Forty-Seventh Trouble

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Two days after Bo visited the cabin where he found Fan Duling with her secret affair, the place seemed in crowd. The police cars were parked in front of the venue and the people in blue uniforms looked busy checking on all over the cabin's area. Sone of them carrying out two bags of body bags from the inside the cabin.

A car came later and parked in front of the cabin. The driver climbed out of the car. Hai Kuan. He walked into the area. An officer came to him.

"Got anything?" Asked Hai Kuan to the officer.

"One of the victims is the actress, Fan Duling, Sir.  She died in a very horrible condition....!" The officer reported.

"Fan Duling? How tragic. He just cursed the department and all the police a few days ago...." Said Hai Kuan.

"Here, the photos that captured by the police journalist, Sir....!" The officer showed Hai Kuan a few pictures of the scene.

Hai Kuan took the pictures and checked them out. He furrowed his brows when he saw the way Fan Duling died.

"I'll take a look myself inside. Keep it for the archive. Is Dr. Li inside?" Asked Hai Kuan.

"Yes, Sir!" Replied the officer.

"I'm going inside. Make sure there is no outsiders capture anything about this case until we hold the public interview...!" Said Hai Kuan.

"Yes, Sir!"

Hai Kuan gave the photos back to the officer, then he went into the house. In there, in one of the rooms, he saw Li was observing the blood that spluttered on the wall and took a sample of it.

"Can find something leading us to the culprit?" Asked Hai Kuan.

Li pullled himself from the wall and still staring on it.

"Here are two bullet holes on the wall. But the man only got blown once....!" Replied Li without turning to Hai Kuan.

"From the same gun?" Asked Hai Kuan.

"Mn," Li nodded. "This gun belongs to the man,named Lang Te Kwee. He's a hired assassin..."

"Hmm.... So, Fan Duling is hiring another murderer. How many people she wants to be murdered, I wonder...." Hai Kuan mumbled. "Does she involved with Sean's hit and run?"

Li turned to Hai Kuan.

"What happened to your wife's brother?" Asked Li.

"Two days ago a car was trying to hit Sean and his baby....!" Replied Hai Kuan.

"Why do you think she was involved?" Asked Li.

"She likes Bo. But Bo chose Sean over her....!" Hai Kuan chuckled.

"Hmm.... Something unusual with Fan Duling's death, though....!" Said Li.

"What do you mean?" Asked Hai Kuan.

"You didn't see the photos, ma?" Asked back Li.

"I did. That's the thing I want to ask you....!" Replied Hai Kuan.

Li heaved a sigh.

"She:s been killed, but not because of the bullet. Too many torn wounds, caused by the claws and teeth. Seemed she had attacked by a beast... " Said Li, lower his voice.

"Beast?" Hai Kuan raised one of his brows. His forehead creased.

Li nodded.

"Maybe bear, lion, or wolf. Who knows? This cabin is near to the forest. Maybe they've been attacked while they're habing sex. The man was only have his boxers on when he died. But the woman fully dressed up...! But there is.some of sperm on the bedsheet....!"  Reported Li.

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