Strawberry (TXT Beomgyu horror imagine)

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[11:23 pm] "Let's stop playing that game! I'm tired~" You whined leaning on Taehyun's shoulder

"Let's just play 1 last round" Beomgyu suggested and other members looked at each other

"How about this time I will seek and you all will hide! But I will kill 4 of you and let 1 go" Beomgyu said and you all laughed

"You mean 4 of us will lose and 1 will be the winner? We don't say that they will die" You all laughed and Beomgyu smirked while nodding. Finally you all got up off the ground and ran to find where to hide. HueningKai ran with you but you decided to hide alone under the bed

"20! I'm coming for y'all! You better hide well!" Beomgyu shouted and walked towards the kitchen. He looked through the window and weather was horrible since the early evening. Slowly he pulled out a meat knife and left the kitchen

You got shivers down your spine and prayed not to get caught first. Out of all the games you played tonight- you lost, so maybe this time you will be the winner

About 10 minutes already passed, you kinda got bored and looked at your phone. Suddenly you heard laughs.

"He caught Taehyun" You chuckled and quietly clapped. The laughs stopped but you didn't hear Beomgyu saying who he actually caught. You got out and wanted to leave the room when suddenly door swung open revealing Beomgyu who had smile on his face

"Damn it! Why did I get up!" You shouted while fake crying and wanted to leave but he kept on looking at you. He walked closer and you saw red stains on his shirt

"Beomgyu, you got strawberries on your shirt" You said and he laughed like some maniac. Beomgyu walked closer to you and back of your knees hit the bed making you to fall on it

"I- we can't do this, we're friends Beomgyu..." You said as he climbed on top of you. Weirdly his shirt didn't smell like smelled like iron

Beomgyu wrapped his hands around your neck and started to choke you. At first you thought that he was only joking but you started to lack of air. You slapped his hands but he didn't stop. His smile never left his face and it was the last thing you saw before he got your head between his hands and broke your neck. But it wasn't enough for him. He dragged you by your legs out of the room to the kitchen and layed your body on the table. From under the kitchen's counter he pulled out his axe.

On the other hand Kai was the winner. He thought that the game ended and Beomgyu couldn't find him so he left one of the bedrooms and slowly walked around the house. In one bedroom he saw a person

"Hey, the game ended let's go. What are you doing under the blanket?" He chuckled and pulled blanket off the body. It was Taehyun, his face was pale and he didn't move. Kai's eyes got wide and couldn't believe what he was seeing. He heard someone in the kitchen and slowly walked towards it. He was all shaking and just prayed for everything to be just some sick prank

While in the kitchen Beomgyu was cutting your body parts and the blood dripped down on the floor.

"B-Beomgyu....what is happening here?" HueningKai showed up and saw kitchen full of blood

"Oh don't worry it's a bit messy here...Isn't red such a beautiful color? It can be tasty and sweet or...cold and cruel" Beomgyu said and cut across your stomach, making blood splash on his already ruined shirt, right in front of HueningKai's eyes. The poor boy ran towards the door but it was locked.

"Go and hide. After 5 minutes we're starting hide and seek again, but this time it will be only two of us. Hide Huening, I'm counting." He said and Kai bursted in tears hitting the door and yelling for help

"1..." Beomgyu with each count took your insides out and placed them in different boxes

"Please help..." Kai fell against the front door while sobbing and heard that Beomgyu said 20. Kai looked up and saw Beomgyu standing in front of him


A/N: These days I'm obsessed with serial killers, their stories, crimes and all that stuff

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A/N: These days I'm obsessed with serial killers, their stories, crimes and all that stuff. I watch them over doing my homework- I need Jesus

 I watch them over doing my homework- I need Jesus

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