Abandoned (Haechan imagine)

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You and Haechan were laying in bed and just talking about a lot of things. Lately he has been really busy and you two didn't have enough time for each other so today was a perfect day since he was not that busy

"Haechan...I want a baby" You said lifting your head up and looking at him. He chuckled and caressed your hair

"I would like to have many kids! But in the far future of course" He said and you looked at him. His face turned to serious and he looked at you too

"You want to have a baby now? Like really now?" He asked and you put your head back on his chest

"N-no, it's fine" You said and now felt scared to tell the truth since he doesn't want kids yet.


On weekend you two met again. After going back from your date he asked you to come to his dorm since not a lot of members will be there. All the time you were nervous, but you had to tell him the truth that you're pregnant. You couldn't hide it anymore and he needed to know that after 9 months he will become a dad

Haechan came back from the kitchen with snacks in his hand. He wanted to lay in bed but you stopped him

"Haechan wait! I mean can we talk for a bit?' You asked and he furrowed his eyebrows

"What happened?" He asked and walked to you

"I need to tell you something. I know that you won't be happy with that and I perfectly understand , but... I'm pregnant" You said and his eyes got wide

"What?!" He almost shouted and you wanted to say something but he cut you right off

"What do you mean pregnant? Didn't you say that you're on pills?! When I came in you, you said that it's fine! Are you serious? I'm only 20!" He shouted and you got angry too

"Stop shouting! I'm young too! But what happened, that happened and if you're that angry and don't want this child, fine! I will raise that child by myself!" You shouted back and he stepped forward

"It's our child not only yours! That night...that night you said that you want kids, so you did that on purpose even knowing that I'm not ready to have a child right? Are you fucking insane?!" After he said that you slapped him

"Lee Haechan! I got pregnant before that night, you idiot! You know what? Okay, forget about me and this kid" You said and took your bag wanting to leave but he grabbed the bag from you and threw it on his bed

"Don't even think about it. You won't prevent me from seeing my son or daughter. I'm the father of this child and-" You cut him off and stepped forward while glaring in his eyes

"And I'm the mother who will carry it for 9 months and give birth, I will raise this child better than you were raised" You said and he raised his hand. You didn't flinch and quickly grabbed your bag. You left his bedroom and slammed the door. You saw the members looking at you and at Haechan who was now standing in front of his bedroom. You left the dorm and didn't come back anymore

~After a year~

You put your baby daughter in the stroller and left your house. Today was a perfect day for a walk and get some fresh air. You looked at your little flower peacefully sleeping and that made you smile. You walked around the streets and went to get some coffee. Some older woman complimented your baby and you thanked her

"Her dad must be really handsome too" She said and your smile slightly dropped. You just nodded and after getting your drink left the cafe

"Yes baby, you really look like your daddy" You sighed while looking at her. Hazel had Haechan's eyes, lips, nose, almost everything, she was just a little girl copy of him. On your way to the park you saw SM building which you used to visit almost every day. You just smiled after remembering when you with rest of NCT members along with your boyfriend would leave after their practices were done. You saw the front door opening and out of the building walked Johnny with Jaehyun. They saw you first and their eyes got wide

"Y-Y/N? Y/N!" Johnny shouted and they both waved to you. You smiled and saw them coming. As soon as they saw the stroller they knew that it's Haechan's child who is already born. You hugged both of them and started to talk how it's been a while since you saw each other. Even though you broke up with Haechan, you still were friends with rest of the members but didn't see them as much as you used to.

"It's your baby~ how old is she or he?" Jaehyun asked and you showed them sleeping Hazel

"She, her name is Hazel. She is 3 months old" You said and they both went soft for her. They didn't want to wake her up and just appreciated how adorable she looked from a far. Johnny in his mind thought how similar she looks to Haechan, but didn't say it to you. Out of the building walked Haechan with Mark. While Mark started smiling after he saw you, Haechan got lost. He didn't know how to act. Should he walk with Mark to you? Or just turn around?

"Y/N, it's been so long" Mark said while hugging you. You smiled and nodded. He looked at the stroller and his eyes got a wide

"Your baby~awww she is so pretty" He said and other members agreed

"Her name is Hazel" You said and he smiled at her. After you said her name she woke up and looked around not understanding what's happening. She cutely yawned making other's hearts to explode. You turned to your right and saw Haechan shyly walking to you

"Hey" He said and you simply said hi. Other members felt the awkward atmosphere between you two and didn't know what to do

"Come on let's go already. See you later Y/N, let's meet again some day" Johnny said and three of them left

"Can I look at her?" Haechan asked and you nodded. He leaned closer to her and she reached her tiny hand. He gave her his finger and she took it. Haechan smiled and felt his eyes getting watery

"Hey precious, you probably don't know me, but I-" He didn't know how to say it and quickly wiped the tear away. They looked at each other and it was the first time how Hazel gave her hand to someone who is not you

"It's okay Haechan, she knows who you are" You said and he looked at you

"I want her to know that she has a dad, but he just doesn't live with her and is too busy to meet her" You said which didn't sound pleasant to him

"Y/N I'm really sorry, I was so immature and didn't think about your feelings and how important you were to me" He said and you looked away

"Would you like to have lunch together and talk about everything?" He asked and you thought for a bit. You agreed and you both left


You sat in restaurant and Hazel started to cry. After giving your orders you took her out of the strolled and unbuttoned your blouse. Haechan looked at you breastfeeding your little girl and couldn't stop thinking how beautiful you both were. You gently caressed her head while she looked at you with her big eyes and placed her hand on your breast. After she was done you still had her in your arms and Haechan finally got courage to ask

"Can I hold her?" He asked and you looked at him. You nodded and he got up. Haechan sat next to you and carefully took her in his arms. She was getting sleepy and Haechan's soothing voice made her to fall asleep faster

"I know that you don't love me anymore, but could I be with you for Hazel? Please Y/N, I want to have her in my life" He said and you looked at him

"Haechan she needed you since the first day she came in this world. And if the career is in the first place for you, I don't think that you will be a great father" You said and he looked down at her

"No, it will never be in first place. Since we were dating you were the most important person in my life. You always were in the first place" He said and you looked at him

The waiter finally showed up with your food cutting him off. You both cleared your throats and started to eat

After lunch Haechan leaded you home. He made sure you got home safe and wanted to stay longer but his manager called him

"Can I come tomorrow?" He asked before leaving. You agreed and after wish you good rest of the day left

Since then you and Haechan didn't come back together. But he saw your daughter once in a while and on important days such as her birthdays or kindergartner shows. Your daughter Hazel grew older and when it was time you explained why her dad doesn't live with her like her friend's dads. She was smart girl and understood that perfectly. Of course there were times when she missed him and wanted him close, but knew that she can't do anything about it.

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