A picture (Daehwi imagine)

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Lately you and Daehwi became really close friends. After attending one award show you asked for his number and later started to meet each other. You two got really along and even when he couldn't text you back or meet you, he would apologize and spend his free time with you

Today he called you and asked if you would like to meet. You apologized saying that you need to do your homework and couldn't understand it, but he suggested to help you. You agreed and after few hours you two met. After doing your homework, you two decided to spend more time together. You went in cinema, ate, later he asked you to come to his studio, you played some games or just talked about a lot random things.

After you got home you posted a picture on your Instagram and his fans started to create a lot of theories.

At first everything was fine until you started to get hate comments like "why is he with you" "who is this b*tch" and etc

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At first everything was fine until you started to get hate comments like "why is he with you" "who is this b*tch" and etc. Later Daehwi called you and told you to calm down, saying that he will take care of everything. You, being scared, deleted the post and later Daehwi called you saying that he will talk with his fans and company

After that incident you apologized to him for creating such a buzz but he said that everything is fine and you shouldn't worry about anything.

~After a week~

You walked out of your first class and met your friend

"So did you learn english words?" You chuckled and she just glared at you

"I didn't even open my notebook yesterday" She laughed too and gasped

"Oh yes! Y/N did you watch Daehwi's yesterdays live? It was almost all about you" She said and you grabbed her phone

"I don't have internet now but I screen recorded some interesting parts" She said taking her phone back and searching for the videos

"Are you serious? After that post I feel like some idiot...why did he talk about it?" You mumbled to yourself. You two walked in your english class and it was empty. You sat in back seats and she gave you the phone


"About that picture?" I don't think there's something to talk about. She is my really close friend and I don't think that it's a big problem of posting that picture. If you don't like her or hate her- you don't like me and hate me too. I really love her and she's precious person to me, she helped me a lot when it was hard and when I was by myself, she's truly amazing, so I hope that people who send such an ugly texts to her, will stop and remember that they're hurting her feelings. "are you two dating?" I think it's our personal stuff so I'm not going to answer"

You looked at your friend and gasped while she just smirked


After your classes ended you thought a lot about Daehwi. You didn't know what to do, call him or text him, maybe just leave it as you saw nothing? With head full of thoughts you went home


Today was Friday and you had nothing to do so decided just to play some games. After taking few snacks you went to your bedroom. You started to play games and got a text

 You started to play games and got a text

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You put your phone away and chuckled. You got up from your table and started to clean up. Really quickly you heard a doorbell ringing

"Is he here already?" You said to yourself and ran to open it. You saw Daehwi and he smiled. You let him in and he took off his coat and shoes

"Do you want something?" You asked and looked at him

"Tea would be perfect" He said and you both went in your kitchen

"Soo, what did you want to talj about? All of sudden" You said as you went to make tea and he sat down

"I'm sorry for not texting or calling" He said and you chuckled

"It's nothing...I saw you on TV, I guess you're busy working" You said and he nodded

"I hope nothing changed after that picture? We're still friends right?" You said and he got up walking to you

"Of course it's not your problem that people don't know what means private life" He said and hugged you. You smiled and hugged him back

After that incident you decided to shut your feelings towards him deep in your heart and just be a good friend to him. You layed on his shoulder and felt happy to have him close

"Y/N...are you ok? Your heart is beating so fast" He said and you quickly opened your eyes

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine" You let him go and awkwardly smiled. You gave him his tea and looked around while drinking yours

"Do you like me?" His question made you to choke on your tea and you spat it out. Daehwi laughed and your eyes got wide and you prayed that you just misheard his question

"W-what? Noo pff no...nah, just a friend" You said and he sat closer to you. Daehwi looked in your eyes and you froze in your spot

"You better stop with these games" You said and got up walking in your room. Daehwi was fast to jump up from his seat and ran to you

"I usually don't act like that, but only for you I became like a child" He said and he hugged you from behind and pecked your cheek

"Let's take our first picture as a couple"

"Let's take our first picture as a couple"

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