Thirty-Third Trouble

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Thirty-Third Trouble

Peggy went to pick Ah Jiang up from his school. Since Hai Kuan was busier with the recent cases and Sean moved in with his boyfriend, Peggy would send and pick up her son.

“Mama!’ Ah Jiang ran toward his mother.

Peggy smiled waiting for him. Ah Jiang held her hand and then they walked to Peggy's scooter that parked outside the school gate.

“How's your school today?” Asked Peggy, breaking the silent between them.

“Uhh… Good…!” Replied Ah Jiang.

“What’s with “uh” just now?” Asked Peggy again.

“Nothing. I just missed Sean Jiu Jiu….!” Said Ah Jiang.

“Ah Jiang… Mama told you already, right?” Peggy sighed. She released Ah Jiang's hand to unstand the scooter.

“If Jiu Jiu got married, why can't he visit us?” asked Ah Jiang.

Peggy glanced at the little boy. She climbed on the scooter and invited her son to climbed on the front of the scooter. Ah Jiang sat before his mother.

“Maybe when he’s getting better, he’ll come to visit us….!” Said Peggy.

“Is Jiu Jiu sick?”

“Sort of…. Now stop talking. We're going already….!” Said Peggy, turned the key on the ignition and bring her scooter crawling into the street.

They silent all the way long. Peggy was busy with her thought. After Ah Jiang asked her about his Uncle, her mind somehow went to the evening when she met Sean for the first time after 4 months they separated. Peggy felt a little bit strange with  Sean's appearance. His chubby face was insignificant as he was being fat as his own. She knew Sean well, that even if Sean put on weigh, his face would become chubbier but not his stomach. That night, Peggy could sense something wasn’t right.

“Mama! Why are you taking this way? It’s not our way home!” cried Ah Jiang, brought Peggy back to her sense.

Peggy turned her focus to the way she took. Ah Jiang was right. It wasn’t the way to their house. Peggy had no idea where it was. She looked around. She was unfamiliar with the area. She didn’t know if she had moved further from her home.

“Ahh… Let’s just turned back….!” She said.
It was a boulevard that separated the houses with the houses at the opposite. Look like an elite residence, but not so elite. The houses seemed limited, about 20 or 30 houses only. And the boulevard seemed empty. Only one or two cars passed by. She didn’t realize that she had went in too far into the unknown residential.

She turned her bike around, to go back to the main road she came from. But she halted when her eyes glanced at the furthest house in the area. The house a little distanced alone than the other houses. But that wasn’t what catch her attention. It was a person who just came out of that house.

She froze when she recognized the person.

“Bo….” She hissed under her breath.

She saw Bo walked out of the house, wore a white tunic and wide leg pants. And she was shock more when she saw another man, came from behind the house.. But his belly looked bloated. The first man hugged him dearly by shoulder and kissed his forehead.

“It can’t be….” Peggy whispers with a trembled voice.

“Mama! Look! Sean Jiu Jiu!’ cried little Ah Jiang, pointed at the men at the said house.

Peggy startled. She turned her gaze at the little boy.

“No.  That’s not Sean Ju Jiu! She’s a woman. See? How beautiful she is…!” said Peggy.

“But Sean Jiu also beautiful!” retorted Ah Jiang.

“But she is a woman! Sean Jiu is a man. And that woman is pregnant now….!” Peggy quickly turned her bike around and immediately fled from the place.

Peggy felt she has a mixed feeling. At one side she was glad that Sean was ok, and Bo seemed adores him so much. And at the other side, she was worried about Sean’s condition. She met Sean almost three weeks ago, and she already noticed that something strange had happened. She was able to see that Sean was having the pregnancy symptom.

Does the male pregnancy exist in this world?

Peggy couldn’t think straight about this matter. And she just saw that Sean’s belly was getting bigger, and how Bo loves him was just the same as Hai Kuan when she was pregnant of Ah Jiang. She wanted to approach them in that house, but she was afraid that Ah Jiang won’t be able to keep his mouth shut. He will tell his father, for sure, since Hai Kuan often talk about Sean who disappeared. After all, Peggy wanted to protect her only brother. She didn’t want him became a suspect or witness in the police’s most wanted list.

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Bo approached Sean who was leisuring on the garden chair in the backyard at their house that afternoon. Bo hugged Sean’s neck from behind while sniffing his scent. Sean looked up and saw Bo who was shut his eyes, enjoying the fragrant that released by the Omega.

“Does your wound get better?” asked Sean.
Bo didn’t answer promptly. He nuzzled his nose on Sean’s crook and sucked it a little bit. He breathed out when he feels got enough scenting his mate.

“Let’s go to the town. Having a stroll….” Said Bo.

Sean looked at Bo.

“What?” Bo scowled.

“The cops are searching for you….” Said Sean.

“So?” Bo raised his eyebrows.

“They will capture you if they see you around….!” Replied Sean.

“Hhhh….” BO sighed. “They can catch me but can’t imprisoned me. Trust me! They have no evidence for the murders that occurred recently. Because I didn’t do it. I’m sure the method they kill those people also different as mine. I never had any contacts with the victim’s bodies, not even the gloved hands. And I’m sure they did….!” Said Bo.

“But how about the previous murders?” asked Sean.

Bo stared at Sean. His face slightly frowned.

“Sean, Baby…. You know the cops didn’t get any evidence. They can’t even trace my blood as mine as it belongs to the wolf…!” said Bo. “When I’m in wolf’s form, my blood is pure werewolf. I got no idea why does it change, too. So don’t ask me why.”

Sean turned his head to the garden that he plants with flowers and herbs. He bobbed his head up and down. Then his gaze dropped on his big belly. He looked up again at Bo.

“How about this?” asked Sean.

“You can wear a dress…!” replied Bo, snorted..

“Don’t laugh!” Sean retorted. He glared at his mate. “It’s because of you, after all…!” he grumbled, and averted his gaze at the garden again.

“It’s your fault for having a womb inside you…!” said Bo.

“How about my scent? You said my pregnancy scent is stronger than my heat…!” asked Sean.

“My scent will cover yours, Baby…. You are with me now, your bounded mate…!” said Bo, full of confident.

“Uuh… Fine. I also can’t take it, growing mushroom everyday….” Mumbled Sean.

“Is it the mushroom?” asked Bo, teased his mate. He rubbed Sean’s belly.

Sean glared at him. Bo smiled sheepishly at him.

“No! These are the mushrooms!” Sean retorted. He pointed at his “breast”.

“Those are also mine!” said Bo, grabbing Sean’s busts.

Sean startled. He slapped Bo’s hands away.

“Don’t touch it, Damnit!” Sean screamed.

“I like you with those boobs, babe…!” said Bo.

“Well! You might have to find a female rather than a male, then…!” Sean huffed.

“But I only like you….!” Bo pouted.

“Aye! Since when you learn to pout?” cried Sean.

“Why?” Bo was startled and pulled his facial back to his usual straight expression.

“So cuteeee…..!” Sean pulled Bo’s chubby cheek.

“Stop it! I’m not cute! How dare you call a werewolf cute?” Bo made a protest.

“One and only….!” Said Sean, giggling.

“Ish! Enough! Are you going out or no?” asked Bo.

“I’m in!” cried Sean. He got up from the chair.

“I’ll get the car ready…!: said Bo.

“Alright. I’ll get change first….!” replied Sean.

Bo and Sean were already in the city. Sean was wearing an oversize tunic to hide his bloated belly and breast. He tried to walk as usual. Thanks to his tall figure which made his pregnancy couldn't be exposed by the people who look at them. He just looks like a tall guy which a little bit chubby.

Beside him was Bo who was enjoying his ciiggy. The smoke flying around them, made Sean let out small cough every now and then.

“Is my ciggy bother you, Babe?” asked Bo, turned to Sean.

“Very….! Sean grumbled and rolled his eyes.

“Sorry,” said Bo. He walked to a nearest dust bin at the side of pavement and smashed the ciggy butt on the metal tray on it.

Sean watched him a few steps away.
The pavement waw busy with the people who passed by back and forth. The pavementt was full of people who walked in rush as it was the time where the workers are heading home after a linyg day worked.

“Oh!” Sean gasped when someone brushed his shoulder against him. Sean was okay and uninjured. He only took a step forward to balance his weight.  The man who just brushed him, turned to him.

‘I-I am sorry….!” Said the man, slightly bowing at Sean to apologize.

“It’s ok. It's ok. I'm fine….!” Said Sean,  touched the man shoulder.

Suddenly someone grabbed his hand and yanked it off of the man’s shoulder. Bo looked at the man with fierce gaze and a snarl escape between his gritted teeth.
The man was taken aback and his face looks shook. He took two steps backward while staring at Bo who had a scary expression.

“Don’t touch him…..” Bo hissed.

“Tch! Bo! Stop it! You scare him!” Sean warned him.

But Bo ignored him. He still gazing at the man with fierce eyes.

“I-I… I didn't mean to crash him!” cried the man.

“Can’y you see him? He's so tall! And big? His belly is big! His boobs also big!” shouted Bo.

Sean widened his eyes hearing Bo's words. He yanked Bo's shoulder and glared at him. From that time he knew Bo was scaring the man. And teasing him.

“Asshole! Shut up! Stop blathering!” Sean retorted.

Bo snorted.

“It’s not funny! Stop laughing already!” Sean scolded Bo. Then he turned to the man.

“And you! Why are you still her If you don’t dare to fight him, go away already! You’re men so unbelievable!” Sean shouted at the man.

The man flinched. He was shock with Sean's sudden mood changing. One minute ago, he thought Sean was a gentle and kind hearted man. But now he locks more like  woman who gets her period.

The man quickly stepped backward before he turned around and fled from the scene. He walked while rubbing his nape in confusion.

“Geez… I thought the tall man was just a sweet chubby boy. It turns out he’s more vicious. It reminds  me of my wife. Whenever she got pregnant, she'll behave like the tarantula deity. Seducing but dangerous when she gets mad….” the man mumbled to himself.

While behind him, Bo still snorted watching Sean who sulking.

“He is more scared of you, Babe….!” Said Bo.

“Shut up! Do you want to expose me to the public??” Sean retorted.

“Stop throwing tantrum. It’s not good for the pup inside your belly….! Let’s go! Aren’t you hungry?” Bo grabbed Sean's wrist and dragged him to leave the place.

From across the street, there were two bulky men were watching the whole scene that just happened.

“Inform Boss. Ma Chuan's son has back to the town….?” Said one of them.

The other man nodded. He fished out the phone from his black ripped jeans' pocket and dialed a number. The first man turned back his attention to the two lovebirds at the other side of the bustle street. His facial was remained straight, as if there was no emotion on it.

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