Until we meet again (Stray Kids Hyunjin angst)

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It was currently 3 am in the morning. You couldn't sleep at all and just walked around your home. You checked your phone almost every minute and still no call or text. You gave up and went to bed. As you layed on your side you looked through the window and up in the sky saw the big full moon. You could still hear the busy night city Seoul. After you sighed you heard your front door closing

"Finally he's home..." You said in your mind and got out of the bed. You opened your bedroom's door and saw Hyunjin

"Oh you're not sleeping, did I wake you up?" He asked and you shook your head saying no. You looked down at your feet and in your sight got his big shirt which you were wearing as your pajama

"Where were you?" You calmly asked and he walked towards you

"Practices, like always" He said and you looked up at him

"Don't lie. All members are already home, I called Chan, he said that you left practices first at 6 pm. Hyunjin...where were you till now?" You asked trying to stay calm as possible but it was hard

"Why are you asking so much? Go to sleep I will join you soon" He said and put his hands on your shoulders but you snatched them away

"Get your dirty hands off me! Where were you Hyunjin?! If you did nothing wrong, then why can't you say?!" You shouted and he rolled his eyes

"I was out with my friends, you happy now?! What's wrong with you?! Are you on your period or something?" He asked and you felt your eyes watering. Hyunjin got a text and chuckled after reading it. Your blood started to boil and you took his phone. You saw some "Hayoon❤😝" and Hyunjin tried to get his phone back. You ran away and unlocked his phone. Hyunjin at first sighed and watched you reading his texts with her

"You fucker" You hissed and were about to call that girl but he pulled you by your hair making you to fall. His phone flew across the room and you hit the ground with your head really hard. Hyunjin gasped and covered his mouth. You groaned from the pain and couldn't even stand up as your head started to ache really badly. Hyunjin wanted to help you but you shouted at him

"Don't even touch me ever again!" You shouted and slowly got up by yourself. Hyunjin apologized more than ten times and watched you leaving to your shared bedroom. He felt angry at himself and got the phone. He deleted the girl's number and walked to you. He saw you laying in bed and holding your head. Hyunjin got some medicine and water. He put it on your nightstand and told you to drink them. You glared at him and took the pill. You put your head down on the pillow again and without looking at him said

"Please leave the room, sleep in the guests bedroom. I don't want to see you here..." You said and he after apologising once more left. You broke down in tears which caused more pain but it didn't hurt like your broken heart. Hyunjin heard you crying but didn't want to make you more angry so he decided just to stay in the guests room. For a few hours he thought what he should do now and how to make you to forgive him. He knew that he fucked up really bad and now getting your trust will be impossible.


Next morning he woke up first. He made breakfast for you two and slowly walked in your bedroom. He saw you still sleeping and sat down next to you. He watched as your chest lightly rose up and down, you cutely pouted in your sleep which made him to realize what he almost lost. He caressed your cheek and waited for you to wake up. You felt his touch and opened your eyes. You just looked at him and he said good morning to you. Hyunjin told you to get up and eat with. You nodded and got up

You two sat down to eat and your breakfast not like every morning was quiet. You both ate in silence and he started to explain himself. You listened to him and put your fork down

"I just think we need a break...it looks like you got tired of me, my body so you needed to find someone else. Later we will decide what to do, break up or stay together. But I don't think it's possible" You chuckled at the last sentence and he looked down. He got teary eyes and tried to hold them back

After you were done you got up and thanked him for the breakfast. You came back in your bedroom and just layed in bed, it was the only thing that comforted you now. Hyunjin came in the room and said

"I agree with what you said. I will stay with my members at the door, when we will need each other, I think we will feel it" He said and you got up. You walked to him and hugged him. You two stayed like that for a while and let go of each other. He took his most important things, clothes and put his suitcase near front door. He looked at your shared apartment one last time and pulled you into hug again. Hyunjin kissed your cheek and took his suitcase

"Bye, stay safe Y/N" He said and you slightly smiled at him. After he left, you locked the door and slid down it hitting the ground. You couldn't stop crying and through your head rushed all the cutest and best memories you two had. You got up and wiped your tears away. You deeply inhaled and walked forward. You saw framed picture of you two and after flipping it over, came back in your bedroom

 You saw framed picture of you two and after flipping it over, came back in your bedroom

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