Your home (Jisung imagine)

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You and Jisung have been dating for quite a long time now. Your relationship isn't official for fans to know and you two are happy with that. No scandals, no hate which means you two can date in peace. You completely trust and love Jisung, and he feels the same. Lately you started to think about making another step in your relationship. Even though there were times when you would make out and of course it felt amazing, but you thought that you're ready enough for more. One day you talked about that with Jisung and he thought the same... but when?


Your mom lately has been busy with work and barely was home. You didn't have a lot of friends from school to hang out with but you were happy, because to you nothing felt better than to be with your best friends dreamies and of course your boyfriend Jisung. Today Jeno wrote in your group chat that they are free and would want to hang out. You agreed and later Jisung wrote to you that he will come to pick you up first. You started to get ready and after about 30 minutes he was already here.

"Babyy~" You hugged him and you both swung side to side finally to have each other in your arms. Jisung burried his face in crook of your neck and left few light kisses on it. You smiled and you both pulled away

Jisung sat on your bed while you walked around in your room looking for things such as phone or purse. You both talked and decided to not stay till late and spend the evening together by watching the movie you both wanted to watch. After you were ready you left your house and went to the mall where you and rest of the dreamies needed to meet. You and Jisung walked hand in hand and talked about each other's past days.

In mall you met other members and hugged each of them. First of all you all went to eat then shop and etc.

You didn't notice how it was time for you and Jisung to go. Jaemin wanted you two to stay for a bit more but you said no. After saying bye you both left. Before going to your place you bought some snacks and pizza for dinner.

"Finally only two of us" Jisung exhaled walking in your house and taking off his shoes. You locked the door and walked behind him to the kitchen. You hugged Jisung from behind and rested your chin on his shoulder while he prepared the snacks

"So will you just stand there or want to help me?" Jisung asked and you chuckled. You let him go and smacked him butt while grinning which made Jisung to laugh and chase you to your bedroom


You both got comfortable in your bed and started to watch your first movie of the night. It was interesting and both of you were focused on it. Jisung leaned closer to you and put his head on your shoulder. You didn't care a lot about it and just continued to watch. You felt Jisung kissing your neck and wrapping his one arm around your waist. He sat up a bit and slipped your shirt string off your shoulder. He left kisses on your shoulder and went down to your collar bones. You turned to him a bit and wanted to ask what he's doing but Jisung kissed you. This time the kiss was rougher than the ones you had today. Your tongues fought against each other and Jisung put his hand on the nape of your neck deepening the kiss. You put your hand on his waist and sat on him. Jisung carefully put the computer on the ground and you two continued to make out. Jisung took your shirt in his hands and took it off. You got shy and burried your face in crook off his neck. Jisung kissed your neck and shoulders while undoing your bra and taking it off too

"Don't be shy, let me touch you" He whispered and you kissed him again. He gently rubbed your back and his hands went down to your butt squeezing it. You sat up and took his shirt off too. You both hugged each other pressing your chests together. You loved the way Jisung didn't rush anywhere and just wanted to enjoy this moment together with you. You took each other's pants off and Jisung flipped you two over, coming on top of you. You weren't scared of anything and smiled while looking in his eyes. Jisung kissed down your neck to your chest and put one of your titts in his mouth sucking on your nipple and twirling his tongue around it. The moan escaped your lips and you pulled him closer wanting more. Jisung licked and sucked on your other tit before going back up and kissing you. He sat up and after putting condom on positioned at your entrance. He slowly pushed in and it was painful as you had read on the internet. You held tightly into his arms as he carefully moved not to hurt you a lot.

Even though it wasn't the best feeling you still loved it and wanted Jisung closer and closer

"I love you~" Jisung moaned in your ear and kissed your neck. You lightly scratched his back and closed your eyes becoming familiar with the feeling

After you were done Jisung layed on top of you and you played with his hair as he heavily breathed. He layed next to you and you put your head on his chest. You both hugged and just talked how you love and treasure each other. After about an hour you felt sleepy and you both said goodnight...


Next morning you woke up first. Jisung was still sleeping. You smiled seeing your still naked boyfriend deep in his sleep. After covering his bare body you pecked his cheek and left the bed to make breakfast

You were busy in the kitchen and didn't hear how Jisung got up and watched you cooking only in his shirt. He carefully walked behind you and hugged trying not to scare you. You smiled and looked up over your shoulder

"Good morning"

"Good morning"

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