Welcome to my YouTube channel! (Treasure imagine)

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You were rookie actress in Korea and after finding out that you're close with Treasure, your new fans started to call you Treasure's sister or just that girl with Treasure. Your company decided to make your YouTube channel and you suggested ideas what you would like to do. You made such videos as "Day in life" "Get ready with me" and etc.

Today you arrived at the company and went straight to the office. You took a camera and staff told you about today's mission

"You will need to go to Treasure's dorm and wake them up by asking questions about you" Your eyes went wide and you started to laugh

"What? Wake them up? Omg..." You sighed and put your bag down. The staff explained the whole mission and after few minutes you turned on your camera and left your company

You sat in your car and placed the camera next to you

"So right now I'm going to Treasure's dorm and will try to wake them up. Jesus help me not to get killed" You chuckled and started the engine


After about 30 minutes you arrived at their dorm and got out of your car. Due to the safety reasons you didn't film the location of their dorm and went inside. You went to the elevator and pressed their floor number

"I bet they are all still sleeping...What members could be up this time is Jaehyuk or Jeongwoo, maybe Asahi too" You said looking at the camera and finally got on their floor. After reaching 1st dorm you pressed the code and walked in. Like you thought everything was quiet and you showed which member you will wake up first

"Junkyu" You said and slowly opened his door. The toy hammer was already in your hand and you opened the question sheet. You placed the speaker on his desk and chuckled. Junkyu groaned and stretched his arms. Your eyes went wide and you got scared that you woke him up. He went back to sleep and you walked closer to him.

To the count of 3, you played their song BOY and shouted

"When is my birthday?!" He jumped up and looked around not understanding what was happening

"*wrong birthday*" For that he earned a hit with a hammer on his head. Junkyu fell down and you started to laugh. You asked again and this time he got it right. You turned the song off and talked with him for a bit before it was time for you to leave.

"What is happening? Why are you here?" He asked still half asleep and you sat on his bed explaining the mission.

Junkyu followed you from behind and you two went to the other guy. Hyunsuk. He was dead asleep and Junkyu said

"You played the music so loud, how is he still sleeping..." You chuckled and covered your mouth not to make any sound. You got closer to Hyunsuk and played him the same song. He opened his eyes and threw his toy at you. You with Junkyu started to laugh and you asked Hyunsuk a question

"What is my favorite color?!" He furrowed his eyebrows and said the wrong color 3 times and for all those times he earned a hit

"I don't know!!! *color*?" You shouted yes and all of you started to laugh

"Are you an idiot? What are you two doing here?" Hyunsuk sat up and looked at you while fixing his hair

"I got a mission for my YouTube channel. Okay we need to visit rest of the members, go back to sleep" You patted his head and left

That's how you went to Yoshi and Haruto and woke them up. Haruto all the time was clinging into you not caring about the camera since you two had close mom and son like relationship. Yoshi was smart one and answered his question right away and later went back to sleep.

Junkyu went to take a shower and Haruto after dressing up joined you. You both went to the next dorm where was Mashiho, Doyoung, Jihoon and Jeongwoo.

All of them were sleeping and Haruto helped you. He played the song and you shouted the question to Jihoon. He jumped out of his bed straight away and started to chase you around the dorm

"You two don't know how to be quiet. I heard you walking you" He said holding Haruto who was trying to lower the volume of the song

"What do you want?" Jihoon asked sitting down on his chair and you turned the camera to him

"For my channel I got a mission, to ask all of you questions about me. So your question is- What is the name of the drama I first appeared?" Jihoon clapped his hands and said the right answer straight away

"Wow! I thought you didn't watch it!" You said and he got up

"I watched, but only 5 episodes" He laughed and you kicked his butt. Jihoon gave you fist bump before you and Haruto left to Mashiho.


You finished pranking all of the members and all of you gathered in one living room to say ending speech

"I almost got a heart attack after she started screaming!" Jaehyuk said looking at other members who agreed in him. You sat between them and patted Jaehyuk's lap apologizing

"How was it today? Besides all of you getting scared?" You asked looking at the members

"It was fun! I got to know few new things about you" Asahi said and you high fived each other

"You should invite us more for your videos" Yedam said and you nodded

"Next time we will be waking Y/N up!" Hyunsuk shouted and all of the members agreed except for you. It was time to end the video and after saying bye you ended recording



You and Haruto walked in Junghwan's room and it was super messy. Haruto didn't notice Junghwan's backpack and tripped over it hitting the chair. You let out a loud laugh and quickly left the room. The strap of the backpack got around Haruto's leg and he left the room along with the backpack

"You two are seriously dumb" You heard Junghwan and bursted in laugh

"You two are seriously dumb" You heard Junghwan and bursted in laugh

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