Hidden identity ep2: Dreams

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~After 3 years~

You were getting ready for school. After putting on your uniform you searched for your bag

"Y/N! The breakfast is ready!" You heard your aunt and walked downstairs. After placing your bag near front door you walked in the kitchen. Sandara was already sitting behind the table. Like always you gave her a peck on her cheek and sat down

"Today after 4th period I will take you from school, we need to get you some new shoes" She said with a smile and you nodded. You put your spoon down and looked at her

"Aunt? I think I know who I want to be when I will grow up" You said and she looked at you

"A killer. Just like my dad and kill the people who took my parents away from me" You said and she stopped eating. Sandara gulped and looked around

"Y/N n-no...being a killer is really bad. You need to graduate high school and then work somewhere like your other classmates" She said and you shook your head saying no

"The school won't help to learn how to kill people. I want to quit after 10th grade" You said and she sighed

"Don't even think about it, eat breakfast and we will leave for school or we will be late" She said and you continued to eat while she couldn't stop looking at you


Years went by and you grew up more and more. You were failing your school badly because there was only one thing on your mind- revenge. Sandara was against you becoming a killer just like your father and did her best to keep you in school. This year your uncle Jooheon came back from America and spent a lot of time with you. You told him your wish and he somehow agreed to train you but only if you will keep it a secret from Sandara.

Yes just as you said in 5th grade, after ending 10th grade you quit school and left to America with your uncle Jooheon. There he trained you fully to become a killer just as him and his brother- your father

"I'm going to kill Jeon Sejoon" You said as you were taking a break. Jooheon looked at you and laughed

"Don't be ridiculous Y/N, don't even try to mess with him. He's too dangerous" He said and you walked around the gym

"I will kill him. He killed my parents, Jooheon and your brother" You said and he just shook his head

"Kill anyone you want from his gang but not him. Everyone in this world has his back. Plus I don't want to lose you Y/N" He said and you punched a boxing bag

"Don't even try to stop me. I will do it and you won't lose me. Just help me to practice more" You said and continued to train


You started to collect information about Jeon Sejoon and found out that he killed his wife 3 years ago and has a son who is similar age as you- Jeon Jungkook. Currently Sejoon is in Italy while Jungkook is in South Korea.

"I will kill Jeon Jungkook first and send his head to Sejoon" You said to yourself while writing information down. It was 4 am and you were still working on your plan. You knew that no one will help you so you will need to work more and train even harder

Finally after finishing another page you turned off the lights in your bedroom and went to sleep. Outside of your room was standing Sandara. She just shook her head and whispered

"Y/N, dear...what are you planning to do?"

what are you planning to do?"

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