...what? (Jeno short imagine)

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[2:51 pm] You walked out of your doctor's office without blinking. Jeno got up and looked at your now pale face

"Babe, what's wrong? Did they found something bad? Talk to me" He said impatiently waiting for your response

"Jeno...I'm pregnant" You said and finally looked at him. His eyes got wide and all life flashed through his head

"Really? We're going to be parents?" He said and his serious face and tone turned to more soft one. Jeno looked down at your belly and gently put a hand on it before pulling you into a tight hug. You felt tears rolling down your cheeks from joy

"I'm so happy that you're not leaving me" You said and he cupped your cheeks

"What? Me leaving you and our baby? Don't ever think about that. This is the best thing I heard today, I was so worried that you're sick, but the news surprised me in a good way" He said and pecked your lips

"Let's go mommy, we should get something to eat" He said and you both chuckled

"Let's go mommy, we should get something to eat" He said and you both chuckled

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