Not your wife (NCT Lucas mafia au. imagine)

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You were making a dinner in your new apartment which Lucas bought for you. You were about to cut vegetables when you heard a doorbell. You ran and through the peephole saw Lucas. You smirked and opened the door

"Look who's here. Didn't you say that you will have dinner with your wife?" You asked and he untied his shoes

"We didn't have any dinner. As soon as I sat down to eat she started acting like a bitch" He said and you laughed. Lucas stood up and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You two kissed and you let go of him

"Hmm I smell food" He said and walked forward. You chuckled and ran past him. You checked on the food and continued to do what you were doing. Lucas hugged you from behind and put his head on your shoulder

"How was your day?" He lazily asked while watching you cooking

"Just like other ones. I finally finished unpacking and later went out to meet my mom. How about yours?" You asked and he pecked your cheek. He walked to the table and flopped on the chair

"Made a deal with some man from Italy. Finally sold that old cocaine I had" He said and sighed. You sat on his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck once again

"How much did you get?" You asked being curious and he thought for a bit

"Not that much, only $150,000" He said and you chuckled

"When will be enough money for you?" You asked and he chuckled too

"Never" He said straight away and you just shook your head

"So...what about your wife? Did you tell her already?" You asked and he shook his head saying no. You rolled your eyes and got up from his lap

"Seriously Y/N? Rolling eyes? Since when you're so brave, huh?" He asked and looked at you walking back to the stove

"Since you started to be a pussy and scared to divorce with your wife" You said and he laughed

"What's wrong with living like right now?" We fuck everyday, I give you money whenever you want, I bought you two cars and this apartment which is worth over $7,000,000" He said and you glared at him

"I don't care about the material things, I want you, I want to have you by my side every single day!" You shouted as he just looked at you

"Stop raising your voice, baby doll or I will give you back to Taehyung" He warned you but you didn't care

"At least he lived together with me..." You said and Lucas walked towards you

"Oh really? And fucked you whenever he wanted, you liked that?!" He shouted and you yelled too

"I'm not your fucking wife! Talk to her like that!" You said and left the kitchen. Lucas put his face in his palms and felt frustrated. He didn't mean to talk to you like that especially about your cruel past with Taehyung. He walked to your bedroom and saw you sitting on the floor and playing with your fingers. He sat down next to you and looked at the ground

"I'm sorry for putting a salt on your wound. I didn't mean to talk like that" He said and you still didn't look at him

"It's not the point...I feel just like a toy to you. You come here just to sleep with me or buy me things for me to stay. I miss you and all day I feel lonely. I know that your wife has all the rights and I'm literally just nothing. I don't feel respected enough and whenever I walk to some expensive stores where everyone knows you, people say that I'm your mistress and gives me disguisting looks. That's what I hate the most Lucas" You said and he finally understood what was happening. Lucas hugged you and pulled you closer to him

"Tomorrow I will tell her to leave the house and we will start to live together. I promise to always be by your side. You don't need to think that you're alone, you have me" He said and kissed top of your head

"I hope you will keep your promise" You said and looked up at him. Lucas nodded and smiled

You two got up and went back in kitchen. After eating you came back in your bed and cuddled till you fell asleep.

 After eating you came back in your bed and cuddled till you fell asleep

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