Thirty-Ninth Trouble

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Thirty-Ninth Trouble

Sean dragged his feet while carrying his baby. In front of him was Xingchen who leading the way, to make sure it’s safe to go through.
“Akh!” Sean grunted and fell. His baby that was sleeping in his arms burst into cry again to the shook.
Xingchen snapped his head to see what happened to Sean. He ran to Sean and helped him to get ip.
“I can’t… I can’t keep going. I feel something is going to drop already from my abdomen…!” Said Sean, holding his lower abdomen.
“You can’t stop here, Sean…! Tang Wei’s sacrifice can be wasted if you let the Alpha catch you!” Said Xingchen.
Sean shook his head.  Then he glanced at his baby who still crying.
“I need to feed him. He’s hungry….!” Replied Sean.
Xingchen heaved a sigh. Sean was right. The baby must be hungry. He hasn’t been fed since he was born. He was slept only when Tang Wei transferred him to Sean’s arms after some times.
“Ok. You sit here and feed the baby….!” Decided Xingchen, finally. He brought Sean to a tree and sat him with the baby under.
Sean obeyed him. He sat and prepared himself to feed the baby. Xingchen watched him. Sean glanced at Xingchen when he opened his shirt. Xingchen gave him a “what?” look.
“I got breast now….!” Sean said.
“That’s normal to preggy and breast-feed Omega….!” Xingchen chuckled.
Xingchen sat beside Sean with arms crossed on his chest. Sean started to feed the baby and make him quiet. He glanced at Xingchen who shirtless.
“You’re cold. Take your shirt back…!” said Sean, pulling out the white shirt that wraps around his waist.
“No, no! You need it, Sean!” Xingchen grabbed Sean’s hand and stopped him to unwrap the shirt. They look at each other’s eyes.
“But I don’t feel any pain from the surgery…!” said Sean.
“It’s not for your post-surgery. It's to hold your womb. This wrap is not a proper one, so you can feel something is going to drop from your belly already…!” explained Xingchen.
“But how is it so clean? Didn’t you cut my belly just now?” asked Sean, wondered with the surgery Xingchen has done.
Xingchen smiled.
“I think you've been blessed by the pack’s ancestor….!”
“Ish! What are you saying?” Sean glared at Xingchen.
“A wolf spirit came and healed your wound…” replied Xingchen.
“Wolf spirit? Who?”
Xingchen shook his head. “I also don’t know. I never seen that wolf before. But I think, it was a pack leader when he was alive. He’s a Gamma. Very rare kind of wolf in a pack. They usually take the highest rank in a pack….”
Xingchen glanced at Sean.
“Which pack are you from?” asked Xingchen.
“What? Pack?” Sean puzzled.
“Yeah! You’re an Omega. A very special Omega….?” Said Xingchen.
Sean turned his gaze at his baby that still sucking on his nipple while closing his eyes. Then he chuckled. Then he giggled .
“What? Why are you laughing?” asked Xingchen.
“How not to? I always thought that I was straight. Then I met Bo, and he impregnate me. And now I give birth to his baby and breastfeeding him. And then, I thought my parents are pure human, and now suddenly I become an Omegaverse person. It’s really ridiculous…!” said Sean.
Xingchen stared at Sean who kept giggling. But he noticed that Sean’s eyes are not laughing. They are glistened with tears, as if Sean was going to burst at any time. And his prediction was right. Sean’s laugh turned into a sniffle.
“Hey… Don’t be sad. Nothing to regret for here. Everything has been planned even before you were born. You’re still a human. But you’re an extraordinary one. You are an Omegaverse human, because you are chosen by one of our ancestor I don’t know who. Even your baby is a human, too. He doesn’t follow his father’s thread which is a hybrid….” Said Xingchen.
“Why am I become an Omega human?” asked Sean.
Xingchen silent. He also got no idea how  Sean become one of the pack? As an ordinary Omega that comes from the couple of Omega and a Beta, Xingchen has no special power, except for his beauty and smart brain.
“Maybe the ancestor transferred his strength to you without you realize it. Have you experienced something not usual when you are little?” asked Xingchen
Sean thought, tried to remember what had happened to him since the age he could remember the incidents in his life.
“No. I don’t think so. I had a normal childhood life as others at my age….!” Replied Sean.
“Then I can’t figure out….” Xingchen sighed.
“Hey! Wait!”cried Sean when he remembered something.
Xingchen stared at him . Sean looked try so hard to spill what is in his mind.
“Jie Jie has told me something I can’t believe one until yesterday…!” said Sean.
“And what is that?” asked Xingchen.
“Hmm… she told me that when I was age 3 months old, I was kidnapped by a man who runaway to a forest. But the police got me back at the same day, and there is not a scratch on me. When police found me, the kidnapper was laid unconscious on the ground with a lot of blood and scratch and bite injuries on his body. Then…. There was a dead wolf, too beside me….!”
Xingchen snapped his fingers.
‘That’s it!” cried Xingchen.
“What?” Sean looked at Xingchen.
“I think the wolf was one of our ancestors that transferred his energy to you before he died…!” said Xingchen.
“Haaaa…. Why should he do give me his power that I don’t wish to have….” Mumbled Sean.
“Heyy..,  you are chosen….!”
“To be a werewolf?”
“Who says you’re a werewolf? No werewolf keeps grumbling like you…!”
Sean glared at Xingchen. Xingchen only grinned.
“Maybe you are chosen to be his son’s spouse…!” said Xingchen.
“Do you think he’s Bo’s Dad?”
“Who knows?”
Sean silent. They didn’t talk later, busy with their own thoughts.
Suddenly there was the chaos from Northern side. Xingchen looked at the direction.
“Xue Colony? What happened there?” he muttered.
“What’s Xue Colony?” Sean asked
Before Xingchen could answer, they heard Tang Wei screamed.
“Tang Wei!” cried Xingchen. Then he turned to Sean. “Sean! You need to get away from here! Please! Take this path! Don’t go to the North. There’s not safe for you! Try to walk! Save your baby! I need to help Tang Wei! I think the Alpha is too strong for her!’
Sean removed the baby from his nipple. The baby let out a soft moan and his face squirms when his mouth lose the grip on Sean’s nipple. Sean rocked the baby to make him doesn’t cry. And the baby continued to sleep, snuggled his face on Sean’s chest. Then Sean tried to get up. Xingchen helped him.
“This way is to go to the highway. You can seek for help from the riders there, but make sure don’t get the wrong people to as the help for. Get it?” said Xingchen.
Sean nodded.
“Ok. Go!” said Xingchen, pushed Sean’s back.
Sean looked hesitant to leave him. First, he wasn’t sure if he knows the way out. Second, he was worried about Xingchen that he considered as his new friend.
“Go!” Xingchen shouted at Sean.
With a heavy step, Sean started to walk, away and away from Xingchen.

Xingchen turned to Tang Wei’s direction when he was sure that Sean has away. Then he ran back to where he left Tang Wei.
Actually Xingchen knew the one who chased Tang Wei was Xue Yang, a man he always adores. But he couldn’t stay around Tang Wei to safe Sean. He knew that Xue Yang obsessed by Sean’s strong scent, hence he needs to cover his scent with his, so Xue Yang won’t chase after them while busied by Tang Wei's fight. But his capability to cover Sean was slowly fades as he noticed that Tang Wei screamed very loud. Xue Yang must scented Sean again.
In a while, Xingchen stood there as if he was waiting for someone to arrived. And the person he was waiting for came up.
“How are you, Xue Yang?” Xingchen greeted the man with a sweet smile on his lips.
“Xingchen….,” Xue Yang hissed.
Xue Yang was upset that he couldn’t get the Omega with the strong scent, instead he found an Omega he always avoided for years.
He licked his lower lip when his eyes captured the half naked Xingchen. Xingchen has no well-built body. His curved more feminine with his glowing fair skin.
“What are you doing here?” asked Xue Yang, half snarling. But inside he was fighting towards the man who keeps shadowing him.
“I’m expecting you,” Xingchen smiled.
Xue Yang let out a low snarled in his throat. He was staggered backward when he saw Xingchen was slowly walking toward him. The desire inside him was burning.
“Don’t come closer….” Hissed Xue Yang.
Still, Xingchen smiled sincerely. He admitted, his affection toward the Alpha was never put off. The more he rejected him the more the passion burns inside.
“Why do you keep rejecting me, Xue Yang? Why do you keep chasing someone who’s not belong to you? What satisfaction you’ll get by doing that? Am I not deserve to be loved by you? Am I so worthless?” said Xingchen with husky voice, chocked by desire.
“Stop! Don’t step closer!” yelled Xue Yang.
“Why? What are you afraid of? Are you scared if you won’t able to resist me? Xue Gege?”
“Stop it! Don’t call me that!” cried Xue Yang.
“Does the pet name makes me irresistible?” Xingchen smiled again, this time was seductively.
Obviously, Xingchen noticed that Xue Yang gulping his saliva. He kept walking closer and closer toward Xue Yang until he could put his chest with Xue Yang’s.
Xue Yang was in great panic. He staggered with Xingchen planked his chest on his. His jaws are clacking, holding back the strange feeling that having a battle inside him, while his eyes darted on the sweet face in front of him who smiled, seducing him.
“I know you want me, too… Xue Gege… And I know you don’t want to take me for granted. That’s why you keep rejecting me….” Said Xingchen, half whispering .
“No! Y-you are wrong!” Xue Yang stuttered. And he slapping himself internally for stuttering in front of the Omega who obsesses with him.  He tried to push the Omega, but he noticed that Xingchen’s fingers are clutching on his pants’ belt loops.
“I’m craving of you all these years, Xue Gege. I wish to be touched by you and you just keep pushing me away. Now, let me touch you if you don’t want to do otherwise….” Whispered Xingchen. His lips was merely an inch in front of Xue Yang’s lips.
Xue Yang couldn’t take his eyes off Xingchen’s pinkish thin lips. He admitted inside of him that he has an interest in the Omega, but he was unable to express it since Xingchen was only an ordinary Omega who has no thread to any Alphas from his parents which is against by his father. When he was younger, Xue Yang has his eyes laid on the Omega which made the Omega turned his attention to him. But when Xue Man found out about it later, he was forbidden to meet and close to the Omega anymore, and Xue Yang began to vent his anger and disappointment by bitching around with another Omegas and Betas he could by his wealth and power.
Unable to fight the desire inside him any longer, Xue Yang grabbed Xingchen’s head and tilted his face then he slammed his lips on the Omega one. Xingchen was surprised at first for he wasn’t expected the action Xue Yang would take. But he smiled eventually and grabbed the back of Xue Yang’s neck and deepen the kiss.
When the passion was arose, suddenly Xue Yang grunted and jolted which made Xingchen being pushed backward, and ended their passionate make out.
“Don’t ever lay your finger on my friend…!!” Tang Wei shouted from behind Xue Yang.
Xue Yang turned around and snarled at the woman who took a stage position, aware of another attack from the Alpha. Tang Wei turned to Xingchen who has his facial turned into a red crab.
“Oops….!” She  squeaked.

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