Sixth Trouble

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The smell of food being cooked flying around in the cabins near the wood. The people around the cabin's residents who mostly are the hunters had escaped into the wood or canoeing throughout the river. And this wasn't missed by the small cabin.

Bo came out from the small room underground. His mother had opened the metal bar that used as the blocker to block the steel door. Bo looked in a big mess. His hair was disheveled and dread. There were the scratch marks all over his body. The dried tears still remained on his face.

His foster mother looked at him with a sad eyes. Bo stood up in front of her. His mother caressed his cheek.

"Why don't you get someone to vent your rut?" Asked his mother.

"I only see humans around me. I can't do it to them. They'll die if I use them...!" Replied Bo.

Bo might be an assassin. But he had no intention to kill a human for using them during his rut. He was a killer for money. He can just go to the forest and find the omegas or betas to be mated. But he didn't want to lose control marking the mate which he didn't want to spend his life with.

His mother smiled painfully. She looked away and bobbed her head.

"Fine... Go clean yourself. Then eat first before you go again....!" His mother said. Then she went upstairs.

Bo still stunned on his spot. He looked at his body that full of scratch marks, and some bite marks on his arms. He rubbed his chest and tilted his face to the ceiling with closed eyes.

"I need him... I wish he's my Omega...." Hissed Yibo.

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Sean!! Can you send A Jiang to school?" Peggy's high pinch voice screeching in the house.

Sean who still laid on his stomach in his bed groaned. He flipped over and wiped his mouth that let out the drool. His eyes fluttered, refused to open.

"Sean!!" Peggy screamed and opened Sean's room door.

"I'm sleeping!!" Sean replied without opens his eyes.

"Sleep your ass!"

Peggy grabbed the glass on Sean's table and splashed the water inside it on Sean's face. Sean gasped and got up abruptly. He rubbed his face and looked at his wet shirt. Then he looked up at his sister who standing like a teapot.

"Jie! How bad you are to your Didi...!" Sean frowned and made a protest.

"Stop complaining and send my son to the school. Now?" Said Peggy.

"Why didn't Kuan Ge sending him, instead?" Asked Sean, grumbling.

"He went to the crime scene since 6..!" Replied Peggy, putting back the glass on the table.

"Crime scene?" Sean mumbled. "What crime scene?" Asked Sean, curious.

"There is a dead body dumped in the offshore...!" Replied Peggy.

"Shotgun?" Asked Sean again.

"I don't know! Snap, Sean! A Jiang can be late to school if you keep asking!" Screamed Peggy. She stormed out of the room.

Sean was still in a daze. He was wondering if the assassin has back in action.

"He's back...." He hissed. There was a slight happiness in his sparkled eyes.

Sean got up to wash his face and change before he send his nephew to school.

Sean didn't straight away back home after he sent his nephew. He rode his scooter to the offshore. He saw there was a crowd in one corner of the beach. He left his scooter before the sand and walked to reach where the crowd was.

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