20. akatsuki again

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naruto, shikimaru, choji, neji and kiba had left the village to go bring sasuke back while me and sakura were left behind. i was laying in my bed just staring at the ceiling thinking about all that's happened "i wonder when i'll see sasuke again..." i let out a long and heavy sigh then sit myself up, "i should eat something" i crawl out of bed and head for the kitchen, it was around midnight and i was having trouble falling asleep. i grab a cup of instant ramen feeling to lazy to make a proper meal, sitting at the table with chopsticks in hand i dig into the ramen but stop quickly after hearing a noise from my room, standing up i swallow and grab a kunai.

i was leaning against the wall outside of my room, listening for anymore noises, "maybe it was just my imagination?" i put the kunai down and walk into my room turning the light on in the process "am i starting to go crazy.." i sweat drop while staring at my empty room, turning around i begin to leave but i suddenly feel something hit my neck "wh..o.." my vision grows dark and blurry as i slowly black out.


"can i sacrifice her to jashin!" i hear someone yell excitedly but several no's cause them to grumble, slowly opening my eyes i blink a couple times before trying to sit up "she's awake." a deep voice emotionlessly states, turning my head to the side i saw several people dressed in black and red cloaks. scanning over all the people my eyes land on a specific blonde "YOU!" i jump up and point at them causing everyone to turn towards him "YOU'RE THAT CREEP WITH THE HAND MOUTHS!" i stomp closer to deidara who began to sweat "deidara what's she talking about" i look behind me to see itachi glaring at deidara "u-un-" deidara was cut off by another person "you could say that he forgot how to control his hand mouths again" i blush, turning to look at the owner of that voice i saw a red headed boy? who was really pretty "hey!" deidara yelled angrily at the red head "damn deidara i didn't know you were into kids!" a silver haired man puts his hand on deidara's shoulder

"hidan?" i tilt my head at the silver haired person who i remember reading about "hidan how does she know who you are" yet again another guy comes into view, he had basically his whole face covered except for his eyes, the part that was meant to be white on his eyes was red instead, "how the hell am i meant to know!" hidan yells at the 'masked' man "you were in a rogue ninja book" i sweat slightly intimidated by the amount of strong people standing around me

"wait, why am i here?!" i step back distancing myself from the cloaked people "we're the akatsuki." an orange haired guy with purple eyes steps in front of everyone else "yeah i know who you are, i asked why i'm here." i glare at the strange group of people "i like this kid!" hidan laughs to himself "because you're going to join the akatsuki." he glares back at me "pfft as if." i cross my arms and sit on the bed "you don't have a choice"

"now as for who we are, i am pain, this is konan," he gestures towards a short purple haired woman

"itachi" he points at itachi

"deidara" "un!"

"hidan" hidan laughs while giving me a thumbs up

"sasori" my eyes widen "the ugly man?!" i hear a few muffled laughs from some of the members "be quiet." pain shuts them up and continues on with introducing everyone

"kakuzu" pain points at the man with weird eyes


"zetsu" a weird person with a venus fly trap on their head appears from the ground, i stare at them all still feeling slightly intimidated

"hey! what about tobi!" a cheerful voice breaks the silence as a boy with an orange mask squeezes past the other members "tobi you're not apart of the akatsuki" zetsu sighs "but tobi is a good boy!" tobi crosses his arms and sits on the ground pouting but quickly changes moods after making eye contact with me "hello! my name is tobi!" he grabs my hand shaking it up and down "tobi you're hurting her" itachi puts his hand on tobi's shoulder "whoopsie.." tobi giggles and lets go of my hand, i stare at the group of s-class criminals.

" tobi giggles and lets go of my hand, i stare at the group of s-class criminals

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"shouldn't you be scared?"

'they act like children..how am i meant to be scared' i sigh quietly before deciding to speak up "i'm not joining your stupid group of rebellious kids" i stand up and push past pain, walking towards the door "like i said, you don't have a choice" pain says

an arm is suddenly slung over my shoulder "hey there kid! do you want to worship jashin?" hidan was smiling at me "no one but you will worship your stupid religion" kakuzu pulls hidan away from me "it's not stupid!" hidan yells angrily at kakuzu

"hey want to see some art? un!" deidara pulls me over to him "your art is pathetic, she'd rather see mine instead" sasori grabs my shoulders and pulls me against his chest

"noo! tobi wants to play with y/n!" tobi grabs my waist and picks me up, by now several veins were showing on my forehead "i'm not some sought of toy! now put me down" i manage to get myself out of tobi's grasp "don't expect me to just happily and willingly join you!" i point at them all "we guessed as much so you will be staying under supervision for awhile" , i roll my eyes and glare at pain "where...where do i sleep..." i avoid their gazes feeling a little embarrassed 'i'll come up with a plan soon.' "with-" "with tobi!" tobi picks me up again and runs off towards his room, i think? "tobi you can't just decide that on your own! un!" deidara yells at tobi who was still running off with me in his arms.

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