Butterfly- SF9 Chani imagine

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Running away after stealing ice cream made you laugh and feel free from this cruel world. As Chani held your hand tight and told you to hurry, you felt like flying, like being back in your childhood when you had no worries and enjoyed every single day

Having silly or romantic dates, walking around the streets while eating street food, dancing in the rain, making out in his big pool, running around the house as he chases you. Then Chani would finally catch you and kiss you so passionate that each time the kiss felt different.

Chani played your favorite song as you walked in his room while swaying your hips side to side. You both laughed and he looked at your exposed butt and legs each time you spun around or raised your hands. Finally Chani wrapped his arms around your waist and laid you on bed. You laughed as he slowly climbed on top of you and kissed your whole body. You pushed him off you and sat on his lap facing him. Chani looked at you with eyes filled with love, he wished for this moment to never end. You grabbed an expensive bottle of his parents champagne and drank it. Chani took it away from you and took a sip too. You smiled at each other and he said

"I love you, I can't wait one day to marry you and fill this whole house with your kids" He said which made you laugh

"You want a soccer team? You still need mommy yourself" You chuckled and he threw you on bed attacking your lips

Your relationship was just like a from fairytale. You had no worries, your small fights would always end soon, with you both being in each other's arms. But not all fairytales have happy endings

It was 12 am. You were already sleeping while Chani drew different shapes on your bare back. He looked at your peaceful figure and thanked God for sending him most amazing person in his life. Suddenly the peace was interrupted by a phone call. Chani looked at his phone screen and saw an unexpected caller

"Dad..." He whispered and slowly got out of the bed not wanting to wake you up

-Oh Chani! Sorry for calling so late
-It's okay, I wasn't sleeping anyways
-Listen, me and your mother got some news that you are failing your college classes, is that true?
-No, not really...I'm doing like always, average
-Is it because of that girl?
-Y/N? Can you stop putting her in our every conversation? Never talk about her again especially in a negative way
-Son, she's not for you, you should have dated Yunah, she's from wealthy family, studies great too
-Yunah is a cold bitch, nothing else
-Chani stop talking like that! Get your grades higher or you will need to break up with Y/N. I am not kidding
-She's the only person who knows me the best, I will never break up with her, never
-I warned you. I give you a week to focus on school or you don't want to know what will happen to her

Chani's dad hung up the phone call and Chani squeezed his phone in his hand out of frustration

"Is everything okay?" You startled him and he quickly looked back where you were standing covering yourself with a blanket and already had a messy hair. Chani smiled and walked to you

"Everything is okay my love, I will never let anyone to hurt you" He said hugging you tight and you placed your head on his shoulder

He knew that was he was doing right now was risky, even dating you was risky, but he promised himself to never let anyone to hurt you.


Week went by and you noticed that something is happening with Chani. He started to smoke and drink even more, he didn't attend his online classes, started to get more and more aggressive.

After finishing your project with few classmates you got home with a take out food ready to throw a mini party with your boyfriend

"Love! I'm home!" You shouted walking through the long hallway and went to the living room. First thing you noticed was the table full of alcohol and empty cigarette boxes. Chani was watching TV and turned to you

"Ohh my baby is home!!" He jumped off the couch and almost fell as he was trying his best to look sober. He tried to kiss you but the smell of alcohol and cigarettes made you to reject him

"Did you go at least on one of the lectures today? Biology? Math? Something?" You asked and he got mad

"Why do you care about that damn college so much? Everyone is fucking my brain about that college! Even you Y/N!" He shouted which made you to flinch

"Chani, calm down, remember that your parents paid big money for you to study there, we don't want to disappoint them, right? We need to do our best so one day they will accept our relationship and-" You didn't finish when he grabbed your forearms and started to shake you while screaming

"Stop being such a selfish bitch! All you care about is being accepted by my parents! They will never accept you because you're not rich! Stop being so naive!" He let you go and you fell on the couch. Your eyes started to water and you choked on your tears. Chani grabbed a bottle and left you alone. You fell on your knees and started to cry your heart out

After getting yourself together you cleaned the mess Chani made and went upstairs. You saw him already sleeping while hugging empty bottle of some liquor. You closed the door of his bedroom and went downstairs

While walking around this huge house you knew that your ending is soon. Soon you won't live here anymore and will come back to the dorms. His parents will be home next month but you know that this relationship won't last that long.

You fell asleep only at 4 am in one of the rooms. Chani woke up at about 12 pm by the smell of food. He had horrible headache and tried his best to remember what happened last night

"Good morning love" He got in the kitchen and wanted to kiss you but you pulled your head away

"Sit down and eat" You said not even looking at him. He understood that last night something horrible happened but were too scared to even ask

"Your 1st lecture started at 9 am- you overslept it. Your 2nd lecture was at 11 am- you overslept it too. You will have another lecture at 12:30 pm, you will need to attend it and I won't let you to leave the damn computer till it ends" You said and threw a pair of chopsticks to him. He flinched and just nodded while slowly chewing on his food

"I'm sorry" He whispered and you looked at him

"Chani if you won't stop drinking and being so aggressive, I will leave and I'm serious. I won't let you to raise your hand on me ever again. I'm trying to help you before it gets too late! You know your father well, he will tear our relationship apart, he will take away you from me! I will be left all alone" You started to cry again, not wanting to break up with him like that. Chani didn't say anything but just hugged you tight and let you to cry in his chest

"We will get back to where we started. Live our life but with right mind. I won't let anyone to take you away from me, I promised you Y/N" He said gently caressing your hair

At the evening you both were watching TV when someone rang the doorbell. You looked at each other not expecting any guests and he went to open the door. After a minute you heard Chani's scream

"Y/N run! Please run out of the house!" You quickly jumped off the couch and ran to the veranda's door but two men grabbed and dragged you inside the house

"Dad! It's not her fault, all the time it was me! I drank and ruined our lives! She tried to help me! Don't fucking touch her!" Chani shouted and started to fight the men who were holding you

"I told you son to change, look where we ended up. Take her out" Chani's father said and you both tried to fight the men off but were too weak

"I will find you love! I promised to protect you!" Chani shouted as now he was held by other men. He started to cry as he saw you being dragged out of the house. Chani managed to get out of their grip and he just fell down. He cried his whole heart out and kept on repeating your name

Next day Chani woke up early. He walked to the balcony and hugged your sweater tight inhaling your perfume. On his hand he noticed a butterfly, it was yellow and didn't leave Chani's hand

"She will come back" He whispered remembering the first day you two met. The butterfly showed you to him, you were wearing same colored shirt as the butterfly was

Chani looked at his butterfly tattoo and gently touched it. He felt that you were near

But this time, butterfly was wrong...

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