Jokes on you (Chenle imagine)

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Dream members had a break between their practice and you with Jisung made eye contact

"Let's go?" He asked and you nodded while laughing. Chenle was confused and quickly took your hand

"Where are you two going?" He asked and you looked at Jisung who was waiting for you

"In cafe, this month they give you small gifts if you buy cold drink, do you want anything?" You asked taking your purse

"You" He pouted and Renjun made puking sound. You all laughed and you wanted to leave but Chenle pushed you closer to him

"Kiss me" He said and you kissed his lips. He smiled and gave you his card

"Buy whatever you want but get me something too and come back quickly" He said and patted your butt after you turned around to leave. You with Jisung went in cafe and thought what you should get today.

While Jeno sat next to Chenle and teased him

"Someone is jealous, huh?" He said and Chenle chuckled rolling his eyes

"I trust my baby girl with all my heart, there's no need for me to be jealous" He said and looked at his phone again

"I saw how you looked at Jisung after he opened the door for Y/N" Renjun said walking around the practice room

"Pfff, so what?" Chenle said and others looked at each other

"Oh before I forgot, we won't stay for long today, cause my mom is going in China so we decided to have a sleepover at my place" He said and Jaemin pinched Chenle's arm

"Oh you nasty kiddos~" He said and others laughed


You came back with Jisung while laughing and got others attention. You walked straight to Chenle and he took your hand. He sat you on his lap and wrapped arms around your waist

"What's so funny?" Renjun asked and Jisung tried to explain but couldn't. You laughed too remembering the scene and Chenle took his drink while looking at two of you confused

"You know where you can give tips for baristas? Ohh God I still remember that view...Jisung with his clumsy ass hands not only spilled his drink but threw that piggy bank off the counter and all money got on the floor" You said and you two again started to laugh. Chenle wasn't happy and placed his hand on your thigh squeezing it

"Had fun?" He asked and you nodded while wiping your tears away. He sat you down and got up

"Let's practice already" He said and went to the computer. All members went in their spots and started to practice. You saw that Chenle was jealous but always denied it. That made you think of the way to tease him more. Whenever you two made eye contact you would wink at him and make him blush. He tried his best not to smile but always failed which you found cute

After Ridin ended Chenle walked straight to you and took his things

"Okay bye everyone!" He said and you waved to others. You both left and he took your hand

"You think it's funny to tease me?" He asked and you just rolled your eyes. Chenle smacked your butt and you quickly looked around

"Stop, someone could see it" You said and left the building


At his house you were alone. Like he said his mom with his aunt were back in China for a week so you had the whole house to yourselves. While Chenle was ordering pizza for dinner you changed to your shorts and one of his shirts. Chenle came back in his bedroom and stood in front of you. You were sitting on his bed and reading the news

"Look at me" He said and grabbed your chin lifting it up. You looked in his eyes and chuckled

"You know that I love you the most, there's no need for you to be jealous, especially of Jisung" You said and he gently pushed you down on bed

"Ok ok, no more Jisung. Only me and you" He said and started to kiss your neck. He put his hand under your shirt and touched your bare hot skin. Chenle's hand found it's way to your boob and gave it squeeze. He lifted your back up and undid your bra giving himself a better access to your breasts. Chenle took off your shirt along with bra and threw it on the ground. You didn't want to be half naked alone so you took his shirt off too. Chenle kissed all over your body and went down. His fingers played with your short's band and slowly took them off too. He came back to you and kissed your lips. You two started to make out and your fingers got lost in his dark hair.

Chenle spread your legs wider and touched your clothed pussy. He was about to take your panties off but the call he got, scared both of you. You jumped up and he went to take his phone. With innocent voice he thanked the man on the other line and put his phone in his pants pocket

"Pizza is here" He said and looked for his shirt. You gave it to him and kissed his chest for the last time before he put on his shirt. Chenle grabbed his wallet and kissed your lips

"I'll be back soon baby" He said and left the bedroom. You took the shirt you were wearing before and left the bedroom. You walked in the living room and sat down waiting for him. After few minutes he was back with food and drinks. Chenle sat down next to you while you searched for some movie to watch. You finally found one which got your attention and both of you started to eat.

Finally you were done with pizza and leaned against the couch feeling full

"It was so tasty~ babe, I look pregnant right now" You said and patted your belly making him laugh

"Yeah it was delicious, but you're tastier" He said and pecked your cheek.

Later the movie got boring so you turned off the TV and went straight to his bedroom. As soon as you layed down you feel asleep. Chenle wasn't sleepy that much so he just looked at you and thought how lucky he got to have you. His eyes started to get heavy and later he feel asleep burrying his face in back of your neck and hugging you from behind.

 His eyes started to get heavy and later he feel asleep burrying his face in back of your neck and hugging you from behind

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