Inspiration (BTS Jimin imagine)

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Your daughter from the day she was born saw her dad on big stages performing. As she grew older, Jimin was her inspiration to start singing too. Of course her dad was her first singing teacher and still teaches her, but nowadays she began to be lazy. Whenever she had singing classes she didn't do her best and that made Jimin angry. He knew perfectly that his daughter has an amazing voice and can dance too, but she always pleaded you to skip classes and you let her, thinking that maybe she just needs a break but Jimin thought opposite.


"Haneul, get up it's time for practices" Jimin said walking in her bedroom. He opened all the curtains and she groaned

"Daddy could I please sleep for more?" She asked and he said no. Your daughter jumped out of her bed and threw a tantrum

"Why can't you be like mommy?!" She shouted making his eyes go wide

"Stop raising your voice young lady and dress up" He said making sure that she didn't go to bed anymore. He knew that it was time to push her or she will give up and quit singing

"You said yourself that you want to be a singer, that means that you need to work hard and practice. Me and mommy even let you not to do your best in school and now you're acting like this? Plus soon you will have a performance with daddy in front of thousands of people, don't you remember that?" He said while she brushed her teeth. She just furrowed her eyebrows but Jimin ignored that. He went to you in kitchen and kissed your cheek

"We will leave earlier today, okay? Haneul needs to practice more because the concert in Japan is nearing and she already missed a lot lessons" He said and you nodded

You all sat down to eat and you with Jimin talked about your schedule for today. Haneul was still sleepy and didn't say a word. After you were done they both left the house. Jimin helped her to sit in the car and they left to BigHit building.

After they arrived Haneul went to warm up her voice and Jimin gave her, her microphone

"Let's go to practice okay? Don't be so angry, daddy just wants all the best for you" He said pulling her into a hug

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"Let's go to practice okay? Don't be so angry, daddy just wants all the best for you" He said pulling her into a hug. He kissed her cheek and smiled. Haneul gave him a smile too and nodded. They both went in practice room and he watched her singing

 They both went in practice room and he watched her singing

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