Butterfly- SF9 Chani imagine. ending

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~After a week~

Chani got home from college and turned on the TV. He walked to the kitchen to make himself some lunch when he heard TV reporter saying

"10 minutes ago a female's body was found in Han River. Detectives are still looking into the details of a murder" Chani got a strange feeling and turned off the stove and looked at the TV

He dialed your friend's phone number and asked about you. She told him that you weren't like yourself lately and had many dark thoughts, she hasn't seen for almost a week. Chani asked her to look for you as he ran out of the house

He went to all places where you could be but couldn't find you. He started to panick and when he finally met your friend, Chani ran to her with eyes full of tears

"Please tell me that you found her. Is she home? She's home right? We need to go, I need to see her" He said and wanted to run but she stopped him

"Chani... Today Y/N left our world. She left us" She said trying her best not to cry and not to make him more emotional

"What do you mean left? She left the country? When? Why?" He asked and she shook her head saying no

"Her body was found in Han River, not long ago" She said and showed the article to Chani. He couldn't read it and just ran away. He ran to the place you met each other for the first time

Now that place wasn't that romantic anymore. There were lots of police officers writing something down and walking around. Chani walked closer but officer stopped him

"You can't go there son" He said and Chani looked at him with no emotion showing eyes

"I want to see Y/N, for the last time. I need to see my butterfly" He said and police officer told him that your body is already taken away for expertise

Chani looked at the same place you two met and got a flashback when you bumped in him and made him to drop all of his books. Then he understood that you were the woman he was looking for

Finally he got home and saw that he got a call from his father. He just turned off his phone and after taking a bottle of strong liquor went to his room


After few days he was greeted by your family in the funeral home. Your mom to him was like his own mom, or even better. After she saw Chani she couldn't help but to cry remembering how she used to see you both holding hands and smiling to each other

"Oh Chani..." She said and hugged him. He couldn't help but to start crying too

She leaded him to the place where he could see you for the last time. Everyone moved aside and he finally saw you. You were so beautiful and looked so peaceful just like back then, when you used to sleep in his arms. Chani took your hand and pressed his lips against it

"I am so sorry, I should have protected you better" He said and looked at your face. He knew that he will never forget you and will never love someone else so hard as he loved you.

When the funeral ended he sat down near your grave. He talked to you just like you were here, sitting next to him. He got quiet for a second and closed his eyes. Chani felt something tickling his hand and that made him to look at it. On his hand he saw a butterfly. The butterfly didn't stay long. As he was about to touch it, it flew away

"Now I know that you're still with me. My butterfly"

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