29. Madara Uchiha?!

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unconsciously i activate my sharingan which catches madara's attention "everyone..stand back" i order them all and hold out my hand, "gaara, try and capture him with your sand." gaara nods and sends sand up to madara who dodges, then lands and glares right at me 'talk about intimidating..' i sweat drop at his fierce stare.

madara slowly starts stepping forward then begins to sprint, war cries from all the shinobi sound out as they run at madara who easily knocks several of them down effortlessly.

temari steps forward and throws a wind style attack at madara "don't underestimate us!" she shouts at madara who stands silently, dusting himself off before throwing a giant fire style attack at us "get back!" i shout before sending a water style attack of the same calibre.

once the attacks collide a large amount of vapour spreads throughout the battlefield, "here he comes!" shouts a sensory shinobi as madara appears from the smoke, giant fire balls following behind him.

i had been standing back to try and think of a plan, glancing up i saw naruto aiming a giant rasengan at madara "naruto you idiot!" i shout and rush forward, madara had activated his susanoo and thrown naruto's clones back which are caught by gaara.

gritting my teeth i activate my susanoo "hm, so there's a shinobi here who can use the susanoo" madara grins slightly, "you guys should stay back!" i shout causing onoki to glare at me "this is no fight a child should take on alone!" he argues back.

"naruto?" gaara questions naruto who stood up "alright i'm ready!" gaara nods, "w-" i'm cut off by madara's susanoo that had tried to attack mine, luckily i raised my battle axe just in time to block his attack, suddenly madara is pulled out of his susanoo by his feet, i deactivate mine and jump back to stand next to gaara while naruto throws his rasenshuriken at madara.


"no way.." my eyes widen in amazement as madara appeared from the smoke, unharmed "b-but that's...how does he-"naruto stutters "how does that madara guy possess the rinnegan.." my eyes widen even more 'if madara has the rinnegan then only physical attacks will work.' suddenly madara jumps back up to where the 2nd tsuchikage was and seems to talk with him.

using this time i create shadow clones and send them out to heal any injured shinobi, as well as mark the rest encase of emergencies, keeping my guard up i glare at madara who stared right back at me, he then clasps his hands together as a susanoo appears again 'this one's different..' slowly the sky above begins to darken, looking up i flinch 'this isn't good...' ruffling my hair angrily, i clap my hands together and in that instant every shinobi disappears, except for naruto's clone, gaara and onoki.

using my clones i have them all activate susanoo and stand under the giant asteroid "it seem that you may need some help" rinen says sarcastically 'help would be very appreciated!' running in i slide and come to a stop right in the middle of where the asteroid would land "i'm ready, rinen!" there's a short hum before my hair flairs up as if a strong gust of wind came from below my feet, slowly my eyes turn completely white, my hair matching them and my skin resembling a dull void.

a pitch black shadowy figure appears around me, roughly 2x the size of the nine tails, several bits of the shadow shoot out into longer, thinner shadows and connect with the asteroid, successfully stopping it "yes-!" i stumble slightly as the asteroid seemed to have gain more weight "y/n!" gaara and naruto shout, gaara sending sand out to aid me, onoki joins and flies up to the asteriod, making it lighter.

'if i could just send it away! but...i don't have anywhere for it to go' i grit my teeth "you need to punch it using sage mode" i smile happily "quick thinking rinen!" i say aloud and close my eyes.

opening them again they were now a fierce e/c with a slit pupil, much like a dragons eye, my ears longer and pointier.

clenching my fists i detach the shadow, rinen, from my body and jump up to the asteroid quickening my speed with particle style, "chaaa!" (i love cha!) my fists collide heavily and in a mere second it cracks into several pieces that fall and scatter everywhere.

sand/dust covered the battlefield, making it hard to see for non sensory type ninjas, 'dammit itachi..can you hurry up..' i stand up and dust myself off then look around before using my jutsu to telelport onoki, gaara and naruto to me who were unharmed since in the last second i used my clones susanoo to protect them, "you 3 doing ok?" i question "i'm the tsuchikage of course i'm ok!" onoki tries to stand up but freezes as a crack is heard "uh huh.." i roll my eyes and temporarily heal his aching back.


"you said your name was kabuto right?" questions a long black haired man, madara. "yes" responds another man wrapped in bandages with lifeless eyes controlled by kabuto, "hm. how much do you actually know about me? be truthful." orders madara "well..this is just a guess but back when you battled the 1st hokage, hashirama, you didn't actually die. instead you gained a portion of hashirama's power after losing" madara glares for a moment then pulls the top of his shirt forward and looks down it "i see, so then that's why i'm able to sense things coming so well. then you must also be aware of our plan?" "not in detail but please remember that i am your ally. however when it comes to wether that fake madara intends to carry out your plans or not, i don't quite know" kabuto held a slightly smug tone before turning to look down at a group of 4 people, onoki, gaara, naruto and y/n, madara also turns to glance down and eye a certain female

"you must be curious about that girl" kabuto speaks up "yes, i am. who is she?" "y/n l/n, she's an exceptional kunoichi who is the last of her clan" madara seems surprised by this information "i see...i do hope she doesn't die" madara adds with a small smile. "oh, there is one other thing i need to test" kabuto hums curiously "summoning jutsu!" madara plops a hand on the ground but nothing appears.

y/n pov

suddenly naruto bends over in pain "naruto?!" i quickly rush to check on him "my stomach...it hurts!" he clenches his teeth, i glance quickly at madara to see him stand up from the ground 'did he do something...' i glare then turn back to naruto but stop as the ground begins to shake "shit-!" i turn around to see trees/roots creeping towards us, smirking i form some hand signs then take in a deep breath "fire style-" i pause for a split second, trying to remember what madara called it earlier "majestic destroyer flame!" a huge amount of fire shoots from my mouth and moves out in all directions, burning away the wood style.

'well shit..that's a bit too much wood' i step back as my jutsu comes to a stop "it's alright y/n! i got this!" naruto pushes past me with several clones, "giant resengan..barrage!" he shouts as his clones stop the wood successfully.

he jumps back and falls down next to me "naruto! don't push yourself!" i begin healing him.

gaara quickly rushes over to us as madara and the controlled tschukage jump down, "that's too bad, i wanted to try out some more jutsu" madara's tone was slightly pouty 'talk about arrogant..' i sweat drop whilst glancing to the side, "but i don't think you can dance anymore onoki." i turn back to see onoki glaring at madara "what's that look for? i have already shown you the difference in our strengths long ago, remember?" onoki glares even more then starts a speech (im lazy).

after his speech i smile slightly, 'while he's not attacking..there's something i need to ask him' "madara" i speak up, gaining everyones attention "ah, the cute little l/n girl, what is it." i quickly stop myself from blushing and clear my throat "the fake madara, i know who he is and i want to know what you did to make him the way he is." his eyes widen slightly "so not only is she powerful but also intelligent" he grins, dodging my question completely "yes i quite like you." he hums before jumping forward to attack, along with 'kabuto'

however before they can get far a bright light appears, tsunade and the raikage jump out of it and kick away the two enemies, "granny tsunade?" naruto questions "why are you h-" i stop mid sentence as 4 people appear next to me and naruto "seeing as none of you are dead, i guess we made it in time" the mizukage says.

'all 5 kage fighting together...' i stare at the 5 in amazement, the presence of them all together just radiated power but compared to madara....

...it was minuscule.

i hope this is ok- i'm not very good at writing/describing fighting scenes...

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