Second chance (Jaehyun imagine)

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"Ma'am he's home" Your maid said and you got up from the table. Jaehyun walked in kitchen and saw you

"Oh baby you're already up?" He asked but you just walked past him while bumping your shoulder in his

"Soojin, when Sofia gets up take her to my office" You said to your maid while ignoring Jaehyun. He took your hand but you quickly snatched it away

"Don't touch me" You hissed and after taking your bag left the house. You sat in your car and drove off

 You sat in your car and drove off

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"He's cheating on me, you were right when said that you saw him with some girl" You said while looking down. Your friend leaned on her chair and sighed in disbelief

"Y/N...I'm so sorry about that...what are you planning to do?" She asked and you looked at your cup

"I won't stay silent anymore. He will need to choose me and our daughter or that bitch. But first I'm going to give both of them a lesson" You said and Hwasa smirked. You both laughed and you looked outside

~end of the flashback~

You got out of the car and looked up at the apartment where that woman was living. You took off your sunglasses and walked in. You rang the bell and she opened it

"Hello ms. Y/N, how can I help you" She said with smile and you just looked at her. You pushed her out of the way and walked in

"Stop acting Yerin, I know that you're not only my daughter's teacher. I came here with one request. I want you to leave my husband and stop meeting my daughter, you're no longer her teacher" You said and she looked at you

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that it's impossible. I love Jaehyun, with all my heart and I feel happy with him" She said and you chuckled

"Excuse me but I want you to leave, I have some job to do" She said and you walked towards her. She grabbed her phone and raised it up

"Ma'am I will call police if you will take any step further" She said as her voice shook. You grabbed the phone from her and threw it at the wall. She flinched and you raised her chin up

"Look at me when I'm talking to you! You have no manners at all, stealing a married man who has a daughter. I guess your parents didn't taught you that it's not a good thing to do" You said and turned around. You looked at her paintings and smirked. You took one and ripped it in two peaces. She screamed and ran to you. You grabbed her hair and threw her on the ground

"No, not the paintings!" She screamed and you threw one peace at her. You threw all the paintings on the ground and stepped on them. She grabbed your hair and you slapped her. You put your bag on the table and took some vase. You shattered it in peaces and took a sharp peace of it

"I'm telling you for the last time Ahn Yerin. Don't ever get near my husband or my child again! And don't make me repeat it again" You hissed and she nodded while crying. You threw the peace next to her and took your bag. You fixed your hair while looking at her. She sobbed loudly and you just left. Before leaving you kicked the chair and she screamed being scared.

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