Fifteenth Trouble

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The fight between the wolves couldn't be avoided. They came from the same pack which had a different view of the same matter. The snarls, the growls, and the howls presented during the fight. A white wolf snarled at the grey wolf, and the grey wolf shook its head. The white wolf snarled even harder, showing it sharp teeth and the fangs stuck out if its mouth. The thick saliva hung on it and then dropped on the ground.

The grey wolf let out a small whine. It stepped backward slowly with eyes didn't leave the white wolf. Its eyes showed doubt and sorrow. The white wolf tilted its head and howled, which made the grey wolf turned around and ran like a flash.

The white wolf turned back to the battlefield and joined others to fight again.

The grey wolf ran into the thick and dark wood. After it was quite far from the battlefield and noticed there was no other wolves chased after him, it stopped running. It finally sat beside a thick bush.

And the strange thing occured, when slowly the wolf turned into another shape. A human! A grown-up man! He was fully naked, none of a string attached on his skin.

He growled and turned to the wound he got all over his body. Blood smeared and still trickled down the wounds. He hissed feeling the pain. Staggered, he walked to find a shelter fo him to rest, to get rid of the tiredness and calmed the pain down. He sat under a tree.

"Yu Er..... Ah Bo.... I hope you both are safe....." He hissed. He placed his right hand on his chest.

He leaned on the tree with a rapid breath from the run. His head slightly tilted to the side, listening to the nature whispers. Suddenly his body shook and he coughed violently and then he vomited blood. He stayed in a bend position for some times allowing the blood that still kept flowing from his mouth.

"I'm badly injured...." He sighed and pulled back to the tree. His head tilted up, looking at the sky above the thick leaves.

Out of nowhere, he heard like a cry of a baby from afar. He perked his ears up and turned to where he caught the sound from. He furrowed his brows.

"A baby? In the forest?" He muttered. "But I don't think it's Bo.... He's too old to cry sounded like that.... It's sure an infant...."

The man got up and stand. He began to walk along the path of the passageway while kept alert to the sound of the crying baby that came louder.

"Shut up! Or I'll throw you to the cliff already!!"

A voice of a man echoed in the wood, along with the baby's crying that sounded even louder.

"I don't care! I will kill you if you can't stop crying! You're inviting the beasts to come with your ugly cry sound! Bitch,!! Then I will give you back to your parents in dead condition! That'll be good as long as I get the money to compassionate you! Hahahaha!"

With the strength left in him, the man ran to get to the voices. He was sure that the baby was being kidnapped. And the man who kidnapped him was expecting the money from the baby's parents. His form changed again into a grey wolf,so he could run faster.

"Holly fuck!!" The kidnapper screamed when he found a huge wolf stood before him and snarled at him.

"Get away from my way, Dog! It's none of your business!" The man shouted while pointing his gun to the wolf.

The wolf snarled even fiercer. Its sharp teeth clenched together, showing its anger to the kidnapper.

The kidnapper release a shot at the wolf, but the wolf jumped to the other side and the bullet passed the air.

"Son of a bitch!!" The kidnapper hissed. He dumped the baby who hadn't stopped crying on the grass and pointed the gun back at the wolf.

But before he could release the shot one more time, the wolf jumped at him. The kidnapper fell on the ground. The wolf attacked him with its teeth and claws. The kidnapper screamed and cursed. He fought the wolf by releasing another shot.

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