Nightmares are dreams too (Wooyoung angst)

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Lately you and Wooyoung started to act your real roles. He started to act cold towards you and disrespect you. You two fought lots of times, almost every day. When you told everything to your best friend, she immediately told you to leave him, but you weren't sure about that...


"Oh so now you're telling me to shut up?! You started to yell at me at first! Fuck you Wooyoung, get the fuck out of here!" You shouted and wanted to leave the kitchen but he stopped you

"Who let you to speak about our relationship to that bitch, huh? Answer me!" He shouted and pushed you towards the table

"Kyungri is not a bitch, she's my best friend who supports me not like you, acting like selfish brat and thinking that you rule whole damn world!" You said and wanted to leave again but he stopped you. He turned you around and bent you over the table

"Now listen up you little slut. In this house, I'm the boss. So you better shut your mouth while I'm still nice" He whispered in your ear and you felt his hand sliding from you back to your ass

"I swear Wooyoung, I'm going to kill you" You growled and he chuckled letting you go

"You will kill me? Okay do it, but I wonder who will buy you those expensive clothes and shoes, where you will live? You're mine Y/N and without me you would be nothing, aren't I right?" He teased you and you slapped him. You started to hit and kick him while crying but he grabbed your hands. He threw you over his shoulders and smacked your ass

"I see you don't want to listen to your daddy, maybe this will help" He said and carried you to his bedroom


No one knows your secret why you're with him. Everyone thinks that you two are madly in love and just live together, but that's just half of the true....After graduating you didn't pass some of your exams and couldn't go to college. You told your mom that you're fine and just started to work in a lot different jobs. In one job the payment was really low so you started to look for another one. Your one friend gave you a phone number, saying that this man looks for a maid. After hearing how much he pays you agreed immediately. At first Wooyoung was really nice to you and friendly but as time passed by he became more rough and aggressive. You two started to have sex and he introduced you as his girlfriend but in house he even beated you. You loved him and stayed silent not wanting to leave. Once he told you that you're his, not maid not slave, just his property...

~Back to the story~

After he was done with you in bed you just layed there not feeling your legs while he got up and like always wanted to leave. He fixed your hair and kissed your forehead thinking that you're sleeping

"Wooyoung?" You quietly said getting his attention. He turned to you and your eyes met

"Can you please stay and give me some love just for tonight?" You asked with your eyes full of tears. Usually he's cold hearted, but he hates to see you cry. He looked around and then at you again. He took his clothes off and layed next to you. You gently layed your head on his chest and he hugged you

"I won't leave you" You said and he smiled

"I can't promise to be less rougher, but I'll try" He said and you raised your head to look at him. You kissed him and he put his hands on your hips. Finally this time you were in control and made love without any aggressive moves

 Finally this time you were in control and made love without any aggressive moves

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He had you wrapped around his finger and was just amazing at manipulating you. You has no idea what was waiting for you tomorrow...

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