JYPShin (Stray Kids Hyunjin imagine)

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After practice all members sat down to get some snacks and just talk. Suddenly Hyunjin with Han started to argue

"Okay! If you will win I will buy you dinner for 3 days. But if I will win you will go to Y/N with JYPShin outfit" Han said making other members to burst in laugh. Hyunjin gasped and looked at him with big eyes

"No! I'm not wearing that outfit again especially while going to Y/N. Today her mom will be home before I arrive" Hyunjin said and Changbin slapped his back while laughing

"Imagine showing up at Y/N's place with those pants. Her mom would get a heart attack" He said and Hyunjin just sighed while rest of the members laughed at him

"Okay, deal!"


After playing a game they were supposed to play Hyunjin lost. He begged Han to have mercy on him but Bangchan already left to bring the outfit. Hyunjin all the time looked at other members with disappointed face and then called you

-Huh? What happened?
-Is your mom still at home?
-Yeah she will leave after an hour, but why are you asking about her?
-Just...you will see. I love you, I will be there after about 20 minutes
-Love you too see ya

Hyunjin put his phone down and with annoyance grabbed the outfit from Chan and left to change

"I think Y/N's mom will ban her from dating Hyunjin" Minho said and other chuckled

Finally Hyunjin came back with the same legendary outfit he wore for the filming and took his things. He laughed at himself too and just shook his head

"Tomorrow Hyunjin will come back being single" Han said and all of them laughed. After saying bye to each other he left

Even his manager who was supposed to take him at your place tried his best not to laugh


Like he said after more than 20 minutes Hyunjin was already at your place. He rang the door bell and you ran to open it. After you saw him your jaw dropped

"W-what the hell are you wearing?" You said and put your hand over your mouth. Hyunjin inhaled and walked in

"I lost a bet with Han..." He said and you tried not to laugh

"Laugh how much you want" He said taking his shoes off. You touched the pants and looked at him up and down

"Wow, it looks even better than on the screen" You said and your mom walked in

"Oh hi Hyunjin" She said and looked a bit surprised after seeing what he was wearing

"Mom, Hyunjin lost a bet with Jisung now he needs to wear this" You said and she started to smile

"It kinda looks good on you" She said which made you to laugh. Hyunjin thanked her and you both went in your room

After a few minutes your mom left and you two were alone

"How about you just take off those pants. They don't look that comfy" You said sitting down on your bed

"Let's take a shower together and then lay in bed" He said and cupped your cheeks. Hyunjin leaned forward and pecked your lips. You nodded and he took your hand. You both went to take a shower together and after having a two rounds- one in shower and one in bed just cuddled together naked before falling asleep

"How about you wear this outfit tomorrow while we go shopping?" You asked and his eyes shot wide open

"Don't even think about it" He murmured in your neck and you chuckled. Hyunjin pulled you closer and you fell asleep

 Hyunjin pulled you closer and you fell asleep

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