Rush (Danny imagine)

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If you watch tiktok and know dannyphantom.exe, you will understand

After graduating high school you left your country to live with your dad. You didn't want to stay at your old hometown and decided to start your new life in foreign country

After moving in and looking around the town you couldn't stop thinking about the college. Tomorrow it will be your first day going there and meeting all new people. You weren't that nervous and felt more than excited

~Next day~

Your arrived at the college and after getting out of the bus turned around facing the big building.

You walked in and looked for your literature class. Going through long corridors you finally found it. The class was pretty empty since it was early, so you could choose any place you want to sit. You sat down and went straight to your phone. Few minutes later people started to gather in and fill up the class. You only glanced at few of them and went back to your phone again. In class walked your roommate. As soon as she saw you she waved and ran to sit next to you. You chuckled and hugged her back saying hi

"I didn't know we will be in the same class~ why didn't you tell me?" She asked taking her notes from her bag

"Ehhh I don't know. But I guess it will be fun since I won't be alone here" You said and she nodded. In class walked 3 guys and 1 of them caught your attention. He had silver hair, black hoodie on and silver chain matching his hair. He was too busy looking at his phone and just walked behind his friends. You couldn't look away since he looked so perfect. Together with his friends, he sat in front of you and finally looked up. You couldn't see his face until he turned to his friend. His side profile looked God like but you didn't want to get caught staring so quickly looked away

"You like him? His name is Danny, nice dude. We go in the same geography class" Your friend Daisy said chuckling. You just nodded not knowing what to say and took a few glances at him

Lecture finally started and you listened to your professor. She looked really nice and good woman, leaving great impression of herself to you

After lecture ended you had 1 hour till your next lecture. Your roommate Daisy was free too, so you two went to the cafe.

While waiting for your order Daisy was busy talking about upcoming party this weekend. You laughed at how excited she was and heard your name. You went to take your coffee and bumped into someone

"Oh- I'm sorry" You said and looked up. It was Danny. He smiled and told you to be more careful before walking to his friends. You smiled back and after taking your coffee quickly walked to Daisy

"Giiirl! Look at your cheeks~ they so red!" She teased you and you slapped her arm showing to stop

While you two were talking Danny kept on looking at you and thought that you're actually pretty cute

"Danny, Danny!" He turned to his friend who was busy calling him

"Your tea is here, let's go to take a seat" After telling that, Danny quickly took his tea from the counter and followed his friend

You were sitting on the right side of the cafe, while Danny sat at the left. You two kept on looking at each other and whenever your eyes would meet, you both would blush and look away

"Shall we go already?" Daisy asked and you agreed. You took your things and left


On Wednesday after all lectures ended you had more time for yourself, so decided to go to the gym. You didn't feel that productive to do your best but a little workout is better than not working out at all. After about an hour you came back in your dorm. As you walked in your eyes went wide, it was full of people

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