Risky business (NCT Jisung short imagine)

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You and Jisung were the middle of hot make out session. Both of your hair messy, shirtless, leaving marks on each other's necks and collarbones. You heard that Jisung got a text and put your hands on his chest

"Baby stop, you got a text" You said but he didn't care

"Probably a notification" He said and continued to kiss your chest leaving kisses down to your stomach. You heard another ding and turned your head to his phone

"You're late to practice!" You read a text and gasped making him startled

"What, what happened? Did I hurt you?" He asked and quickly removed his hands from your pants

"Jisung, your practice!" You shouted and his eyes got wide

"Oh shit" He said quickly jumping out of bed. He fixed his pants and looked for his shirt around your room. You helped him to get his things and he kissed you again

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't stay for longer, but I promise to make it up to you" He placed his hand on your cheek and gently rubbed it with his thumb. You smiled and pecked his lips for the last time

"Everything is fine go, all members are waiting already" You said and heard that he got a call. Jisung ignored it and after sending you a flying kiss left

"Well, my shower head, here I come..." You said and went in bathroom


Jisung slammed practice room door open and walked in. All members looked and laughed at Jisung who was breathing heavily. They saw his hair messy, lips swollen and his shirt smelled like your perfume

"Where were you?" Jeno asked and Jisung sat down to change his shoes

"We got up late, sorry" Jisung lied and Chenle chuckled

"Or you didn't even get to sleep this night?" He teased younger guy and pointed at his shirt which still had your lipstick from the previous night

"You guys do it even in the morning? Wow..." Chenle kept on teasing him and others laughed. Jisung threw his shoe at him and got up. All of them went in their spots and started to practice

"Just later cover up those hickeys..." Jaemin calmly said and Jisung nodded


After practice they all went to eat. Jisung said that after eating he won't go home along with them and go to you. Others said that it's fine and they continued to eat while talking. After eating they all headed home but before that dropped Jisung off at your place.

Jisung took his things and said bye to everyone

"Do you have protection?! Cause I don't think your pull out game is strong enough!" Renjun shouted making Jisung embarrassed. Jisung just shook his head and went in your apartment complex.

Jisung rang your doorbell and waited for you to opend the door. As soon as he saw you, smile grew on his face and he wrapped his arms around your waist pushing you inside your house.

 As soon as he saw you, smile grew on his face and he wrapped his arms around your waist pushing you inside your house

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