Please don't tell me...(Seventeen Mingyu imagine) ending

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Days went by and the whole family felt unsafe and uncomfortable being with each other. The police was trying to find out the real killer and the more they got into a story, the more confusing it got. Mingyu started to take pills since he had a hard time falling asleep and you saw your husband having a hard time focusing on daily basis.

Today Mingyu left early for work and you worked from home, not wanting to leave your daughter alone.

"Fuck, this printer is broken again" You said slamming your hands on your desk and went to your husband's office. While printing the papers you need, you sat behind his desk and your eyes spotted some paper with your family doctor's name. You lifted rest of the papers up and took it

"Kim Mingyu....Bipolar disorder/manic depression: confirmed. Dissociative Identity disorder: confirmed". You read more and saw the list of what Mingyu was going through. You saw the medicine he needed to take and got up from the chair. You looked around for the medicine he was taking and found the same that was written in the document. You had no idea that your husband was confirmed to have such a serious illness. You googled about it more and remembered all the things which were suspicious for you. Like his knife collection in the basement, his sudden mood changes and many more creepy things. You quickly made copy of this paper and left his office.

You went back to your work room and heard a knock on the door which made you to flinch

"Yes!" You shouted and saw your husband. He walked in and you gulped

"Hey, I'm back. You're still working?" He asked while walking towards you. You nodded and he hugged you from behind

"How about you take a little break, I will fill up the bath so we could lay there?" He asked and you looked at him

"No, I have a lot of work...Oh, how the things with your father are going?" You asked and he sighed

"Everything is great, tomorrow I will go to fix some papers." He said and kissed your cheek

"I will prepare dinner, so join me later when you will finish your work." He said and left. You exhaled and after door closed you looked through the window not wanting to believe that you live with a psychopath.


Next day police showed up again. This time they looked for your husband. Mingyu told you to go to your daughter's room while he went to talk with the detective. But you didn't listen to him. After he closed his office's door, you took off your heels and tip toed to listen to what they were talking about.

"As we know, Mr. Kim you're taking pills. For your illness." One of them said and then you heard your husband

"Yes, but they are from insomnia. I can't sleep well. Is it some serious illness?" Mingyu chuckled and you listened closer

"Mr. Kim, we talked with your doctor and he said that sometimes you drink them with alcohol or even double your dose. Is there any reason why you're doing it?" They asked him again

"Umm maybe because I prefer whiskey over water? But it was in the past, I'm drinking them carefully now. So you came to my house to ask about my dead father or me?" Mingyu asked with annoyed tone

"Mr. Kim, to make you less nervous, your wife is not a suspect in this story anymore. But now you are"


Night. You got ready to sleep and saw Mingyu leaving the bathroom. He turned the lights off and layed next to you. Mingyu placed his head on your chest and asked how your day went. You knew that he would never hurt you, so like always you played with his hair while talking till he fell asleep.

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