Thirty-Fifth Trouble

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Bo came into the house in panic. He passed Sean who was sitting on a lazy chair near the window without greeting him. He would usually always give Sean a peck or two whenever he came home.

Sean who noticed it only watching him in silence. He saw Bo ran upstairs and there was noise from their room. The sounds of the wardrobe door being slid open and something heavy being thrown on the parquet made Sean furrowed his brows.

Sean got up and walked upstairs to see what is happening inside the room.

"What are you doing?" Asked Sean when he saw Bo was packing some essential things into a small suitcase.

Bo turned his head to Sean. He grabbed Sean and gave him a tap kiss on his lips then busy again with his matters.

"I'm sorry, Baby...! But we need to leave the house now. Ray is waiting for us in the forest...!" Said Bo.

"But why? Why do we need to leave? Don't you remember if I'm very close to the due date?" Sean frowned. He touched his blotted belly.

Bo stopped whatever he was doing. He looked at Sean, then to his belly.

"That's why....!" Bo said. "That's why I'm packing what you will need during and after delivered the baby.  You'll deliver the baby in the pack's village....!"

"What? No!" Cried Sean.

"Sean, please.... We need to go immediately...!"

"But why? Do you want your child becomes a part of the pack? I won't give it to them! It's my child!"

"That's not what I mean, Baby...! We're not safe here. And if you give birth here, I'm scared if thing gets worse than I expected...!"

"Just tell me why, Bo!"

Bo stared at Sean. His eyes shone the worrisome. He heaved a sigh.

"I'm exposed," said Bo.

"Exposed? What do you mean?" Asked Sean.

"My data on the dark web has leaked. Someone has exposed me there. They even revealed my real name and face. Now I'm on the police most wanted list....!"

"But... How can it be? I thought the data in the dark web is more secured...!"

"Someone has leaked it. And I have met some of the clients in person... Maybe any of them who has grudge on me took the revenge....!"

"Aish!" Sean scratched the back of his head.

"Now no time for talking. Snap, Sean! We need to go now! Hurry!"

Bo grabbed Sean's hand and dragged him out.

"Wait!" Cried Sean, released himself from Bo's grip.

Bo frowned. Sean ran to the cabinet and took his favorite Cannon camera. Bo gushed.

"It's precious. Because of this camera we have met...!" Said Sean, grinning.

Bo gushed and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever...!" Muttered Bo. He picked Sean's hand and dragged him again.

"Bo! You're dragging a pregnant boy....!" Cried Sean, when they were running down the stairs

"So what do you want? Want me to carry you?" Asked Bo.

"No need. But can you slower down?"

"I can't. Police is on their way here....!"

Sean frowned and huffed. He glared at Bo and puckered his lips. But Bo was eventually ran slower.

They got into the car that Bo parked in front of the porch.

"Buckle up, Babe...!" Said Bo, started the engine.

"Urgh! My bloated belly makes the seatbelt becomes shorter....!" Grumbled Sean, struggling to pull the strap over his belly.

Bo glanced at Sean's belly and shook his head. He kicked the accelerator pedal and brings the car away from his house.

"You don't need to buckle up your belly, Sean...! Just pull the strap over your chest...! You can choke the baby if you do that....!" Said Bo when he saw  Sean still struggling with the strap.

Sean turned his head to Bo and he stared at Bo who seemed doesn't bother it.

"Owh?" Sean mumbled. Then he pulled the strap over his chest. "You're right!" He said.

"You always able to make a comedy even in the crisis situation...." Mumbled Bo.

"Well! I'm funny! I'm Stephen Chow's next generation!" Cried Sean.

"Stephen Cow...!" Bo muttered.

"Heyy.... He's a legend....!" Scowled Sean.

"Legend of stupidity...!"

"Don't say that! He's very success to make people laugh with his stupidity....!"

"So? Are you stupid, as well?" Bo chuckled.

"La  yu!"

"No, thanks. I don't like spicy food...!"

"I wish my baby won't follow your trait. I keep eating chilly until just now...!"

Bo glared at him. “Wolves don ‘teat chilly….” He mumbled

"So Hai Kuan Ge also knows about you now..." Sean muttered, ignoring Bo’s complaint.

"I guess so. I heard from Yu Er. She has an informant from the police department...!" Said Bo.

"Actually, what is your mother working as?" Asked Sean.

"Ray told me, she was a scientist before my father brings her to live among the pack...!"

"Do you think Kuan Ge knows that you are a do-, I mean.... A werewolf, too?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe. Maybe not. But I think he supposed to have the suspicion now....!"

Sean shut his mouth. He remained silent for some moments. Bo glanced at him every now and then, a little wander with his silence.
Bo just kept silent too. He didn’t want to disturb the boy. He looked tired, anyway. And he was right. When he turned to see Sean again, he found Sean has asleep. Bo smiled. He touched Sean’s cheek and caressed it gently.
The journey took a silent road. There’re not a lot vehicles passing by the road as it has entered the secluded place. On the both side of the road were the thick forest, and sometimes alternated by the savannah.

"Are you ok?" Asked Bo when he saw Sean woke up.

"Huh? Yeah! I'm ok....!" Sean startled. He stretched his hands and groaned.

“Where are we?’ Sean asked and looked out of the window.

“Still far away. You can go to sleep again…!” replied Bo.

“Uhh… I’m fine. I had enough sleep….” Sean mumbled. He sunk his back into the backrest.

Bo glanced at him.

"Do you regret that you have met me and together with me?" Asked Bo.

"What are you saying? I love you. I have no regret to get together with you. You're my happiness....!"  Said Sean. He was a bit taken aback by Bo’s question which he thought weird.

"But I have made your life in chaos and ruined it...!"

"What ruin? You never ruin my life, ok?  If I never meet you, maybe now I still running around in the street, snapping the photos to sell to the news and gossip's  agencies, receiving their demands so I can get a higher price. If I never meet you, I don't think I will get pregnant and carry your baby....!"

Bo glanced at Sean and smiled faintly. He grabbed the back of Sean's neck and pulled him closer.

"I love you, Baby....!" He said. Then he kissed Sean's lips.

"Bo! Watch out!!' Sean screamed after two seconds they kissed.

The sound of a car honking from the opposite direction snapped their attention. A car came from the other side toward their car. Bo slammed the steering wheel to the roadside to avoid the crash, while the other car took another side.

And they're save. They didn't have the car crash. But Bo has crashed a big tree on the roadside, and it makes his car has a serious damage condition with it cap crushed and the engine was dead.

"Oh! Godamnit!" Bo cursed and hit the steering wheel.

Lucky Bo didn't crash the tree too hard, so the damage was only in the car's cap and engine. The windshield wasn't broken and they didn't hit themselves on the dashboard, too. The air bag were not pop up.

"Are you okay, Baby?" Asked Bo, check on Sean's condition.

"Yeah..." Sean hissed.

"The baby?" Asked Bo. He touched Sean's belly.

"Nothing happened. Nothing happened...!" Replied Sean.

Sean unbuckled his seatbelt that become tightened after the shook.

"Let's get out...!" Said Sean. He opened the door and climbed out.

Bo followed Sean to get out of the car. He rushed walks toward Sean and grabbed him.

"I'm sorry... I should have to control myself....!" Said Bo, regretted his action.

"It's ok.... It's not your fault only...." Replied Sean.

Bo caressed Sean's cheekbone. He was very worried with his condition. He turned his head to the car.

"Now we don't have car anymore...." Said Sean.

"Yeah...." Replied Bo. His eyes wandered at the street. The forest where Ray would waited for them was still far away. It would take about 2 more hours to get there.

"You can have a lift with us....!"

Suddenly there was a voice between them. They turned to the voice came from. A woman and a man walked approaching them.

"Tang Wei...." Bo hissed.

Sean glanced at Bo hearing Bo mentioned a name.

"Do you know her?" He asked to confirm.

"Ahh... Yeah... We stayed at the cabins when we were little...!" Replied Bo.

"We're very close when we were kids....!" The woman said.

“Not very close. Only good friends…!” corrected Bo.

The woman looked unhappy with Bo’s words, buy she didn’t say anything.

"Ahh... Hahaha.... Ok!" Said Sean, laughed awkwardly.

The woman glanced at Sean's belly that popping up. She furrowed her brows.

"You need to exercise more...!"  Said Tang Wei, pointed at Sean's belly.

"Huh?" Sean was dumfounded.

"Be wise with your words...." Hissed Bo, hugging Sean by his shoulder.

"He's pregnant, Tang Wei....!"  the man who was with Tang Wei butt in.

"Oh?  Can he?" Tang Wei raised one of her brows.

"He's an Omega... I can scent him. Can't you?" The man glanced and stared at Tang Wei.

Tang Wei didn't answer. She has lost words to answer because she was unable to scent Sean at all as one of them. She never thought that Sean was a hybrid. She always thought that Bo wants to get a human.

"He's special. Not anyhow people can scent him....!" Said Bo.

Tang Wei let out an awkward chuckle.

"Where are you going? Since your car can't be used, we can drive together....,!" Said the man, breaking the awkwardness between them.

"We're going to the opposite direction....!" Said Bo.

"Owh?" The man looked at the direction meant by Bo. Then he turned his gaze back to the couple.

"It's alright! We can go back there!" Said the man, smiled at them.

Bo stared at the man. He didn't smell any danger that could harm them from the two of them. So, he was agreed. After all, he needs to get to the forest where Ray waiting for them to get Sean's due date. Sean and their baby's safety is his priority.

"Ok," replied Bo.

"Then, it's settled...!" The man clapped his hands.

"Thank you so much....,,!" Said Sean.

"It's ok. Assume it as our apologize for make you had the crash....!"  Replied the man, smiled.

Sean smiled. He was feel funny with the man who seems having a feminine side. If he came from a pack, he was guessing that the man must be an Omega.

They went to the man's car. Bo settled Sean into the backseat.

"I'll get our stuff inside the car first!" Said Bo.

"Xingchen! Let me drive!" Said Tang Wei.

The man looked at her. Then he shrugged his shoulders and threw the car key to her. Tang Wei caught the key then she slid into the driver seat. The man took a seat at the front passenger seat.

Tang Wei started the engine. She glanced at Bo who was taking out something from the car boot. Then she pulled the gear stick, drove the car backward, then she hit the accelerator pedal and drove off in a high speed.

The man who was sitting on the passenger seat hadn't even closed the door or buckled himself. He was thrown to the side and quickly closed the door.

"What are you doing?? His husband is still there!!" Cried the man.

"Hey! Put me down here!  I don't want to go without Bo!" Shouted Sean.

"You both shut up and follow my instruction!!" Tang Wei yelled. She glared at the man and Sean. Her eyes turned red and his expression also scary.

"You! Disgusting human! You better shut your mouth! Or else, I will shred the fetus inside you into the thin cuts!" Growled Tang Wei.

Sean flinched. His shoulder shrunk in fear. He immediately hugged his belly.

"Don't hurt my baby. He's innocent...! Bo wants this baby badly...,!" Said Sean.

"Good! So you can shut up now!" Tang Wei smirked. The short fangs shown when she was smirking.

Sean pushed his back on the backrest. His eyes didn't leave the woman, as if he wanted to make a hole on her back. He was in fear. He was only merely an ordinary boy with a simple thought. He saw that those people as good guys, but who knows suddenly turned to be evil like this? He still unable to adjust with the hybrid's world. They look like human, but still, they are not human. There are evil and good power within them, and Sean was unable to distinguish which power do they have within.

Sean shrunk at the backseat and only could pray that he and his baby will be alright and Bo will come to save them.

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