Twenty-Eighth Trouble

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Twenty-Eighth Trouble

It has been a week since Bo left. Sean’s condition was getting better. But now he was worried for Bo's whereabouts. He was unable stayed connected to him. Bo's phone was dead. Ray only visited him twice for not a long time, and he didn’t pick up the calls, nor returned the messages. These things made Sean even worried.

“Sean! Eat first!” Zhuo Cheng pushed the plate, Sean’s portion on the table.

Sean sighed and pushed the plate back to Zhuo Cheng's side.

'Oh! Come on, Sean! You need to eat…!” Scowled.Zhuo Cheng.

“I can’t….!” Sean shook his head.

Zhuo Cheng glanced at Sean’s belly that grew bigger. It’s the 29th days of his pregnancy, and his belly was popped up already. Well, Sean was pregnant to pup, anyway, not a human. Err… half human.

‘If you don’t  want to do it for yourself, at least do it for your pu-baby!” said Zhuo Cheng.

Sean glares at Zhuo Cheng. Then he heaved a sigh again. Then he turned his gaze at the plate of food. He pulled the plate and picked the fork that laid on it with the spoon. Zhuo Cheng felt relief. He watched Sean eating. Sean was gradually eating the food. He would play first with the food on the plate, then poked it with fork and put it a bit into his mouth.

“Why Bo gone for so long?” Sean mumbled.

“Bo is not going for the office business trip, Sean… He went to seek the help to fight the beasts that could harm you….!”said Zhuo Cheng.

“But he's going to be a dad. And he doesn’t know it….!” Sean muttered.

Zhuo Cheng didn’t answer. He felt pity for the boy. He was still so young and cheerful. But he has to dealt with the hybrid life just because he fell in love with one of them. And now he even experiencing a thing that impossible would happen to him as a human. Pregnant of a pup.

Zhuo Cheng choked to the water he was drinking by thinking about that.

“What is wrong with you?” cried Sean. He hit Zhuo Cheng’s upper back lightly.

“I'm fine! I'm fine!” said Zhuo Cheng.

“Why don’t You go to work?” Sean asked.

“How to go to work? I have you around….!” Replied Zhuo Cheng.

“Tch! I'm not a baby for you to look after….!” Sean gushed.

“You are! You are going to have a baby. And you can give birth at any time!” cried Zhuo Cheng.

“Aiya! My pregnancy is only one month old…! How can I give birth so soon?” retorted Sean.

“But you’re pregnant of a baby wolf, not a baby human,ma? And I don’t know how long is a wolf pregnancy span life…!” Zhuo Cheng scowled.

“Wey! I'm a human! Not a wolf, Jerk!” Sean yelled.

“But inside your belly is wolf, ma?”

“It’s not a wolf. Look! I'm a human, and Bo is a hybrid. He is half human...!”
“And half wolf…”

“Ish! Shut up! My baby has more human's trait then the wolves…! So, he will be a human, too!”

“it has turned you into a human Omega! Don’t forget that!”

“What the fuck?? It’s not because of the fetus!’


“It because I love Bo…!” Sean grinned.

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