Doll ending (BTS Taehyung psycho au.)

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After that night you continued to work at his house, because he offered lots of money. Just for a week you can get over 500$ which was a lot for you. So you stayed.

One thing you didn't know was that Taehyung was preparing to make you his doll. Taehyung finally got a chance to open his playroom. While decorating the room and unpacking the stuff he bought, he played his favorite classical music and danced around. He smiled and laughed with his insane laugh and couldn't wait to finally play with you.

Taehyung spotted a new red lipstick he bought for you. He sat in front of the mirror and spread it messily on his lips. He laughed seeing his reflection and with his palm wiped it off. The lipstick got on his right cheek and he just laughed...

While you were cleaning his office. You were told that you can't touch his things but you risked. You tip toed to the door and looked around. He wasn't near. You came back to his desk and quickly looked through the papers. You found some interesting stuff but there was no time to read everything, so you took some pictures and continued to clean. After you were done you left his office and on your way to the kitchen saw him walking towards you

"How are you doing? Done cleaning my office?" He asked and you nodded. Taehyung smiled and stroked your hair

"Good girl, now go back to work. After you will be done with kitchen you can go back to your room and take some rest" His hand ran down your arm and landed on your hip

"Could you please stop touching me? At least when I'm working" You said and he looked at you with emotionless face

"Could you please stop touching me? At least when I'm working" You said and he looked at you with emotionless face

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"Dolls can't talk, can they? Why are you ordering me what should I do or not? I don't like it, maybe I should..." He said and placed his hand on your mouth

"Shut this mouth forever?" He said now looking in your eyes. He kept on holding your mouth and you started to panic. You couldn't breathe and wanted to take his hand away but he held it tightly as the smiled creeped on his face. He let you go after few seconds and walked away like nothing happened.


Finally after work you came back in your bedroom. You layed on your bed and started to read those documents. You googled for more information about him and found something interesting

"Kim Taehyung, known as former BTS member V, in 2018 December 27th day killed his wife named Kim Nari. He brutally murdered her by tying her in the bed and cutting her guts out. In court which was held in 2019 January 2nd, Kim Taehyung was asked what was the reason to kill his wife like that. After being asked that question Kim Taehyung stated: 'She didn't give me what I wanted, that's why there was no reason for her to live anymore...' " You read the first page which gave you chills down your spine. You saw the next page and it was a photo of some room full of dolls. You found some information and continued to read

"Detective Park Jiwoo said: 'We found a room in Kim Taehyung's house which was full of dolls, at first we couldn't understand why he needed them, but after talking with him in Psychiatric hospital he revealed that they were for his unborn daughter' " You gasped and looked around. You felt so scared to live with psychopath and decided that tomorrow you need to leave as soon as you get up. You decided not to read anymore and just do something productive.

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