Hidden identity ep1: The beginning

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Read this fan fiction at your own risk. People who are sensitive to violence and abuse should not read this. Thank you for your understanding


It was beautiful Sunday morning. Your mom was making breakfast, dad was out and busy playing cards with his friends in the cafe near your house and you were just looking through the window. With your big eyes you followed the bird which was flying around outside of your window

"Y/N! Breakfast is ready!" You heard your mom and jumped out of your bed. You flew fast through the corridors of your small cozy house and finally reached the kitchen. Like always you sat in your seat near window and your mom put few pancakes in your plate. She smiled after seeing your bed hair and fixed them. Without any doubt you digged into your breakfast and put more chocolate on your pancakes. Your mom sat down next to you and you two started to eat while talking.

Suddenly you heard your dog barking. Your mom told you to continue eating and went to check what happened to it. You dropped your fork after hearing your dad's loud scream

"Y/M/N, take most important things I will take Y/N, we need to leave now!" He shouted and he ran towards you. Your dad took you in his arms and ran out of the kitchen

"But my pancakes~" You quietly said and your dad sat you in the car

"Later baby okay? Daddy will buy you new pancakes" He said and after closing car's door ran back in the house. From inside of the car you saw two black cars and your dad running out of the house. Before he could lift his arms up he was shot multiple times. The man with black sunglasses just looked at your dad and walked past him in the house

While you, you were frozen. You layed under the seat and hid your small body with your mom's jacket you saw. You waited for few minutes and heard the cars leaving. Slowly you left the car and walked towards the house. You kneeled down and looked at your dead father. After caressing his soft cheek you got up and walked inside the house

"Mom? Mom!" You shouted and walked around the house. Your dog named Choco ran towards you and you caressed his back. You both walked around until you saw your mother on bathroom's floor. She was laying in blood puddle. Your little heart couldn't hold the pain anymore. You sat down and broke down in tears. Choco layed down next to you and put his head on your lap

~Next day~

The house was full of police officers. People you didn't know were walking around and checking every thing in the house. Some older man asked you a lot of questions but you couldn't tell much. Suddenly you saw your aunt Sandara. She ran towards you and took you in her arms

"Y/N baby, are you okay? Did someone hurt you?" She asked but you shook your head saying no. She looked at you with loving eyes and walked away

"Ms. who are you? We need to ask her few more questions" Some man said and she stopped

"She is a child! What do you want more from her? Yesterday she lost both of her parents. I'm her aunt and taking her with me...and Choco too" Sandara said and Choco ran to her

She sat you in back of her car and opened the door for Choco to hop in. Sandara took few of your things such as documents, clothes or shoes. She sat in the driver's seat and you left

"It was Jeon..." You said and she looked at you through the rear view mirror

"What? How do you know who Jeon is?" She asked and you looked down

"He used to call my dad and ask for money or to work together. My mommy didn't like that man at all" You said and Sandara's jaw dropped open

"Are you sure Y/N? Did you say something to the officers?" She asked and you shook your head saying no


Y/M/N- your mom's name

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Y/M/N- your mom's name

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