Wish you were mine (NCT Haechan imagine)

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[6:37 pm]  "Johnny! Do you have any free time?" Haechan asked walking in his shared bedroom with Johnny. The other guy turned around and looked at Haechan who sat on his bed

"Yeah, why?" Johnny asked and looked at the notebook in Haechan's hand

"Can you teach me some english?" Haechan's question surprised Johnny

"Sure, but why do you need it?" He asked and sat in front of Haechan

"Just..." He replied shortly not wanting Johnny to know that actually he wants to talk to you and become closer

"So let's start from simple phrases okay?" Johnny said and took Haechan's notebook. The smile on Haechan's face grew bigger as he focused the best he could on learning new language


Next day you came over at 127's place. Their practices were early in morning and later the had shoot so after they got free Johnny texted you. Among all of 127 members you were closest to Johnny, since the first day you met him he was like older brother who helped you a lot, physically and mentally.

You rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open. It was Yuta! He smiled and carefully hugged you

"Careful! Don't spill the coffee" You said and gave the coffee members asked for. He asked how have you been and helped you to take off your jacket. You both went in the living room where few more members were sitting. You hugged and said hi to Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Taeil and Taeyong. You sat next to Jungwoo and talked with others. In room ran Johnny and after he saw you with big smile he shouted your name and pulled you in his arms. While hugging him you saw Haechan walking in room too. He looked so boyfriend and you couldn't take your eyes off him. You both smiled at each other and waved after Johnny let you go. There were no more space for you to sit so like usually you sat on Johnny's lap. You all talked and thought what you should do for tonight. Haechan felt his blood boiling from jealousy as he saw Johnny's arms around your waist and his head on your shoulder. He wanted to be the one who holds you like that, but he was sure that you and Johnny are dating, just not telling anyone

"Let's go to buy something to eat. I'm not going to cook tonight" Doyoung laughed and others agreed. Few members decided to go grocery shopping and others to get some already made food. Haechan said that he's not feeling well so he won't join them. Before leaving Johnny had his arm around your shoulders and you pushed him away telling that you're not a thing for him to lean on as you both laughed. Haechan couldn't take it anymore and went to his bedroom. After he closed his door he looked at his lock screen which was picture of you two on Christmas

"Why do I like you that much? How to forget you Y/N" He sighed as he sat on his bed. He threw his phone to the other side and went to play some games

While you on the other hand after helping Jungwoo to write what they should get, watched as the members got ready and all went out. You closed the door and thought what you should do. You thought about Haechan. After taking your phone you knocked on his door and asked if you could come in. You heard him saying yes and walked into his room

"Why are you here alone?" You asked and sat on his bed

"Just tired..." He said still looking at the computer screen. You sighed and watched him play

"Let me play too. Do you still have that game we both used to play?" You asked and all the memories rushed through his head. He smiled remembering the old times and nodded.

"Where can I sit? There's no chair in your room. Wait I will bring-" You didn't finish your sentence when he cut you off

"Sit between my legs. This chair is big enough" He said and you blushed not expecting to hear this from him. You nodded and he spread his legs. As soon as you sat down he couldn't stop smiling behind you. He inhaled your perfume and was satisfied that it didn't change and was sweet as usual. He looked at his computer screen and searched for that game. You turned your head to right and looked at his focused face

"What?" He asked and chuckled

"Nothing, you just look cute" You said and cupped his cheeks. It was the first time you saw Haechan that embarrassed and shy. He couldn't stop smiling and looked down. You laughed at him and squeezed his cheeks between your palms. Haechan all the time in his head was saying that you have no idea how your every single action drives him insane. Haechan found the game and turned it on. You two started to play and all the time had fun. Without noticing he wrapped his one arm around your waist and rested his chin on shoulder. You two all the time were like that and when the first part of the game ended you leaned on his chest and he looked down at you

"I missed you Haechan...after you started to prepare for the comeback we didn't meet or talk that much as we used to" You said and he nodded

"I missed you too. I felt really lonely" He said in english and you chuckled

"So that's why I saw the english notebook on your desk" You replied and you both laughed

"I'm trying okay?" He said and you just smiled. You put your hand on his and pecked his cheek. You both looked at each other and now you kissed his lips. Haechan closed his eyes enjoying the moment as your tongues moved in sync. You broke the kiss and got up. Haechan followed you to bed and as you layed on it Haechan got on top of you

"Wait...what about Johnny?" He carefully asked and you furrowed your eyebrows

"Hm? What about him? He's in grocery store" You said and he shook his head saying no

"Aren't you two dating?" His question made you laugh

"We? Dating?! Haechan are you okay? Of course no. He's like older brother to me. We're like real siblings" You said and he exhaled feeling revealed that his thoughts were wrong

"Thank God..." He said and you kissed him again

"Come here you little bear" You said and he flipped you two over making you to laugh as you kept on making out

"Come here you little bear" You said and he flipped you two over making you to laugh as you kept on making out

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