Thirtieth Trouble

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Thirtieth Trouble

Sean fell on the ground. He felt his soul flew away from his frame. He still could hear someone shouted before he fainted.


Xue Yang turned to the voice owner. There was Ray stood up behind him and yanked his shoulder until he had to drop Sean from his grip.

Xue Yang smirked. He jerked Ray's hand off his shoulder.

“Tsk tsk tsk….! Ray Ma….!  A helpless Beta… You can’t take the place as a leader even in your father’s pack. How sad your father would be….!” Xue Yang scoffed and mocked Ray.

Ray stared at Xue Yang with a sharp gaze. His mouth sneered signing that he didn’t like the younger appearance and mockery words.

Xue Yang scoffed. He glanced  at Sean who was unconscious. Then he turned back to Ray and chuckled.

“Don’t say you also attract with his scent, my Cousin….!” Said Xue Yang, glared ligjtly at Ray.

“I’m here to protect him. His mate trusted me to take care of him….!” Ray hissed.

“Oh? Really? I saw you were unable to resist his charm….?” Xue Yang chuckled.

“I have no desire to make him mine. I'm not a lustful Alpha like you…?” groaned Ray.

Xue Uang let out a loud laugh. His face tilted to the sky.

“Ray, my cousin…. You’re really helpless. You don’t even know what you want….!’ Xue Yang glared at Ray.

“Enough talking garbage, Xue Yang. Now, you better  leave and don’t ever come closer to Sean anymore!” warned Ray.

“What?” Xue Yang cringed. He poked his own ear. He walked up to Ray. “Cam you say it again, Ray?” he chuckled.

Ray gritted his teeth. Xue Yang had stood very close to him.

“You ordered me to stay away from that Omega human, Ray?” Xue Yang frowned.

Then he poked his fingers in Ray's chest with an arrogant manners.

“You have to think who you are, Ray…! You’re a mere Beta. Less powerful than us, the Alphas. You have no right to commanded the Alpha. Especially you’re a pathetic Beta….!” Sneered Xue Yang.

“Xue Yang…. You’re lucky that your mother is my father's sister…..” hissed Ray through his gritted teeth. His voice was shaken from the rage he was holding back.

Xue Yang burst into a laugh.

“Do you think you can defeat me because you’re older, Ray?” said Xue Yang. Then he laughed again.

“Xue Yang!!!” Ray snarled as he pushes Xue Yang to the back.

Xue Yang who was unprepared, dragged his feet behind and stopped when his back hits the tree.

“Do not try my patient, my dear Cousin….! Maybe I'm just a mere Beta.  But I also can fight you, although I might couldn’t kill you. But at least I can make you lose your power that you always proud of….!” Ray snarled into Xue Yang's face.

Xue Yang looked down at Ray's face that an inch away from his. Inside him, he had to admit that as Beta, Ray was much powerful and has a great strength. Ray might won’tbe able to over power him, but he could balance his power  equally.

“Ray! Can you let Xue Yang go? He was out of his mind!” Another voice presented in the forest.

Ray and Xue Yang turned to the voice. It was Xue Man.

“He should’ve known his limit, Uncle Xue….!” Hissed Ray, turned back to Xue Yang who sneering at him.

“His age is a lot. But he’s not experience to live between human…! I hope you can consider him as your junior….!” Said Xue Man.

Ray glanced at Xue Man a second then turned again to Xue Yang. He glared at Xue Yang and jerked his hands on Xue Yang’s chest before he let Xue Yang off.

Xue Yang sneered. He dusted off his clothes then walked over to his father and stands beside him.

Ray sneered at the father and son. He didn’t let his guard down facing these two Alphas.

“Where is your father, Ray?” asked Xue Man.

“He’s a pack leader. He will be around his pack, of course, than lurking around in the city and mix woth human like an abandoned flock from its pack….!” Replied Ray sarcastically.

“You-…!” Xue Yang who understood that Ray was mocking them was about to attack Ray. But Xue Man stopped him.

Xue Yang glanced at his father who was looking at Ray with a calm face. Ray's mockery seemed doesn’t affect him.

“I heard Bo is having the meeting with him. Bo didn’t bother with his mate who clearly bearing his pup…!” said Xue Man.

“Sean has a lot of people to protect him. And he is a special Omega. He doesn’t know how to use his power, but his power can destroy a pack if he wants to…!” sneered Ray.

Xue Man smiled. He turned to Xue Yang who was staring at Ray with the gritted teeth.

“Xue  Yang?” Xue Man said.

Xue Yang turned his face to his father.

“How many dimes did I tell you to not bothering somebody else:s mate. Don't try to cook up the trouble, Son….!” Said Xue Man.

“Dad…!” Xue Yang was about to protest. But Xue Man raised his hand, gesturing him to not continue to talk.

I still have a lot of things to do. I should leave you here now, Ray!” said Xue Man. Then he turned to Xue Yang with sour face. “Let’s go?” he hissed.

Xue Yang pouted, but he didn't dare to disobey the older Alpha.  He followed Xue Man who already walked ahead.

Ray took a deep breathh as a relief sigh. Then he turned to Sean who still laying on the ground near the tree. Zhuo Cheng had crawled over toward them. Ray went closer to Sean and carried him.

“Did I told you to not bring him out without my permission?” asked Ray to Zhuo Cheng who was sitting down on the ground.

“Yes. Sorry. But he kept scolding me for locking him up in my house and start to mock my house…!” cried Zhuo Cheng.

Ray sighed. He adjust his hands to Sean's weigh.

“It’s not I don’t permit him to come out. But his pregnancy releasing more fragrant that can attract the Alphas. His scent could be scented from miles away. The Alpha in radius about two miles can scent his fragrant. I have gated your house with the scent cover, so the Alpha won't come to him. But if he needs to come out, he needs to be covered again with the scent cover…..?” explained Ray.

‘'I'm sorry….” Mumbled Zhuo Cheng.

Ray heaved a sigh.

“It’s good I'm in patrol around here. I can smell Sean from a few hundreds meters. Let's go! We can’t stay here too long. The other Alphas might chasing Sean's scent now…!” said Ray.

Zhuo Cheng got up. He lose his balance when the pain attacked his back and belly. But it wasn’t the time for him to whine around. With the strength he had, he walked following Ray to his Jeep.

📸.   📸.   📸.   📸

Bo had got down from the mountain where the village of his uncle’s pack was. Now he was in the middle of the forest, sprinted down to the place where he left his car a week ago. He halted when he felt something. He scented something familiar, yet unfamiliar.

“Sean? Is there something happened to him? Why the scent is diluted?” he mumbled.

The scent of the Omega driven him wild crazy. The different feeling and emotions mixed up in him which made him to transform himself into a wolf. With four legs he could run faster to gp out of the forest and get his car back.

He ran crashing the darkness between the trees that stood up crowdedly on his way. From afar he could hear the sound of gunshots. It must be the hunter's gun that shooting their prey. Bo didn’t bother it too much. What in his mind was to get back to his Omega as fast as possible. He kept running, without paying attention to the sound of footsteps that running a few yards behind him.

“I knew it! I knew he came into this forest one week ago! I saw him!” a voice screamed, ,breaking the silent in the dark.

“We’ve been searching for him for four days in this forest. But there is no sign that he was here!” another voice sounded.

“Sshhh….! You two! Keep quiet! Can you hear that?” the third voice presented.

Bo a little taken aback with the third voice. But he didn’t stop running He recognized the voice.

‘Liu Hai Kuan…. What does he doing in the middle.of the forest?”” Bo spoke in his his mind.

“What?” the other voice..

“That is like an animal is running. Sprinting and grunting…!” said the voice that Bo thought was Hai Kuan's.

Quiet. Bo perked his ears to catch another conversation between them.

“It’s there! A wolf!” cried another voice.

“Shoot it! Shoot it!” shouted the other voice.

t doesn’t attack us! Don’t shoot! It's his home, anyway!” Hai Kuan warned the others.

“It will if we let it go!!” replied the other.

“Shoot! Quick!!” another voice.

“Fuck! Why now? I have no time to fight them! Sean needs me…!” hissed Bo in his mind.

Bo didn’t stop running, nor turned to attack those people that he suspected as police who searching for him. He dodged his head when he felt a swoosh of the bullet beside his ear.

“Shit!!” he cursed.

Bo added up his speed  to avoid the police who hunting him down. If they searched for Bo, they had the right target. But unfortunately, they didn’t known if the wolf was Bo.

The rustle of footsteps chasing one and another appeared in the forest. Once awhile there was the sound of shotguns. Many times Bo had to dodged down the bullets that came toward him. He almost reached the outside of the forest when he saw the light shines the ground, reflected by the moonlight.

“Damn! It went to the people's settlements!!” cried one of the voice.

“It’s your fault, dumbass! We're not supposed to chase after it!” another voice retorted.

“I didn’t know of it will run here!” said the earlier.

“Enough! Make sure to shot it! At least it won't have capability to attack the people when it came across the settlement…!” Hai Kuan said which agreed by the other two.

Bo looked back, checking if his hunters still away from his distance. Faintly, he could see the shadow of them coming out from the forest.

“I have to get To my car before they can catch me…” thought Bo.

Bo started to run again.

“It’s there! Shoot now! Shoot now!” cried one of the police.

There are a few sounds of gunshots. Bo dodged them off. But the pace of the too many  bullets were too fast compared with his speed that a little slower down after a long run. He clearly found himself whine in pain when a bullet succeeded planted inside his abdomen. But he didn’t stop running. He needed to get to his car and escape from the place. His desire to get back to his Omega defeated the pain caused by the hot bullet that nested inside his belly.

He found his car behind the bush, the place where he left his car before entered the forest a week ago. Reached the car door, he transformed himself into a human shape and opened the door. He immediately threw himself into the driver seat and reached the ignition to set up the key on it and started the engine.

He pulled up his car, crashing the bush to get out of there and quickly turned to the street near the forest and sped up, leaving the forest and the police who still chasing him. When the police came, his car only left the light from the its back lamps.

“I’m sure I saw it ran here! But now it’s gone!” one of them said.

“Look! The bush seemed like just crashes over!” cried the other one.

Hai.Kuan walked to check the bush. Then he aimed his torchlight on the grassed ground. There were the traces of wheels. Car wheels. He crouched down and touched the footage. He tilted his head, thinking of something.

“This car wheels footage is still very fresh. I think the sound of the engine was came from the car that just fled…..” Hai Kuan thought.

While his boys were sweeping the area and arguing, he looked around to find the other evidence. He  saw the blood that drip dropped on the grass.

“The wolf got shot. It’s injured…. But who is that the one who drives the car off?” Hai Kuan still talked in his thought. He took one piece of the grass that got the blood stain on it and put it inside a ziplock bag.

Hai Kuan stood up and turned to his boys who still bickering.

“Let’s go! We have shot the wolf. It won't harm the people in the area. It’s injured. Let's go back to the department…!!” said Hai Kuan.

“Are you sure,  Sir?” asked one of them.

Hai Kuan nodded. He pointed at the grass that stained by blood with his torch light.

“But who’s the person who driving and crashing the bush?” asked the other one after they checked the blood on the grass.

“They must be the wolf’s owner!” cried his friend.

“Do you mean someone pets the wolf?” the other one scowled.

“Could be, right?” replied his friend.

“Who will pet a wolf? Do you think they expect to be eaten by their own pet?” Snorted the police.

“We’ll find out later. Let's go!” said Hai Kuan,  interfered the two bickering.

Hai Kuan walked away before his men started to bicker again.

Night has ripened. The moonlight that started to tilted to the west shone the areas it could touch. The howling sounds came from the dark and silent forest, shutting the other night’s animals that were cheerfully calling each other.

The black Audi sport car flashed breaking the dawn  that started to come up, waiting for the sunrise to push it down behind the horizon.

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