbed their towels and ran off

"my research! you brat!" he stands up rolling up his sleeve "naruto said you would train us" i cross my arms and glare at him "huh? well i said i would train him, i don't remember accepting another kid" he sweat drops and turns to look at naruto who gives him a thumbs up while giggling "ugh..fine, first up is....." suspense drew both me and naruto in wanting to know what we would learn first "..stand perfectly on top of the lake/river behind you!" he yells and points towards the stream of water behind us

"really? ugh.." naruto grumbles walking towards the stream "here y/n!" naruto brightens up quickly and grabs my hand "you gotta put chakra into your feet!" naruto takes off his shirt and pants so he's only in his shorts causing my face to warm up a little 'ah i should too..' i take off my pants and shirt (you have a white singlet on and black tight shorts) then follow naruto's lead. he steps onto the water staying atop it for a bit before falling in "just like that! except for the part where you fall in.."

i get ready to step onto the water until i feel hands on my waist "hm you're pretty slim huh.." the old guy had begun to pat my waist "hey pervy sage!" naruto quickly jumps out of the water and punches him on the head, i look back at the 2 to see them arguing but the old man stops for a second "ohhh i see how it is" he grins at naruto before whispering something in his ear which caused naruto to blush "n-no that's not it!" i roll my eyes and focus on what we were told to do 'focus the chakra..' i step onto the water for a second but immediately fall in 'so i guess that wasn't enough chakra..' sighing i climb out and try again.

enjoy! also sorry that there hasnt been much more on rinen...

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