The company (Mingyu imagine)

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Today is your first day in SVT company. You were extremely nervous and just prayed to do everything right. You went in elevator and pressed number 7. Halfway to the 7th floor the elevator stopped and in it walked 3 workers. You bowed all to each other and one of them asked

"Oh you're new here right?" He said and you nodded. The guy reached his hand and smiled

"I'm Jeonghan, nice to meet you" He said you said your name. Later other guy introduced himself as Jun and the lady as Solar. You and Solar got out in 7th floor and you asked where could you meet the main secretary. She leaded you to 713 office and you thanked her. You gently knocked on the door and heard that you can come in

"Hello, I'm Y/N new secretary" You bowed and she showed you to sit down. You gave her the documents she asked for.

"Good, let's go I will show you your work place" She said and you both left

"I will be the one who gives you the job okay? Remember not to be late at work, only if you have important reason. Here is your first task for today, good luck" She smiled and left. You exhaled and after fixing your skirt sat down to start working

~6 pm~

You yawned checking if everything was fine

"And send!" You said and leaned on your chair. You looked at the ceiling and then at your phone. After cleaning your work place you left

~Next day~

You parked your car and wanted to cross the street


You ran to other side of the street and glared at the driver

"Are you fucking insane?! You almost killed me!" You shouted and he got out of his Lamborghini

"Are you fucking insane?! You almost killed me!" You shouted and he got out of his Lamborghini

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"Woman watch where you're going!" He shouted at you and you just walked your way

"Asshole..." You murmured to yourself. You were working and Solji, the main secretary walked to you

"Here bring these to CEO's office. It's at 12th floor" She said giving you bunch of papers. You nodded and after taking your phone left

You walked to the elevator and said hi to Hoshi who walked past you. After getting in elevator you remembered what happened today and chuckled. The door opened and you walked out. In corridor there was only 1 door. You knocked on them and after few second heard that you can come in

"Good morning" You bowed and after you saw him your eyes got wide

"You?!" You shouted and he looked at you with the same expression

"What are you doing here?" He asked getting up from his table. You looked up at him as he was freaking tall

"Maybe working? I don't know" You said with sarcasm and gave him the papers. He chuckled and checked you out

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