Test (Yedam imagine)

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[9:56 am]  You walked in class feeling nervous. Almost all your classmates were revising for upcoming maths test and it made you to feel like you were only one who didn't study. You sat in your seat and opened your notebook. Even tho it was full of notes and formulas that didn't help.

"Guess who's ready to get 2" Your seatmate and friend Ryujin said as she sat next to you. You both hugged and she took out her one pencil

"Could I borrow your notes, I don't have mine" She said and you pushed the notebook in middle of the table. In class walked Yedam with few of his friends and sat in his seat next to you. You both smiled to each other and he looked away. You sighed and leaned on your chair

"I'm done. I don't understand anything anyway" You said and Ryujin nodded. She took chocolate bread out of her backpack and gave half to you

"Don't worry, you won't be alone. I didn't even revise yesterday" She said and you both while laughing high fived each other. Yedam looked at you and saw you smiling. He listened to your and Ryujin's conversation and chuckled to himself

"I wish I was that chill about tests" He said and Jinah walked to him

"Hey, could you send me the answers? I promise to buy you something" She said ready to take pictures of his notes

"I don't know...If I will have time" He said and she nodded. Before she took the picture in class walked your teacher. Jinah quickly walked away and Yedam chuckled. He looked again at you and couldn't keep his eyes of you. To him you looked so pretty like always.

You turned to Yedam and found him looking at you. Out of embarrassment he looked away and Ryujin cleared her throat

"Someone has a crush on you" She said fixing her hair and not looking at you

"What? Someone like him would never like me" You whispered and the bell rang. You all stayed quiet as the teacher explained the test. She gave you the papers and thank god it was one variant. You started the test and heard Ryujin

"I can't understand already the first exercise. And the 2nd one is based on the 1st one. Thank you god, just thank you" You both quietly laughed and you put your head on the desk. She started to joke and you couldn't focus anymore. That caught Yedam's attention and he smiled seeing you laughing. He continued the test while you wiped your tears and took your pencil again

"What the- bro, it's some codes to call the devil" Ryujin joked and you bursted in laugh again

"Y/N" Your teacher called and you tried your best to focus. Time went by and you with Ryujin did only few exercises. You felt a tap and turned your head. It was Jinah

"Can you call Yedam? I need answers" She said and you nodded. You lowered your head and looked at Yedam who was busy writing

"Yedam, yah Bang Yedam, Yedaam" You said and he looked at you

"Jinah needs answers" You said and he looked at her

"I didn't finish yet, I can't give it to you" He said and she nodded. After few seconds she stood up and took her things. You saw that she was angry and you both with Yedam looked at each other and chuckled. He showed you his paper and you laughed

"Don't ask me I only did 3 exercises out of 15" You said making him laugh. He shook his head and gave you his paper

"I already finished it, copy if you want" He said and your eyes got wide

"Oh no no" You said but he gave it to you before the teacher stood up. You looked at his paper and copied few answers not wanting for it to look like you did everything yourself

"Thank you" You whispered and he nodded. You smiled and now helped Ryujin.

The bell rang and you all stood up. While your classmates were busy taking their things you tapped Yedam's shoulder

"Seriously thank you, at least I will get positive mark" You said and he just smiled

"Are you busy after school?" You asked and shook his head saying no

"Would you like to eat something together? My treat" You said and he chuckled

"Yeah sure, but you won't need to treat me" He said and you both smiled. He excused himself and left first. Ryujin punched your arm and clapped

"Damnn our Y/N is moving! You guys look amazing together" She said and you just rolled your eyes

"Stop it already. Let's go to grab some coffee? Will you go to english class?" You asked and she smirked. You both laughed and left the class

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